An easy way to get comped rooms at Harrahs


Well-Known Member
Do you think playing 15 hours at a $25 limit BJ table for a whole day will do it? Does it matter if it's one of the nicer HET properties or just any HET property will do?


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
My need for comped rooms has diminished quite a bit over the last year or so, so I have been playing unrated a great deal of late. Just earning enough comps for some meals. But I am interested in accumulating some free room offers for trips to AC and Reno, so this thread caught my attention.

I regard Shad as a coupon/comp/bargain hunter extraordinaire, so I am not questing what he says. Just trying to understand.

If you play through a couple hundred dollars on a slot machine, or even $500 as mentioned, at 90% payback, your value to the casino is only 50 bucks. How can that qualify you for months and months or free room offers? :confused: Are the casinos now so desperate that things have changed this much?
Thats a good question and one that is not easily answered. I guess its kind of like dealing crack. You give away samples and hope the people get hooked. Once hooked, they will consume more and more crack. With Harrahs, they entice you with free rooms and hope you'll get more and more addicted to their slots. Your value goes beyond the $50 in winnings they get from you. You will hopefully drag others with you and talk about the time you won a thousand dollars , generating free publicity for them.
Harrahs brags that they have over forty million people in their database. As such, it must be difficult to stay on top of the few who truly abuse the system. I really believe there is a total disconnect between their marketing department and their casinos. I know many people who have been backed off or even trespassed who still get offers for free rooms and free play.
I also believe that if you take advantage of a free room and stiff them 100%, that it doesn't affect your ADT at all, as it's not a trip until you use your card for something. Thats certainly been my experiance.


Well-Known Member
flyingwind said:
Do you think playing 15 hours at a $25 limit BJ table for a whole day will do it? Does it matter if it's one of the nicer HET properties or just any HET property will do?
Yeah, that would do it. Make sure you comp hustle, too: big bets when the floor is watching.

I think video blackjack and video poker can be good options as well, although it's hard to get a fair shake on these games at harrah's.


Well-Known Member
flyingwind said:
Do you think playing 15 hours at a $25 limit BJ table for a whole day will do it? Does it matter if it's one of the nicer HET properties or just any HET property will do?
I find the pit at Harrahs tends to favor the players, while the pit in Ceasars favors the house. As an example, the PB at Harrahs counts all three bets at Let it Ride, while Caesars tends to count only your minimum bet. I once played four hours at the IP betting $10-$40 and the pit had me down for three hours at $5. He didn't seem to care about anyone not betting green on a minimum basis.


Well-Known Member
Perfect example:

I'm leaving for Vegas Saturday til Wednesday.

Staying in a comped room at Paris all of those nights.

Guess what? I won't play a damn dime there at their casinos the whole trip.

Or should I to maximize the benefit? I don't mind throwing in a $20 on a slot if it helps me or whatever I need to do.


Well-Known Member
"Do you think playing 15 hours at a $25 limit BJ table for a whole day will do it? Does it matter if it's one of the nicer HET properties or just any HET property will do?"

If playing 15 hours at $25 limit BJ, how about 8 hours at $50 limit BJ table?


Well-Known Member
rpd709 said:
Perfect example:

I'm leaving for Vegas Saturday til Wednesday.

Staying in a comped room at Paris all of those nights.

Guess what? I won't play a damn dime there at their casinos the whole trip.

Or should I to maximize the benefit? I don't mind throwing in a $20 on a slot if it helps me or whatever I need to do.

You have two good choices, and one bad one.
good choices
1)stiff them altogether
2) give them one good day of play
Bad choice
give them $20 in slot play.

I'd go with good choice #1. It doesn't mean you can't gamble. Just don't gamble using your card. If you decide to give them one good day of gambling, find out from the players club when their day starts. Might be midnite to midnite or 4Am to 4AM. Gamble one minute into the next gambling day and you lose 50% of your ADT.


Well-Known Member
flyingwind said:
I've managed to get a TIER score of 1850 so far with the HET properties, but I only get one night comped in Vegas. And it's only at the Rio.

My friend who's at a TIER score of 1100 gets 4 to 5 weeknights comped! But it's also at the Rio.

The difference between myself and my friend, aside from the difference in TIER scores, is that I'm not losing as much, but my friend is losing a bunch every visit. Could that be why my friend gets more comped nights?

(The other difference may be that my friend is a ploppy, and the plays poorly at the tables.)

All of these comps are through the Total Rewards website. Are all of you getting these room comps through snail mailings, emails, or via the TR website?

