An easy way to get comped rooms at Harrahs


Well-Known Member
The Best Kept Secret of All.

I have personal knowledge of a strategy that will do far more than get you R.F.B. at Harrah's stores.

Details will not be provided here for obvious reasons.

This is the greatest A.P. secret extant, and it is linked ONLY to the Evil Empire.

Requests for this invaluable info will be ignored if it comes from anyone that I am unfamiliar with.

Noobs, red chippers, lurkers, etc. need not contact me. I won't respond.
Ditto for anyone who is persona non grata at Loveman's joints.


Well-Known Member
Mr. T said:
Heavens, Sonny we are in the computer age now.

If any thing this article shows they know just about everything they want to know about you. Why they want to know about what you eat and how much you paid for it is because if you are a buffet hog they will entice you to their property with free buffet coupons. Or if you frequent the expensive Italian restaurant they will sent you complimentary coupons for this.

With the RFID chips what the pit boss sees and punch into their computer data base may or may not figure in their computer alilogram. ( Pardom the spelling, no spellcheck in this board)

Others here have tried to game the points awarded on their card. Their computer recorded this but what matters to them is their computer alilogram of what your theoretical loss is. Whether you have been lucky or unlucky do not matter in their computer.
No major Harrah's property uses RFID chips. You don't have to game the points on your card...your offers are also optionally based on your actual result. Old timers will immediately know what I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure just how much your ADT affects the minimum marketing offers.
As an example, I get an offer every quarter for two free nites each month at Harrahs in Laughlin despite the fact that I have not gambled there in almost two years. I have taken advantage of the free buffet offers that usually come with it.
In AC, in the winter, I get offers for free rooms, free buffets and free play. It seems that the less I play,the better the offers. In the summer, when Harrahs has less problems filling rooms, offers dry up to almost nothing.I recieved a flyer good for two nights Mon-Weds only , good once for the period of May 27th to September 3rd, but recently got one for two free nites in both September and October.


Well-Known Member
Jack_Black said:
so just to clarify. once you run $500 worth through the machine one time, you don't have to play anymore to keep your status? You take advantage of the free rooms once a month, and you never play slots again?
Thats pretty much my experiance. My Ex, who now lives out of the country continues to get free offers even though they have not gambled in over five they say- your milage may vary.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
As an example, I get an offer every quarter for two free nites each month at Harrahs in Laughlin despite the fact that I have not gambled there in almost two years.
I've received multiple offers for a flight and stay at laughlin, and I've never been there.


Well-Known Member
This has turned into a great discussion of the Harrah's comp system.

Without really trying, I've acquired three different Harrah's player's card numbers, all from presenting the same ID. (All have been issued through the pit.) This is probably a consequence of my having a sort of complicated name prone to getting entered into computer systems in more than one way, and changes of address.

The odd twist is that when I use the Total Rewards Web site to check my status, and enter one of the newer numbers, the Web page automatically reverts to displaying information on my first account number. This doesn't seem to be because of cookies on my computer, because it happens even if I use another computer to log in.

So it looks like the account numbers are linked? Does anyone know what's happening here? Why would Harrah's knowingly maintain more than one account number for a single player?

I continue to get offers in connection with all three accounts. And that includes overlapping cash back offers in the SAME MARKET.


Well-Known Member
WRX said:
This has turned into a great discussion of the Harrah's comp system.

Without really trying, I've acquired three different Harrah's player's card numbers, all from presenting the same ID. (All have been issued through the pit.) This is probably a consequence of my having a sort of complicated name prone to getting entered into computer systems in more than one way, and changes of address.

The odd twist is that when I use the Total Rewards Web site to check my status, and enter one of the newer numbers, the Web page automatically reverts to displaying information on my first account number. This doesn't seem to be because of cookies on my computer, because it happens even if I use another computer to log in.

So it looks like the account numbers are linked? Does anyone know what's happening here? Why would Harrah's knowingly maintain more than one account number for a single player?

