About 3rd-base(+story)


Blah. I just had a long post typed 95% to finish, and accidentally bumped the back-button hotkey on my mouse. Now I have to type this out again :X

I like to play DD at the store I go to. 2nd and 3rd base were taken by a couple when I arrived, and taking the seat between them would be weird. I had to take 1st base basically. Well, eventually the 2 left, and after about 2 minutes, 2 others joined the table. Again, I was stuck at 1st base(and generally speaking, my ideal conditions are playing the dealer heads-up but the penetration on this game is very good so I didn't mind playing differently). My question - how do I non-nonchalantly make a move OUT of 1st-base without looking stereotypically suspicious as being labeled a CC? The only thing I could think of would be to go play 6-deck shoe for a few hands, and then come back saying something like "those cards weren't so nice over there so I came back to keep you company" as you smile at the dealer. Then you sit 3rd-base instead of your old seat at 1st. Even further expansion of that idea, if they make an observation of you not sitting in the same seat, just say something like "ahh that seat hasn't been lucky to me yet I need to change it up."

*What would you guys do?

Also, another situation came up; dealer is on 5 or so wins in a row, on a pretty neutral count. I rat-holed some money earlier from a previous dealer coloring me up some, so my money on the table wasn't excessive. Anyway, ploppy to my left sitting in the 2-spot was making friendly banter and talking about the dealer winning 5 in a row. I agreed that it was sillyness, and said I'd rather piss my money away at roulette then watch her deal these shitty hands(I was starting to feel that way, genuinely, but more importantly I felt a little action as the PB watched could only help my image and camouflage any future 'gambles'). I grabbed my chips and asked the dealer if she can hold the spot for a minute or 2; she said yes, but I would need to have at least a $1 chip in front of my seat to show I wanted it held. I acted accordingly, then went to roulette and placed a bet on red. Lost it. Placed another on red, and won. Went back to the blackjack table with some ploppy in my seat(!). I look at the dealer with a WTF look and she says "you can't save a seat if you're going to play another game." I was pissed at that point since every table had become maxed out. The penetration on the DD game was awesome though, that's why I didn't mind playing it 5-players. I said "why'd you say you'd save it for me if you heard me talking about going to roulette?" She acted superior, as she felt more entitled with her seniority because she was 50-60 and I'm early 20's. That pissed me off even more. I felt dis-respected and I'm usually a pretty out-spoken person, but I figured going past that with words over her un-professionalism would not be good for future playing there. So I walked away pissed off(only specifically at this dealer).

*How would you guys have handled this scenario?

The 1 thing that makes me angry about it is that if I had 50 units on the table no punk is taking that seat. But when I take my chips to make an action play as a GAMBLER at a shitty-odds 0 and 00 roulette table, that means I can't come back to play. Regardless when she says my seat is reserved if I have $1 in front of my seat.

*Would any1 make a scene to stay in a huge penetration game, or to basically drop a comment that this dealer is a bitch?

Sorry on the long rant, just wanted some expert advice. Thanks for any advice everyone.
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I move to 3rd base a lot and don't catch any extra heat for it. I have my excuses that I might use but rarely have to. I am not going to share them in an open forum.

As for the other situation I have seen that happen to other people. They usually move to another BJ table when it happens. If you want to wong in place but leave the table use one of the many reasons most people use. Don't use any too often.


Well-Known Member
Re: 3rd Base
First thing you should do is run a sim and see how much difference there is between 1st base and 3rd base. I'm guessing it's not enough to be worth all the thought you're putting into this. If you disagree, and really need 3rd base, just change seats without saying anything. Ploppies don't justify their actions. Neither should we.

Re: Reserved Seat
The dealer was a bit of a jerk, but in their defense, they probably didn't expect you to start playing at another table. Next time, when you wong out, do something besides playing at another table. To be blunt, you made a rookie mistake which doesn't have to be repeated.

Final comment - I hope you left the game because the count tanked, and not because you lost five hands in a row!