Anyone getting room comps at the nicer properties?
Tier Score means nothing. My tier SCORE is >300,000 and my girlfriends for 2010 is 0 and she gets better offers than I do from Las Vegas because her historic theoretical happens to be stronger. It's all what your average amount of daily play is and what you choose to play. Offers are not based on your total play. Offers are based on what their various formulas tell them as to what you will likely play in the future....and that is how you are able to abuse them.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Shad - one more for you (or anyone else who knows):

Does signing in to a Diamond lounge trigger a trip?
No. But I've heard, and don't know if it's true, that the really good ones in AC charge you 1 RC to enter which has the effect of starting a trip.


Well-Known Member
Would they care about how well you play a game to determine your ADT? For most of us, we beat the house in blackjack, so our ADT would be 0 no matter how much we play. But if we raise our bets and make a stupid play like hitting on 17 or doubling on 8 when the pit boss is looking, would that help increase our ADT?


Well-Known Member
I read this story about a guy on a plane bragging about how he got free rooms, shows and dinners from this Vegas casino. The author asked him what he bet and the guy says he's strictly a red chipper. He'll play a couple of hours on a $5 or $10 dollar table before going to a casino comped dinner and a casino comped show. He goes on to say that we come out a few times a year. "We?" the author ask? " Yes, me and my wife' says the low roller. " But she doesn't play BJ". "While I'm playing BJ and banking the comps, she's diddling away on slots every day"
Morale of the story- Casinos love slot players. Learn to be mistaken for one.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
You have two good choices, and one bad one.
good choices
1)stiff them altogether
2) give them one good day of play
Bad choice
give them $20 in slot play.

I'd go with good choice #1. It doesn't mean you can't gamble. Just don't gamble using your card. If you decide to give them one good day of gambling, find out from the players club when their day starts. Might be midnite to midnite or 4Am to 4AM. Gamble one minute into the next gambling day and you lose 50% of your ADT.
I think I'll just stiff them altogether, their games are piss poor.


Well-Known Member
So is it better if I just play $200 one day a year on a slot machine at Harrahs for free rooms? Sure, the $200 would be gone in a flash unless I win the jackpot but the free rooms are +EV since I could earn more than $200 in blackjack while staying in the free rooms.


Well-Known Member
Do not play slots — at the least play V.P.

and — what was posted earlier is 100% correct Tier Scores means NOTHING.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Do not play slots — at the least play V.P.

and — what was posted earlier is 100% correct Tier Scores means NOTHING.

Wrong. Harrahs treats its VP players just a tad above their table players and has no playable VP to begin with.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Are there any slots that are more preferable than others? I would assume dollar slots would be better than quarter or nickel slots, am I right?


Well-Known Member
WRX said:
...Without really trying, I've acquired three different Harrah's player's card numbers, all from presenting the same ID. (All have been issued through the pit.) This is probably a consequence of my having a sort of complicated name prone to getting entered into computer systems in more than one way, and changes of address.

The odd twist is that when I use the Total Rewards Web site to check my status, and enter one of the newer numbers, the Web page automatically reverts to displaying information on my first account number. This doesn't seem to be because of cookies on my computer, because it happens even if I use another computer to log in.

So it looks like the account numbers are linked? ...

I continue to get offers in connection with all three accounts. And that includes overlapping cash back offers in the SAME MARKET.
OK, I think that I've figured out what happened, and the result is somewhat interesting from the standpoint of generating offers. Send me a PM or email if you want details, as I don't want to post them publicly.


Well-Known Member
You are planning to lose your $100 on the slots anyway so play the dollar slots at $1 a spin. Your goal is to cycle the money through as many times as possible until you lose it, and the dollar slots have a lower -EV. If you do hit a good payout, it'll be higher with the dollar denomination. If you're unlucky and the machine doesn't pay out a single credit, you still earn 20 credits (before the multiplier if any). At 90% payback, $100 can be expected to be cycled through 40 times till it's gone for a total of 200 base credits and $1000 bet. Play only one credit at a time since they also take time into account. $100 can last for hours if you bet $1 every 5 seconds. To the bean counters, it will look like you bet $1000 in a slot machine in one day. They expect to keep 10% of that ($100, the exact amount you lost)! Compare that to a $10 basic strategy blackjack player who plays 100 hands an hour for the same $1000 total bet but the casino would only expect to keep $5. That is why slot players are comped better. A $200 per hand blackjack player who plays an hour should be expected to be comped the same as a dollar slot player who limits themselves to $100 a day. Plus, a slot machine has already been paid for, a blackjack dealer needs to be paid minimum wage so a $10 bettor playing solo would not be profitable.

Avoid machines with a progressive jackpot, since our goal isn't to win a jackpot but to have the money last as long as possible.