You've only practiced for 2-3 days for under an hour each time? Thats hardly anytime at all to be getting an idea on your skills.
That said, 1.25 minutes seem VERY long to me, but that is from my perspective as someone who has mastered it already. I'm usually between 20-25 seconds, but I've probably done the flick through drill for at least 10 hours. At least. So thats hundreds upon hundreds of times.
I just tried flicking through as slow as I could, taking my time and I got 40 seconds.
My advice to you would be that perhaps you have jumped ahead too quickly. With a time of 1.25 minutes, you may need to get to know the values of the cards better.
So, instead of looking at the cards, determining the value, then adding/subtracting to keep count, I think for now you should just flick through the deck and just say to yourself what the value is. This will make you know immediatedly what the value is without thinking, after a bit of practice.
Once you have got this a bit better, start on the keeping count way again.
By the way, how are you doing the 'count through'? I do it with the faces of the cards to me and just flick the cards to the side with my thumb, into my other hand.
Other than that, the methods I use are in my post on the first page of this thread.
Good luck!
YEAH!!! Australia is headed to the World Cup! Divine right indeed you arrogant Uruguayan pig!