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
3rd base can actually be very beneficial on a good penetration pitch game with a full table. Very good for playing decisions on the last round.
IcyM said:
I like to play DD at the store I go to. 2nd and 3rd base were taken by a couple when I arrived, and taking the seat between them would be weird. I had to take 1st base basically. Well, eventually the 2 left, and after about 2 minutes, 2 others joined the table. Again, I was stuck at 1st base(and generally speaking, my ideal conditions are playing the dealer heads-up but the penetration on this game is very good so I didn't mind playing differently). My question - how do I non-nonchalantly make a move OUT of 1st-base without looking stereotypically suspicious as being labeled a CC? The only thing I could think of would be to go play 6-deck shoe for a few hands, and then come back saying something like "those cards weren't so nice over there so I came back to keep you company" as you smile at the dealer. Then you sit 3rd-base instead of your old seat at 1st. Even further expansion of that idea, if they make an observation of you not sitting in the same seat, just say something like "ahh that seat hasn't been lucky to me yet I need to change it up."

*What would you guys do?

Also, another situation came up; dealer is on 5 or so wins in a row, on a pretty neutral count. I rat-holed some money earlier from a previous dealer coloring me up some, so my money on the table wasn't excessive. Anyway, ploppy to my left sitting in the 2-spot was making friendly banter and talking about the dealer winning 5 in a row. I agreed that it was sillyness, and said I'd rather piss my money away at roulette then watch her deal these shitty hands(I was starting to feel that way, genuinely, but more importantly I felt a little action as the PB watched could only help my image and camouflage any future 'gambles'). I grabbed my chips and asked the dealer if she can hold the spot for a minute or 2; she said yes, but I would need to have at least a $1 chip in front of my seat to show I wanted it held. I acted accordingly, then went to roulette and placed a bet on red. Lost it. Placed another on red, and won. Went back to the blackjack table with some ploppy in my seat(!). I look at the dealer with a WTF look and she says "you can't save a seat if you're going to play another game." I was pissed at that point since every table had become maxed out. The penetration on the DD game was awesome though, that's why I didn't mind playing it 5-players. I said "why'd you say you'd save it for me if you heard me talking about going to roulette?" She acted superior, as she felt more entitled with her seniority because she was 50-60 and I'm early 20's. That pissed me off even more. I felt dis-respected and I'm usually a pretty out-spoken person, but I figured going past that with words over her un-professionalism would not be good for future playing there. So I walked away pissed off(only specifically at this dealer).

How would you guys handle this scenario.
Don't over think. If you want to play third base just get up and go. Sometimes the only hindrance to a players play is himself. Just get up say that you have not had good luck sitting "in the first set" and say something like you have only had good luck "in the last". Ploppy language.

Don't worry about the eye in the sky either. Those cameras are just there for looks and fun like looking down the shirts of busty blondes and betting which drunk falls out of their seat or misses it first. They aint worried about a guy that changes seats every five seconds. You really think they are worried about a play-all player itching to get the best possible seat and having a betting pattern consistent with that of a spread all while playing a game with the best pen. in the town. :rolleyes:

No but seriously, I would advise you to just gather your chips and go to a low limit roulette table and play the columns until your set opens up. Good luck in the future and may the chips be pushed toward you and your blackjacks suited. I have a good lucky ladies game to get to and barcodes to read. Good day icym :rolleyes::grin::confused:


Lonesome Gambler said:
Why do you need to sit at 3rd base in the first place? If it's a matter of counting speed, a little practice will fix that!
Try seeing the difference in a DD dealt down game from 3rd base to 1st base. You might see up to 6-14 extra cards, which more accurately is used to establish your TC, which affects the play you make in the hand.

EmeraldCityBJ said:
Re: 3rd Base
First thing you should do is run a sim and see how much difference there is between 1st base and 3rd base. I'm guessing it's not enough to be worth all the thought you're putting into this. If you disagree, and really need 3rd base, just change seats without saying anything. Ploppies don't justify their actions. Neither should we.

Re: Reserved Seat
The dealer was a bit of a jerk, but in their defense, they probably didn't expect you to start playing at another table. Next time, when you wong out, do something besides playing at another table. To be blunt, you made a rookie mistake which doesn't have to be repeated.

