6:5 BJ is a Failure


Well-Known Member
Ive been hearing from those in the industry that casinos are moving away from 6:5 because it has been a failure. I'm happy to hear this, but what I don't understand is why it has failed. Are ploppies really that educated that they notice the difference?

The only reasons I can think of are market competition, and the fact that most casinos offer 3:2 just steps away from their "single/double deck" 6:5 tables. If you put $35 or $45 BJ payout right in front of someone obviously they're going to choose the $45.

So what are the reasons it has failed? Have we not given ploppies enough credit?
I'm new to this forum, but figure this is a good time to get involved and pop my cherry.

I will speculate that the reason that 6:5 blackjack is a failure is because typically blackjack players are more intelligent (note, I didn't necessarily say they were actually intelligent) than your average roulette/craps/slot player.

A good percentage of these guys know that 6:5 stink and that they "shouldn't play it because it's bad."

I think you're spot on when players expect to get paid 3:2 and on the first blackjack realize that getting paid 12 dollars on that 10 dollar bet sucks way more and doesn't feel fulfilling than that 15 dollars that they would get at a normal table, which would not support my first reason about intelligent gamblers (but I'm just trying to list reasons). It could be the same reason why Megabucks slot machines are still fairly popular, or the fact that all these longshot bets on table games that pay up to 2000 to 1 in some cases are popular as well. Gamblers love the upside, and don't really consider the downside. If that upside is not good enough for them, they'll move on.

Solo player

Well-Known Member
WABJ11 said:
Ive been hearing from those in the industry that casinos are moving away from 6:5 because it has been a failure. I'm happy to hear this, but what I don't understand is why it has failed. Are ploppies really that educated that they notice the difference?

The only reasons I can think of are market competition, and the fact that most casinos offer 3:2 just steps away from their "single/double deck" 6:5 tables. If you put $35 or $45 BJ payout right in front of someone obviously they're going to choose the $45.

So what are the reasons it has failed? Have we not given ploppies enough credit?
I'm not sure it has failed. I have not seen less of it. Do you have a link to something in print, or is it just some speculation from industry people combined with rumors?


Well-Known Member
In the past year, I've noticed a some stores scrap their 6:5 games in favor of higher-minimum 3:2 games.

However, one is offered by the Evil Empire (complete with their typical rules and pen), and is still not worth it to play.

I do not believe this is the end of 6:5 - it is likely to stick around on non-CSM low table-min games.
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Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
Probably because most of the idiots who play that game only bring $20 with them to lose.
Bingo. If there's any actual hold percentages out there that indicate a loss on 6:5 tables, it's probably because those tables are geared toward low-limit players and are often avoided by semi-knowledgeable and/or old-school gambler types. Both of those groups are big profit pools for the casinos, not the drunk college kids that have $100 to blow playing blackjack. A 3:2 SD table would probably prove more popular with a wider demographic, easily offsetting the extra (gasp) 0.3 of a bet that they'll need to fork over when some kid hits his natural on a $10 wager.
Back after the casino panicked when they discovered card counting worked, they went to 1:1 and that flunked too. Harrah's tried buying up so many casinos and making everything 6:5 so that it would be seen as the norm and 3:2 seen as the deviate game- they just couldn't buy up enough and they were unwilling to make every table in every store 6:5 for fear of it diminishing their brand.


Well-Known Member
Is a compromise possible?

Maybe 5:4 is an idea whose time has come. How about 18:13, or sqrt(3)/sqrt(2)?

There should be some ratio between 6:5 and 3:2 which is mutually acceptable to all parties.

Can't we all just get along?
Friendo said:
Maybe 5:4 is an idea whose time has come. How about 18:13, or sqrt(3)/sqrt(2)?

There should be some ratio between 6:5 and 3:2 which is mutually acceptable to all parties.

Can't we all just get along?
They can drop the 6 to 5, and raise the 2 to 3. We'll play 5:3 BJ. That would be fair.


Well-Known Member
Friendo said:
Maybe 5:4 is an idea whose time has come. How about 18:13, or sqrt(3)/sqrt(2)?

There should be some ratio between 6:5 and 3:2 which is mutually acceptable to all parties.

Can't we all just get along?
Anything less than 3:2 is totally unacceptable!


Well-Known Member
Friendo said:
There should be some ratio between 6:5 and 3:2 which is mutually acceptable to all parties.

Friendo said:
Can't we all just get along?

But please move to Minnesota and run for office. We can use some smart people who are willing to compromise.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
They can drop the 6 to 5, and raise the 2 to 3. We'll play 5:3 BJ. That would be fair.
How about 7:5? It adds about .40%, yet very hard to beat.


bj bob said:
How about 7:5? It adds about .40%, yet very hard to beat.
As long as we are making suggestions how about 3 squared: 2 squared. That sounds good to me. If that doesn't fly how about 4 squared: 3 squared. Hell i will even be happy with 5 squared: 4 squared. Do you think they will buy a difference of 1 squared.:laugh:


Well-Known Member
Friendo said:
There should be some ratio between 6:5 and 3:2 which is mutually acceptable to all parties.

Can't we all just get along?
WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Are you a double agent or plain casino spy?


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Most all HC players are in agreement: 6/5 was the greatest thing to happen to BJ in decades. zg
Unfortunately in AC no hole card is dealt until after everybody plays their hands for their single deck games.


Well-Known Member
from my limited observations, most of the people playing 6:5 games are under the age of 30. If 6:5 hangs around long enough, the next generation of players will probably accept it as the norm.


Well-Known Member
while at mandalay bay last summer i was watching people play a 6:5 game in one of the party pits(mainly i was watching the girl on the pole). There were a couple of seats open so the dealer asked me if i'd like to sit down and play. I told her that i was just wanting to watch plus i didn't like the 6:5 payout on blackjack. Some hot chic sitting there with her boyfriend goes, "what do you mean by that". So i explained it using a $10 bet as an example. She goes, "wow, this is kind of a ripoff and you say there is 3:2 over there some place". I say yes. She tells her boyfriend that they should go over that way. he says, "no, i lost money at this table i will win it back at this table". I can't figure out why hot chics like stupid guys so much. Hopefully he doesn't have a day job as a financial planner.


Well-Known Member
mjbballar23 said:
from my limited observations, most of the people playing 6:5 games are under the age of 30. If 6:5 hangs around long enough, the next generation of players will probably accept it as the norm.
They'll be broke before they become the next generation.