I'm new to this site but I've just got to share a betting system that I used to win over $45,000 in just a few days of play. First I should say I'm a pretty new player, and I'd lost alot of money just learning to play. But one night as I was playing an old pit boss stood next to me and said the following. Young man I've been watching you for some time now, and I wanted to complement your play. I fact in all the time I've spent watching you you've not made even one wrong play, however if you don't mind me saying so, you don't have clu one about betting. He then told me he was going to take a break in a few minutes and he wondered if I would meet him outside at that time. So a few minutes later I followed the old gent outside and he told me a little about himself. He said he made alot more money in the players seat than he did on the floor. I never asked him why he didn't play full time. Perhaps I should have. But what he taught me has worked for me at my local casino and also in Las Vegas. The system is a (modified martingale). It's simple and although it requires a bit of guts and fairly full pockets it works. It goes like this. Basic unit times two plus one unit with a cap. Win return to basic unit. $15,$45,$135,$405,$1215. This isn't exactly how I play it for two reasons. First, at my local casino the table limit for the $15 tables is $1000. Second I don't go beyond the fourth bet often, and frankly I don't often need too. Thirdly until I'm up over one thousand I don't make the thousand dollar max bet. Once I'm up $5000 I switch to a $25 table. and the progression is $25, $75, $225, $675, $2000. However I don't make the max bet until I'm up $12,000. One night I walked to the window with $17,000. Many time I've cleared over $5,000. On more than one night I've had hotel security walk me to my room with my pockets stuffed with the casinos money. I've taught this system to players at the table and I've seen more than one person walk away with thousands of the houses money. This system requires one to play for long hours to win. And I must add that seeking to play catch up after a string of losses is almost always a disaster. Two things I can't say to strongly is don't sit down short on cash. And if you find that you've lost three cycles of bets with any one dealer "walk". A cycle is 15 45 135 405 or 25 75 225 675. Thats twelve hands in a row, And I've found that hot dealers don't often cool. Most important is perfect basic play.