bj bob said:
Unethical?...Boarding on yes
Let me try to explain what Sonny, Shad and Norm are telling you on a more concrete level.
Suppose you're playing a SD $10 min. (3:2). You are counting and your bet spread is $10-$40. You're playing heads-up at 100 hands/ hour. If you're a decent counter with good rules and penetration you should expect to win about $20/ hour (i.e. 2U)and in that hour you would expect 5 BJ's. Now say you go over to the 6:5 table with the exact same speed and spread, your same 5 BJ's will have only paid $60 BJ's, whereas, at the first table you would have received $75. There is a $15 difference right there..almost all of your expected gain. In all probability, since we as counters tend to have larger bets out when a BJ hits, one can safely say that our BJ's would have paid off with an average $20 bet, thus in effect, caused us to lose out on $30, more than the expected profit/ hour.
Hopefully this example puts things into perspective for you. Let me end by saying that the 6:5 garbage is the same thing as counting a grand slam in baseball as three runs. IT'S UN-AMERICAN!!!:whip:
As America has been going of late, it's all too American! But, yes, I agree.
I guess there's no law against changing the rules, and I'd be totally surprised if a court would view 6 to 5 bj as fraud, so I can only hope that the word gets out to the ploppies that the game can't be beat. That should be enough to pressure the casinos back into line.
But counters can't expect the casinos to sit still and let them continue to chip away slivers from their bottom line--and occasionally, chip off a large hunk or two. As long as bj can be beat, casinos will continue to shift the rules around. You know, I think they want to offer a fairly close game, because if none of the games could be beaten, counters, both good and bad, would stop playing completely, and that would hurt their bottom lines a lot.
If I were a casino I would want some bj games to be unbeatable (CSMs, 6:5 blackjack) and some games to be borderline (such as, DD H17, NDAS, mediocre pen, or any game with poor to sometimes decent pen). And that's close to where we're at now. The good games are getting fewer and far between, and what was good on Thursday may be changed on Friday, or the minute you begin betting large sums. I don't think Shadroch has anything to worry about. The casinos are in business to make money and they're doing a pretty good job of it despite our complaints and unheeded suggestions that they'd make more money if they'd just do it our way. lol