Final comment - I hope you left the game because the count tanked, and not because you lost five hands in a row!
Again, 3rd base is important.

I'm not sure I see eye-to-eye as making a rookie mistake; I asked if my seat could be held and was told yes. If I went to the bathroom with chips in front of my seat, that chair is mine for as long as I want.

And I the reason I 'left' the game was also described :eek:


Well-Known Member
*Third base is very important to a large percentage of ploppies. They will quickly jump into that seat as soon as it becomes open, out of fear that a "bad" player might get it, which in their mind can "cost everyone at the table to lose". Another percentage of ploppies can't stand playing FIRST base, and will get out of that seat as soon as possible. Another common reason for a ploppy switching seats is simply that his current seat "doesn't feel lucky".
* I have been playing BJ for a living for 30 years and I have never gotten heat, nor have I even SEEN anyone get heat simply for switching seats.

*As far as a dealer giving away your spot to another player after you're seen playing at another table - this is STANDARD; ESPECIALLY when the place is as crowded as you say it was. He was merely performing his job correctly. For him to save the seat while knowing that you were playing at another table, could very easily have gotten him "written up".
*I have personally CLAIMED seats by pointing out to the dealer that the guy was playing at another table. Works every time. :grin: I have EVEN claimed seats by LYING to the dealer and just TELLING him the guy was playing somewhere else. :eyepatch:

First off, it appears to me you have somewhat of an attitude problem that you need to check at the casino door, doncha think.......

The dealer, as you have been told, did the allowable thing under the circumstances, but I bet if you had a better attitude she would have saved that seat for you,,, dig?

It pays in life to be kind and polite and show respect to others,("punk ploppy"):(, until someone shows that they deserve no respect.

As to your fixation on 3rd,,,,,,,, you may want to rethink that;)



Well-Known Member
Casinos have different methods of saving seats but I know of no casino that allows seats to be saved at more than one table simultaneously.

The Connecticut casinos very strongly suggest that players take all their chips with them. The seat is saved for 20 minutes with a clear plastic lammer.

I have moved to third base many times when it became vacant and have never gotten a second look.


Well-Known Member
IcyM said:
My question - how do I non-nonchalantly make a move OUT of 1st-base without looking stereotypically suspicious as being labeled a CC?
I recently played a session where every time a player left 3rd base, the ploppies would argue about who could move there. Just move. This is common practice among ploppies. Nobody will notice.

Zach Black

Active Member
I've seen ploppies move around to my left to 3rd for the sucker side bet.

They get mad at me for not betting it and think they can win the side bet by moving.

There might be some camo for moving to 3rd...but kind of expensive.


Sucker said:
*Third base is very important to a large percentage of ploppies. They will quickly jump into that seat as soon as it becomes open, out of fear that a "bad" player might get it, which in their mind can "cost everyone at the table to lose". Another percentage of ploppies can't stand playing FIRST base, and will get out of that seat as soon as possible. Another common reason for a ploppy switching seats is simply that his current seat "doesn't feel lucky".
* I have been playing BJ for a living for 30 years and I have never gotten heat, nor have I even SEEN anyone get heat simply for switching seats.

*As far as a dealer giving away your spot to another player after you're seen playing at another table - this is STANDARD; ESPECIALLY when the place is as crowded as you say it was. He was merely performing his job correctly. For him to save the seat while knowing that you were playing at another table, could very easily have gotten him "written up".
*I have personally CLAIMED seats by pointing out to the dealer that the guy was playing at another table. Works every time. :grin: I have EVEN claimed seats by LYING to the dealer and just TELLING him the guy was playing somewhere else. :eyepatch:
:) I usually play odd-hours, so I don't want to give the impression the whole casino was jammed; by the tables maxed out, I mean both DD games full, and the not-crazy-high-minimum-shoes were also full. All in all, maybe 4 tables maxed, as it wasn't mid-day on a weekend.

