Anyone tried this betting strategy?

Naddo 21

New Member
OK, I know this sounds crazy, but...

I've been thinking alot about betting strategy of late against the probability of win/loss progression of hands played and actually think this system may make some sense. Will need to practice and experiment alot with it on the simulator to see if it holds up, but please consider this idea and let me know what you all think. Math isn't my strong point and I know this runs contrary to everything we do and have been told.

My idea is to try betting in min units on wins: 2-2-1-1-1...
and on losses: 2-3-4,(or max), always leaving table after losing 4th hand.
So, is my idea crazy insane or am I on to something?!

I must admit, I'm a complete beginer so I may be missunderstanding something obvious to you seasoned vets out there.
Please let me know what you think,

Thanks and 'good hunting!'

sir losealot

New Member
you asked...

I know for a fact that if you have to leave the table then you are not playing with a winning strategy unless you are leaving the table to avoid heat from the pit boss.
Keep practicing your strategy,.hopefully with play money until you can sit at a table infinitely and always see your bankroll increase.
Once and if you discover the holy grail then you will see all things....long losing streaks and long winning will go through peaks and troughs....during the peaks you will win just a little more than what you lost in the that point you will be drinking from the grail.....and then you can let us all know how you do it.
Maybe there is a way other than card counting to beat the odds.
If so, i think that it will change the games completely, since such knowledge in one persons power is scary to the operators but the same information in the hands of the masses is a death blow to the operator.

If someone could teach you how to beat the game how much would you be willing to pay?
If you did discover the holy grail would you give it away?
How would you market the golden eggs without killing the goose? :cool2:

Naddo 21

New Member
The Grail Quest cont...

Ah, Sir Losealot, I thank you for your words of wisdom. As suspected, I now see the error of my ways.
I had a feeling a push on losing hands system was crazy, going against all logic, throwing the delicate yin/yang cosmic balance off kilter, with the possiblity of throwing the Earth off it's axis and tearing a hole in the very fabric of space itself!
Well, it made sense to me at least for a few minutes around 3am at the culmination of anouther sleepless night on the strategy trainer!
Hope all you vets out there at least get a good laugh out of this, like I said I'm a complete beginner, simply enjoying trying to consider all the possibilities before I take on the casinos again, really for the 1st time with any basic strategy to speak of at all.
So what-da-ya think Sir Losealot, are the Templars, Priory, Illuminati, and such the real 'puppet masters' behind the casinos pulling all our strings?!!!
Maybe I'm better off staying at home reading Dan Brown than venturing forth into the 'Den of Evil' again, but I dunno, then again, maybe I'm a Black Jack Gallahad in the making!!!

May you all 'find your Grail'
Sir Naddo, (that sounds like a name for a porn star, doesn't it?!!!)

sir losealot

New Member
could be... count naddo

There you go...
I never heard of templars, illuminati, or priory until now....i just recently returned the copies of angels and demons and the davinci code to the public library without reading them....maybe i should have got past the first chapter.
Thanks to you and the internet i now have a better idea and deeper curiosity of what those groups are.
As far as the casinos pulling our strings....hmm....after going through an evil and wicked losing streak at Grand online...real money yes.....i'm back where you are Naddo....i'm on the engine again and after a couple of thousand hands betting exactly the way i was against the Grand i have yet to see the evil results.....i'll let you know after 20000 hands or so if the results of my betting continue to succeed against the engine.....
Maybe i have the holy grail....and maybe those evil things you previously mentioned are conspiring....and maybe not.
Ken could save us all a whole lot of engine play here and reassure us that the engine is dealing a fair and random result as i am sure that it is.....hmm...could he be one of them :eek:


Staff member
Would you believe me? :D

Actually, there was a bug in the shuffle a while back, but since that is fixed, the game is random. If you're interested in what was wrong with the shuffle before, I mentioned it in a newsletter, so you should be able to find it here:
Blackjack Newsletters

It's interesting though. I get emails from players who believe that the Trainer is rigged to make it too tough on the player. And, I get emails from players who believe that the Trainer is rigged to make the game too easy. It's called luck, and you can count on loads of it, both good and bad, if you play much blackjack.