I continue to get offers in connection with all three accounts. And that includes overlapping cash back offers in the SAME MARKET.
Try clearing your cookies or at least the Harrah's Cookies. But I agree with you it looks like at least two of the accounts have been linked together. If you have a really common name, like John Smith, you can get yet another players card with your passport...give a completely different address from what they have on file since there is no SSN or Address on a passport. If you have a common name chance are there will be many others with the same birthday as you so date of birth won't be a problem either.


Well-Known Member
bigplayer said:
Try clearing your cookies or at least the Harrah's Cookies. But I agree with you it looks like at least two of the accounts have been linked together. If you have a really common name, like John Smith, you can get yet another players card with your passport...give a completely different address from what they have on file since there is no SSN or Address on a passport. If you have a common name chance are there will be many others with the same birthday as you so date of birth won't be a problem either.
This is very good to keep in mind if making a legal name change.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
I've received multiple offers for a flight and stay at laughlin, and I've never been there.

Thats typical of Harrahs marketing. I get offers for a free flight and stay to New Orleans a few times a year, but they won't comp me a planeride to AC even when the plane is 2/3rds empty.
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Well-Known Member
Shad - one more for you (or anyone else who knows):

Does signing in to a Diamond lounge trigger a trip?


Well-Known Member
HET comps

I've managed to get a TIER score of 1850 so far with the HET properties, but I only get one night comped in Vegas. And it's only at the Rio.

My friend who's at a TIER score of 1100 gets 4 to 5 weeknights comped! But it's also at the Rio.

The difference between myself and my friend, aside from the difference in TIER scores, is that I'm not losing as much, but my friend is losing a bunch every visit. Could that be why my friend gets more comped nights?

(The other difference may be that my friend is a ploppy, and the plays poorly at the tables.)

All of these comps are through the Total Rewards website. Are all of you getting these room comps through snail mailings, emails, or via the TR website?

Anyone getting room comps at the nicer properties?


Well-Known Member
I get a lot of offers in AC and Vegas despite having a net win at Harrahs properties (well, I have a net loss at Caesars but that's made up by wins at the other stores). I rathole chips to make it look like I lose every time I play blackjack.


Well-Known Member
flyingwind said:
I've managed to get a TIER score of 1850 so far with the HET properties, but I only get one night comped in Vegas. And it's only at the Rio.

My friend who's at a TIER score of 1100 gets 4 to 5 weeknights comped! But it's also at the Rio.

The difference between myself and my friend, aside from the difference in TIER scores, is that I'm not losing as much, but my friend is losing a bunch every visit. Could that be why my friend gets more comped nights?

(The other difference may be that my friend is a ploppy, and the plays poorly at the tables.)

All of these comps are through the Total Rewards website. Are all of you getting these room comps through snail mailings, emails, or via the TR website?

Anyone getting room comps at the nicer properties?

Tier score is next to useless except for going for higher status. ADT trumps tier score, but slot play trumps table play even more. If you have earned your 1800 points playing tables, I'd lay off them for awhile. Give them two solid trips of nothing but slot play, a couple hundred points each trip and your offers will be much better. Give the appearence of giving up tables and becoming the slot sluts Harrahs loves.You don't have to give up tables, just play unrated.
Harrahs seems to assign a "home" casino in each market. In your case, it's The Rio.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that Harrah's really seems to weight playing a bunch in one day. I camped out a 3 card poker game for 10 hours and my offers went through the roof.


Well-Known Member
My need for comped rooms has diminished quite a bit over the last year or so, so I have been playing unrated a great deal of late. Just earning enough comps for some meals. But I am interested in accumulating some free room offers for trips to AC and Reno, so this thread caught my attention.

I regard Shad as a coupon/comp/bargain hunter extraordinaire, so I am not questing what he says. Just trying to understand.

If you play through a couple hundred dollars on a slot machine, or even $500 as mentioned, at 90% payback, your value to the casino is only 50 bucks. How can that qualify you for months and months or free room offers? :confused: Are the casinos now so desperate that things have changed this much?


Well-Known Member
flyingwind said:
So how can I drive my ADT insanely high?
Play a metric ****ton in one day. Like 15 hours if you can. Then don't play rated the rest of the trip.