What is a ploppy? Let alone other terms


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The way I understand "ploppy" is it's your average to lousy player.

AP = Advantage Player.


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Jyn8923 said:
Ah well for the time being sign me up for ploppy classification
What you need is AP101. Note the Blackjack School under Site Features to your right on this screen. Go there, or be square. ;)


Well-Known Member
psyduck said:
AP could also mean Advanced Ploppy.
Nice joke, but Jyn asked a serious question. Don't confuse the issue please.

As far as gambling jargon goes, AP has only ONE definition: Advantage Player. (as BJLFS has already pointed out)


Well-Known Member
One thing is for sure: a ploppy never heard of Basic Strategy-but they fully appreciate "the sacred order of the cards"!:joker:


Well-Known Member
prankster said:
One thing is for sure: a ploppy never heard of Basic Strategy-but they fully appreciate "the sacred order of the cards"!:joker:
I disagree. They know how to play it "by the book", but the book they read must have been written by Dr. Kervorkian.
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Well-Known Member
Their own interpretation of "the book"

To me a plop is anyone who plops in a seat, believes in the sacred order of the cards, pulls hands in or out to change the sacred order of the cards, hits their stiff to take the dealers card, claims to have read every book yet makes several blatant basic strategy mistakes, then when called on their move tells the player it's in the newest book, raises their bet because the dealer just got a blackjack, lowers their bet because the dealer just got blackjack, blames their losses on the new guy that just sat down, stands on their soft 17, stands on their soft 14 because they want to send the bust card to the dealer, doubles on their anything because they can, splits every pair they receive no matter what the dealer shows, etc. etc. etc. I could go on but I'm sure you get my point. The things we do for money...MM:cool:

PS: I add these observations are not on "red" tables...


Well-Known Member
One more thought.

I want to add...THANK GOD FOR PLOPS!!! They allow the rest of us to do what we do. Without them I fear the game of Blackjack would have degenerated even further than it has. Long live the Plops!!!....MM:cool:


Well-Known Member
From the dictionary of gambling..

Thanks Google. I must be bored today. This is from the Dictionary of Gambling...

A term coined by gambling author Frank Scoblete to describe a typical uninformed gambler."

I would assume this is correct as the term dates about twenty years...MM:cool:


Well-Known Member
JohnGalt1 said:
Wasn't the term first used in a book or article by Frank Scloblete?

Yes, he's the one.

I consider a ploppy (or is it ploppie?) to be the player who scolds me for hitting my 12 against the dealer's 2, or hitting my A7, or when I split 9's. The ploppy never hits 15 against a 10. The ploppy always takes even money on blackjacks. They think they know how to play better than everyone. Frankly, I would like to know how they acquired such vast knowledge! If I ask them if they ever studied the game or read a BJ book, the answer is always the same: "Those books and basic strategy cards can be wrong. The authors don't play, they just write books!"


Well-Known Member
What % are ploppies

mathman said:
Thanks Google. I must be bored today. This is from the Dictionary of Gambling...

A term coined by gambling author Frank Scoblete to describe a typical uninformed gambler."

I would assume this is correct as the term dates about twenty years...MM:cool:
What do you think the ratio of ploppies against APs . 1000:1 ?


Well-Known Member
Real AP's or wannabes?

bjcardcounter said:
What do you think the ratio of ploppies against APs . 1000:1 ?
The publicized number is 1% however I think it depends on what area of the country you're playing in. Las Vegas has (from experience) a higher number as compared to other places in the country but I still think 1% is a stretch...MM:cool:


Well-Known Member
bjcardcounter said:
What do you think the ratio of ploppies against APs . 1000:1 ?
professional APs?

I'd say 100000:1

1000:1 sounds right, but 99% of "APs" are wannabes, or are spreading nickels recreationally and pose no threat.

I know a guy who thinks he's a counter, but has the following problems:
- No bankroll, he doesn't bet very big and even then is overbetting what he has
- Loses the count
- I only watched him play for a short while, but corrected him twice on basic strategy plays (both on how to handle soft 18 -- typical ploppy misplays). Now I don't even play blackjack much and I know BS cold.

I've seen hole carders who are sloppy and make errors as well in games with very little tolerance for mistake.

If you play every weekend for years and never get backed off / barred, chances are you're not a real AP. If you're doing it for fun and betting small, nobody cares. If you're a real AP you will have a win rate that poses a threat, and you will be playing often enough where you WILL run into someone who will back you off. Every real AP I've spoken to (and where I've witnessed their play and determined they are a profitable player) has been backed off/barred numerous times.

I only been playing for a few months and I been backed off a couple times already. Once was because of my own stupidity, the other was because of betting/winning at a level that made them sweat (and intending to play the entire shift), and they got really hostile about it.

I would use the following criteria to say whether or not someone is a "real AP":
- Bankrolled well enough to have a ROR < 5%
- Does not play negative expectation games, regardless of reason or BS excuse
- Has a win rate high enough where they will not be tolerated by any casino once their play is made (Does not mean they need to win enough to cause attention at some of the higher end places. By this I mean they'll get tossed out / backed off if the pit already knows what they're doing.). This also covers all other aspects such as discipline. If you're not disciplined then your win rate will be negative.

For a recreational AP:
- Does not play, or plays a VERY limited amount of negative expectation games
- All their play combined against the house has a net positive expectation