And about that rule, I guess to me it just seemed silly in the sense that I can go piss for 15 minutes with a 20-100 units on the table and I know for a fact that seat will still be mine when I get back, but if I don't have that same amount of chips there, and I leave to make 1 or 2 bets 3 tables down, I'm now in the wrong. It just seems like bad business from my perspective; I've been playing a few hours, give me the courtesy. I know not everyone will agree with that perspective, it's simply mine and seems to be logical to me right now.

Guess I'll take 3rd when I want it, thanks for your insight.

creeping panther said:
First off, it appears to me you have somewhat of an attitude problem that you need to check at the casino door, doncha think.......

The dealer, as you have been told, did the allowable thing under the circumstances, but I bet if you had a better attitude she would have saved that seat for you,,, dig?

It pays in life to be kind and polite and show respect to others,("punk ploppy"):(, until someone shows that they deserve no respect.

As to your fixation on 3rd,,,,,,,, you may want to rethink that;)

Please don't even think about giving me a respect speech. Respect is a very defined word in my life; I was the only player toking this dumb-ass dealer. And for her to think she was superior as she smugly and haughtily said what she did to me, she knew it was dis-respectful and she was trying to piss me off because I play this store often and you could tell she had a bug up her ass this day.

And yes, I will stick with my fixation for 3rd. :) I prefer to have a more accurate count(and even more specifically when 8 low cards peel off and I know the running count just went up 8 and need to change my play accordingly.)

paymypush said:
Casinos have different methods of saving seats but I know of no casino that allows seats to be saved at more than one table simultaneously.

The Connecticut casinos very strongly suggest that players take all their chips with them. The seat is saved for 20 minutes with a clear plastic lammer.

I have moved to third base many times when it became vacant and have never gotten a second look.
Thanks for the input.

Shoofly said:
I recently played a session where every time a player left 3rd base, the ploppies would argue about who could move there. Just move. This is common practice among ploppies. Nobody will notice.

Alright, guess taking 3rd is fine then. Thank you for your perspective.

Zach Black said:
I've seen ploppies move around to my left to 3rd for the sucker side bet.

They get mad at me for not betting it and think they can win the side bet by moving.

There might be some camo for moving to 3rd...but kind of expensive.

Haha seems the consensus is taking 3rd shouldn't be problematic; ploppies go nuts over those side bets. Funny when they start going crazy if you don't play them.


Well-Known Member
"Please don't even think about giving me a respect speech. Respect is a very defined word in my life; I was the only player toking this dumb-ass dealer. And for her to think she was superior as she smugly and haughtily said what she did to me, she knew it was dis-respectful and she was trying to piss me off because I play this store often and you could tell she had a bug up her ass this day." --------IcyM

No attitude problem here CP.:rolleyes: What were you thinking?:laugh::whip:


Well-Known Member
HOW SHOULD I REACT when the dealer tell players not to flash cards around because it gives the card counters an unfair advantage towards the house? :eek: Unfair ,really ,when is life fair??how about the info is available to everybody ,it really depends how 1 uses them right?guys ,please chime in !! i was sort of surprise to hear a comment like that from a "dealer"!!!! :confused: He Must be part owner!!!! :laugh:


Well-Known Member

You aked for advice and got it.
Being a nuisamce in the casinos eyes is always neg EV, even if you are right.

Dont say a word when you change seats, people do it all the time.


Well-Known Member
I was sitting at last base at the beginning of a shoe game once when some early 20's kid walks up with his friend and starts backcounting the table. I can see he's really struggling to keep the count, lips moving and everything. A couple decks in the count becomes barely playable, and the kid gets super excited. He's scrambling to get money out of his pocket and buy some chips. He buys in and frantically tries to place a bet in my spot. He is so distracted by the count that he doesn't seem to notice I'm there. He's practically about to sit on top of me when I put up my bet down. He suddenly comes all flustered, and turns to me and asks loudly, "Do you need 3rd base?" I replied, "What?" and he just repeated the question. When the dealer starts dealing the round without him, he turns to his friend and says, "Nevermind, I lost it!" (The count I assume) and they both ran away.