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
Would you believe me? :D

Actually, there was a bug in the shuffle a while back, but since that is fixed, the game is random. If you're interested in what was wrong with the shuffle before, I mentioned it in a newsletter, so you should be able to find it here:
Blackjack Newsletters

It's interesting though. I get emails from players who believe that the Trainer is rigged to make it too tough on the player. And, I get emails from players who believe that the Trainer is rigged to make the game too easy. It's called luck, and you can count on loads of it, both good and bad, if you play much blackjack.
AMEN! What Ken said. Loads of variance!
This past Sunday night/Monday morning I had a 45 minute streak in which I won back everything I'd lost in the prior 4 days of 12 hour play per day, plus a nice $200 profit! This was on a live table at the Plaza in Vegas!

Naddo 21

New Member
Thanks folks, glad I could stir up some controversy!


I hope I get a good laugh from all of you, as you guy's just crack me up!
I think all these gambling strategies are conspiracy theory, secret society plants on us as their foolish ignorant pawns in their mad game of world domination!
Cheers to Sir Losealot, Ken, and all you others.
The drinks are on me, if I ever do win it big!!!


New Member
About Mr. Pappadopoulos

Maybe his idea works in theory, but in practice Mr. Pappy has lost some $15,000 logged over 100 hours in a casino nearby where I live. That doesn't say much for his work, but perhaps his losses here are isolated.


"A skilled decoy can throw an enemy off your trail. A master decoy can survive to do it again."
BlackDog said:
OK...normally I don't concern myself with betting strats any longer but I couldn't help much time on my hands I guess. I just went through 4100 bucks on Casino Verite using this system. Lost it all quick. So, I would like to know...

1. Your suggested bankroll size to start with.

2. How do you treat pushes?

3. To be sure I am doing this correctly...after you lose 15 then 45 then 135 then you lose 405 do you start back at 15?

4. How do you treat you play the system through it or do you start back at 15 for the new shuffle?

5. Do you have a particular BS chart that you use?

Any other specifics that you think might be important let me know.
For Me
1: A Bankroll of $1000 ($2000 - $2500 would be nice)
2: It Depends on whay you pushed on, I normally double, sometimes I up it 50% for each push, after 4 I revert back to original bet (for sometimes I regret)
3: After losing $135 I would go down a step, depending on the "run"
4: I treat shuffles as a new Game
5:Depends on the rules of the Casino

Happy BJing


New Member
I like this stragedy

I tried this stragedy on the simulator and was very impressed, I bet the six deck game allowing every option to the casinos advantage and only won 42% of the hands, if I had bet the flat $10 bets I would have been down $77 instead I won $78, with a 97% agreement with the coach, thanks for the info I will definetly pickup the book.


New Member
I use this Betting Strategy!

I have George's Tape on this subject. This betting strategy has kept me in the game many times, that's what it is ment to do, to keep you in the game. I have sat @ a $5 table with a $200 to bankroll, played for 1 1/2 straight, lost only 3 hands in a row, came up $150. That's a long time for $150, but I learnd a lot at that one table.

Town Hall

New Member
Hey Little John...

In simulation, I gave this a try. This is what I did, not sure if it was the correct way, but here are my results. Started with $1000. Bet five. won. bet five more. Lost, bet 15, Lost, bet 35, won, and then went back to 5. that was the first go round. I won about 46 per cent of the time using the basic black jack strategy, but inhanced it a bit to included stand and hit stratagies for when the deck goes significantly positive or negative. On a five dollar min bet after 100 hands I was up significantly. (1200+) BUT...without a large bankroll, on a loosing streak, this could be fatal! To do this with real money would call for a bottle of TUMS. I will keep everyone posted.
Town :cool2:

