Recent content by Jyn8923

  1. Jyn8923


    What's the honest advantages and disadvantages to teamplay like 5ish ppl or so
  2. Jyn8923

    Player's card(s)

    eh, i have a real harrah's card, which is and isnt a good thing, however i dont worry, i just rely on good cover and casino hopping for different shifts.
  3. Jyn8923

    Report card on AC casinos' BJ-win, as of 10/31/2010

    because he probably has that phrase coined and copyrighted or something like that
  4. Jyn8923

    First time backed off (advice appreciated)

    the end game notion of cover for my experience thus far and my mind is this. act like a total jack ass and bet like a total moron; by a moron i mean dont put up calculated bets, if you want to bet like 175$s make it complicated bet like an odd number like 179.50 use a rainbow of chips to cover...
  5. Jyn8923

    Mohegan Sun doesn't allow splitting of tens

    my buddy and i split tens last night....2 times to a total of 3 hands woO! rah rah cisc boom bah, ty to the ppl at harahs
  6. Jyn8923

    The Heat and The hot table

    the guy was an older gentleman, at one point i started losing (in a good way i was excited)it personally when he had an 8 card draw and didnt bust, then he went for a 9th and busted but none the less that was exciting. It was a fun shoe too, between that splitting 3 tens, a crazy asian guy...
  7. Jyn8923

    What is a ploppy? Let alone other terms

    Well goodevening gents I have to say after reading the new posts I'd like to declare myself a non ploppy because I do play bj on my iPhone every given moment of free time which tracks my plays and stats. Now that been established I would like to profess that my basic strategy is not as has been...
  8. Jyn8923

    What is a ploppy? Let alone other terms

    Ah well for the time being sign me up for ploppy classification
  9. Jyn8923

    The iPhone App is up and running!

    I have 21 pro, and 21 sim, both are aggravating as both are h e an odd tendency to have 10s as hole cards more times than not etc etc the list goes on but my basic strategy is and has become pristine from playing them constantly. Both have card counting, 21 sim is better as it has...
  10. Jyn8923

    Best Card Counting Strategy for Atlantic City Rules

    I have started with Hilo, red 7 and omega 2
  11. Jyn8923

    Best game in AC - 10$ min

    And I'm working on my 10 posts just for this reason because it's evident you know wtf you're talking about granted it's taken me a while busy I am. Anyway he is right, I've been to tropicana there's 15 min early in the night I think it's 8 deck though but the min goes up through te night
  12. Jyn8923

    What is a ploppy? Let alone other terms

    Yah ploppy don't know what that means or what ap means
  13. Jyn8923

    Blackjack Tables that Take Surrendering into Account.

    I Have yet to venture to ac after having practiced as much as I have and learned etcetc, but have this question dwelling in my head as well.
  14. Jyn8923

    Assembling a Bank Roll

    Although I must say I'm new to this world of blackjack, and don't have gobs of money but I'm on a small budget. I'm not trying to make this a career, I live in nj close to ac that expenses aren't a terrible problem, I only want to be sufficient enough to take enough cash to go down, play the...
  15. Jyn8923

    Assembling a Bank Roll

    A truer statement has never been spoken