No way! I guess 200,000 hands a year is possible, but you are going to have to play a lot more than 40 hours a week. 40 hours a week @ 100 hands an hour.

It just doesn't work that way, trust me. I keep track of my play by estimating hands played rather than hours and I estimate I am just under 100,000 hands per year for each of the past couple years. I spend more than 50 hours a week total scounting, walking and playing to reach that figure. I can't see many folks going much above this amount unless they had absolutely no life.

And beleive me, if you did do this for a year, basically playing and sleeping, no way anyone could string several years of this amount of play together, let alone 10.
Either his estimate is way off, or this figure is stretched out over 30-40 years.