little John said:
I'm new to this site but I've just got to share a betting system that I used to win over $45,000 in just a few days of play. First I should say I'm a pretty new player, and I'd lost alot of money just learning to play. But one night as I was playing an old pit boss stood next to me and said the following. Young man I've been watching you for some time now, and I wanted to complement your play. I fact in all the time I've spent watching you you've not made even one wrong play, however if you don't mind me saying so, you don't have clu one about betting. He then told me he was going to take a break in a few minutes and he wondered if I would meet him outside at that time. So a few minutes later I followed the old gent outside and he told me a little about himself. He said he made alot more money in the players seat than he did on the floor. I never asked him why he didn't play full time. Perhaps I should have. But what he taught me has worked for me at my local casino and also in Las Vegas. The system is a (modified martingale). It's simple and although it requires a bit of guts and fairly full pockets it works. It goes like this. Basic unit times two plus one unit with a cap. Win return to basic unit. $15,$45,$135,$405,$1215. This isn't exactly how I play it for two reasons. First, at my local casino the table limit for the $15 tables is $1000. Second I don't go beyond the fourth bet often, and frankly I don't often need too. Thirdly until I'm up over one thousand I don't make the thousand dollar max bet. Once I'm up $5000 I switch to a $25 table. and the progression is $25, $75, $225, $675, $2000. However I don't make the max bet until I'm up $12,000. One night I walked to the window with $17,000. Many time I've cleared over $5,000. On more than one night I've had hotel security walk me to my room with my pockets stuffed with the casinos money. I've taught this system to players at the table and I've seen more than one person walk away with thousands of the houses money. This system requires one to play for long hours to win. And I must add that seeking to play catch up after a string of losses is almost always a disaster. Two things I can't say to strongly is don't sit down short on cash. And if you find that you've lost three cycles of bets with any one dealer "walk". A cycle is 15 45 135 405 or 25 75 225 675. Thats twelve hands in a row, And I've found that hot dealers don't often cool. Most important is perfect basic play.


Well-Known Member
I played a modified Martingale at a SuperFun21 table last year. I started with $300; and four hours later, I had $4800 in front of me ($4500 in profit). I never bought in again. I just played with what I had won. My series was 5-15-25-50-100-200-500-1000. I made the 1000 bet three times, winning twice. I decided to drop down and start over when I lost the one $1000 wager. I left after losing a $200 bet. So I actually was up over $5000 at one point near the end.



BAMA21 it appears you got lucky. That is what the casinos want. If you keep a record of your wins and losses over time, you may see it diiferently. Martingale is a crazy system, but you just can't stop people trying it.


Well-Known Member
I know; and it is very nerve racking when you get up to the bigger bets too. I have since modified my methods a bit to mitigate the risk of a big loss. I have been pretty successful for the most part. On a subsequent trip to Vegas I went with $800 to play and doubled it. I went on a cruise with $100 to play, and came back with a $500 profit. And I took $800 to an Indian casino and came home with $1700 in profits ($2500 total). My lone losing trip was to New Orleans, where I droped $400. I've had some down sessions on that Vegas trip and on the cruise ship; but I feel I have taken a lot of the negative risk out of the system I'm using, while still giving myself a chance to profit.


Well-Known Member
BAMA21 said:
I know; and it is very nerve racking when you get up to the bigger bets too. I have since modified my methods a bit to mitigate the risk of a big loss. I have been pretty successful for the most part. On a subsequent trip to Vegas I went with $800 to play and doubled it. I went on a cruise with $100 to play, and came back with a $500 profit. And I took $800 to an Indian casino and came home with $1700 in profits ($2500 total). My lone losing trip was to New Orleans, where I droped $400. I've had some down sessions on that Vegas trip and on the cruise ship; but I feel I have taken a lot of the negative risk out of the system I'm using, while still giving myself a chance to profit.
Let me be sure I understand this. You are using a negative progression? Oh my friend, if you are, be careful. You definitely are treading on thin ice. That can work for several sessions but eventually you are going to hit a shoe where you are loosing 7 or 8 in a row...may be more. It happens! What were the minimums and maximums (bets) for the tables you play on?

A lot of the $5 tables I've seen have maximums of as low as $100 and others as high as $2000.

