I think you got my drift then.21forme said:You'd play an AC game with a 1-8 spread?!
That's suicide with almost any BR.
I think you got my drift then.21forme said:You'd play an AC game with a 1-8 spread?!
That's suicide with almost any BR.
I basically started the same only we started with 6D, S17. Those naturally became 8D, H17. I used the same Wong out of negative counts strategy as well. I've gone so far as leave after the very first hand.KewlJ said:I get the point you are trying to make, but this seems a bit extreme. You don't need 25k to play a $80 max bet.
Anyone familiar with me probably already knows my AC experience. I played 5 1/2 years at low limit before I wore out my welcome. I started with $4300 and played an even smaller spread and stakes than mentioned in this thread, which is why it took me several years to begin to grow my bankroll.
I don't want to rehash those 51/2 years but there are some take-aways related to this discussion. I did not wear out my welcome until I moved up in stakes, spreading green to light black. It has been a decade, so thing may have changed but back then countermeasures were not going to be taken against a player spreading red, like $10-$80 or less. Well maybe if you sat at one table for hours and hours almost forcing action to be taken, but otherwise, not.
For one thing, back then AC was pretty crowded. I don't know how it is today. So back then at $5 and $10 tables there were always 4, 5, 6 players. Since AC can't ban players, if they were to cut the deck (penetration), they are doing 2 things to hurt their bottom line. 1.) reduced penetration means more down time, and less rounds played against those other 4-5 "losing" players. 2.) this same action may piss off those same other 4-5 "losing" players.
So taking any action might just be a cut off your nose to spite your face situation and they most likely just tolerated small level counting (like I was doing at the time), as long as the player wasn't too aggressive or camped out for hours (which I didn't).
Maybe your time in AC was later than I thought.KewlJ said:Actually not for me. H17 took over especially at lower limits just about the time I started, with the exception being Borgata. They remained at S17 for all of my time in AC, which is why that became my home base, and I overplayed which lead to wearing out my welcome.
Good thought, but why would a foreigner be playing AC? Based on his rants, he seems American.DSchles said:I'm taking it that he is not American. Foreigners tend to write it backwards all the time.
About what time do you think H17 began in AC?21forme said:Maybe your time in AC was later than I thought.
KewlJ said:About what time do you think H17 began in AC?
I started my BJ career in March 2004. (time flies when you are having fun) It is possible there were S17 games when I started, but if so the switch over occurred shortly after. Except of course Borgata. All I can say for sure is that for almost all of my career, I have played against H17, so it never bothered me the way it did some of the older players that were used to better conditions. I like to think I grew up with H17, 8 deckers and if you can learn to win with those....
Lucky? Sure I was lucky that I didn't bust out somewhere along the line in my first few years. But on the other hand, I believe the very mediocre games and small bets spreads actually helped reduce variance. Short term variance or swings occurs when you hit a period that you win or lose more of you max bets than expected. My max bet was small in comparison to my minimum bet and the mediocre 75% penetration cut down on those max bet opportunities, so I didn't have a run of losing many in a row. The math guys may challenge this belief, but I truly believe this contributed to that good fortune.Stevel96a1 said:you must be the luckiest man in the world Kooljay you went thru the guantlet, the ringer, the machine and came out alive with double a bankroll and never looked back and continue to clone the clone of the 2nd bankroll yes that is more luck than skill imo,
And this actually worked both ways. While I believe these mediocre games providing fewer max bet situation contributed to me not busting out, it also prevented me from hitting a run of really good variance. And that is precisely why I went along for 2+ years the way I did, able to pay my bills and stay afloat, but not able to grow my bankroll at all. Finally in my 3rd year, I did hit some good variance, better than expected winnings for a few months that finally allowed me to bet a little more and the cycle of growing my bankroll began.KewlJ said:Lucky? Sure I was lucky that I didn't bust out somewhere along the line in my first few years. But on the other hand, I believe the very mediocre games and small bets spreads actually helped reduce variance. Short term variance or swings occurs when you hit a period that you win or lose more of you max bets than expected. My max bet was small in comparison to my minimum bet and the mediocre 75% penetration cut down on those max bet opportunities, so I didn't have a run of losing many in a row. The math guys may challenge this belief, but I truly believe this contributed to that good fortune.
Maybe 2008 or 2009. Back in the late 2000s, I was pretty adamant about avoiding H17 games (unless there were other factors that trumped (no pun intended) that rule), and I don't recall avoiding any place in particular in AC. I hardly ever played Trop (except for their 4D) or Trump Marina, but I don't remember why.KewlJ said:About what time do you think H17 began in AC?
2008 or 2009 isn't right. I was done playing AC in 2009. Bought my first condo in Vegas in November 2009. Traveled back and forth between Vegas and Philly in 2010, but was playing Pa games, not AC when I was on the east coast.21forme said:Maybe 2008 or 2009. Back in the late 2000s, I was pretty adamant about avoiding H17 games (unless there were other factors that trumped (no pun intended) that rule), and I don't recall avoiding any place in particular in AC. I hardly ever played Trop (except for their 4D) or Trump Marina, but I don't remember why.
OTOH, maybe my recollection is off because I was playing a lot of T3's game in the late 2000s because big spreads well so well-tolerated at that time.
Some guys keep their old CBJNs. If any of you are reading this, would you mind looking back at AC games to see when H17 started?
I remember that episode of Las Vegas (one of very few TV shows that I really loved). It inspired me to look up info the storyline. I am guessing the premise of the story is true, but as folk lure tends to do, has grown a great deal over time. Something along the lines of the gentleman ran his SS into 10, 20 thousand, was comped room and food until he lost it all back, seems much more believable to me. And it grew from there.LC Larry said:Speaking of hail Mary, I wonder if there's any truth to the story about the guy who ran one of his social security checks up into millions before losing most of it back? I may not have that completely correct, but it was something similar. It was parodied on the pilot episode of "Las Vegas" with the story being the the guy with the bunny slippers.