In addition, you have to realize that you are laying out a tremendous amount of money to recover lost hand bets and when you do win, you are increasing your profits only marginally at best when you do finally win....assuming that you do finally win before hitting the table max or the extent of your Bankroll.


Well-Known Member
Here are my recent results under various table minimum and maximum configurations:

$5 - $3000

This was the configuration on that original table where I profited $4500 in four hours. I played that same table later the same night and lost $1000 in about two hours, after being up by almost $1000. I played that same table on a later date with a $300 buy-in again, and in about two hours, I had a profit of $600. Another short break-even session later in that trip, followed by two longer sessions, one where I lost $600 and one where I won $650. So on that particular configuration, I have a net win of $4150 on about ten hours of play.

The early sessions there were a straight Martingale as described above. The later sessions were with my modified and more conservative system.

$15 - $500

I played this game for about an hour. It was in the early straight Martingale days; and I was up by about $600 before I ultimately lost my original buy-in of $400. That went pretty much as you described, a bad shoe and htting the table max pretty fast. THat was also the catalyst for the changes I made to the system.

$5 - $500

I had a break-even session on this game. I won about $1000 in two hours and then got a little too reckless and lost it all back in the next hour.

$5 -$300

This was on a cruise ship; and I only had $100 to play. I managed to play about 10 hours or so and come away with a total profit of $500 for the trip. My winning sessions outnumbered the losing ones about 3:1. My best win and worst loss were both around $300.

Actually, I only had two losing sessions; and by far the worst was caused by a single freaky hand. I had $100 bet, got 8-8 against a 6. I split and then re-split one hand. I also doubled down on an 11 that I got on one of the hands. I ended up with $400 riding on hands of 18, 19, and 20. The dealer flipped a ten and then pulled a five out of someplace to wipe out all three hands. I didn't feel like chasing that loss; and would have had trouble with the table limit anyway. So I packed it in for the night, the $400 loss negating the $100 I had won previously, to make a net $300 loss on the evening.

$10 - $1000

I played here with my modified system about a month ago. I had to further tweak the system in play because of the $10 minimum, as opposed to the $5 I prefer to play. I played for four hours, netting a $1700 profit. I made only a couple of bets that were very large ($250 and $500), and those only after locking up decent profits for the session.

I am now using a combination of positive and negative progressions with a sliding scale betting schedule and variable cap that is based on previous session results. As long as the system is working, I play it. When I hit a maximum bet cap, I drop back into a bankroll preservation mode; and then if the table doesn't turn around for me, I excuse myself.

In my limited experience, the biggest enemy I have is my own greed and self-discipline. When I have been winning, I have tended to get more reckless. That has caused me more problems than running afoul of the table maximum or catching a long losing streak.


New Member
power blackjack

Does anyone know anything about Power Blackjack, from Silverthorne Pub.? I like how you all talk about the holy grail. Good way to describe the search.
I hate to waste $60 on yet another system, but it's intriguing, as of course they all are.
Would appreciate any feedback on this system. Also, what simulators are you all using?


Well-Known Member
I am not familiar with that one, although I will probably try to look it up if I have a minute later. I would say that, if it is a progression betting system, I'd try to save my money for playing. I'm not against progressions. I am just against paying big money for information that is otherwise available for free.


New Member
flash training program

Hello Ken,
I am a new member. Is it possible to obtain a copy of this flash trainer software Little John mentions in his posting?

KenSmith said:
Just in case anyone needs reminding, no betting system can change a negative edge game into a positive edge game. Despite any claims to the contrary, all progressions lose money in the long run, equivalent to the house edge times the total money wagered.

In many cases, the progressions do worse, because they may put you in a situation where you don't have enough bankroll left to double and split appropriately. For example, imagine little john gets dealt a pair of 8s with his $1000 bet working. Does he have the bankroll left to put $8000 in play if he makes four hands that should each be doubled?

Progressions may be fun, and they may cause you to be a winner on many of your sessions. But, at the end of many sessions, you'll still lose roughly the same amount as a flat-betting basic strategy player whose bets total the same as yours.