Any Faster way to learn Hi-Lo?


Well-Known Member
I'd say you are on the right track.I remember when my mentor told me he expected me to count two decks in two minutes,and be able to call the last three cards in each deck,I thought he was crazy,yet I was doing it in short order.


Well-Known Member
I must admit, even though I pride myself upon my indepedent thinking and personal reflection, your words come as a great relief.


Well-Known Member
You've only practiced for 2-3 days for under an hour each time? Thats hardly anytime at all to be getting an idea on your skills.

That said, 1.25 minutes seem VERY long to me, but that is from my perspective as someone who has mastered it already. I'm usually between 20-25 seconds, but I've probably done the flick through drill for at least 10 hours. At least. So thats hundreds upon hundreds of times.
I just tried flicking through as slow as I could, taking my time and I got 40 seconds.

My advice to you would be that perhaps you have jumped ahead too quickly. With a time of 1.25 minutes, you may need to get to know the values of the cards better.
So, instead of looking at the cards, determining the value, then adding/subtracting to keep count, I think for now you should just flick through the deck and just say to yourself what the value is. This will make you know immediatedly what the value is without thinking, after a bit of practice.
Once you have got this a bit better, start on the keeping count way again.

By the way, how are you doing the 'count through'? I do it with the faces of the cards to me and just flick the cards to the side with my thumb, into my other hand.

Other than that, the methods I use are in my post on the first page of this thread.

Good luck!

YEAH!!! Australia is headed to the World Cup! Divine right indeed you arrogant Uruguayan pig!


Well-Known Member
I flip the cards from face down, to face up as fast as I can. So I have the deck, face down, and flip through as fast as I can one at a time and do it.

Sorry, didnt really understand the divine right part.


Well-Known Member
Some unsolicited comments


I can't decide whether you're being too hard on yourself or that you think this is supposed to be easy. If the former, lighten up a little! You don't need to set the land speed record for learning BJ. If the latter, sorry if you were mislead into thinking this would be easy.

It will become easy, but only after a lot of work and practice. As others have hinted, what you're attempting will take weeks or months, not hours or days.

One thing nobody has mentioned... As you're learning to count, try not to get in the habit of saying the count out loud. Later on you'll just have to unlearn that habit; better not to form it in the first place. Moving your lips when you're counting is a dead giveaway!

One thing that does help is having a mental picture of the count. I like gold numerals myself. +4


Well-Known Member
E-town-guy said:
Get good at poker and play online.

I'm on PartyPoker now, playing with play chips. I've bought in for a total 8000, now I have 110,000. My maximun I had was near 200k.
Should I buy in some real dough?


Well-Known Member
Senacchrib, maybe you should try the way I said?

I have the deck in my left hand, face up. The bottom of the deck rests on my pinky, which is stuck out a bit. My right thumb rests on the top card.
As I count the cards, I push them over to the right with my left thumb and pull them the rest of the way in with my right index finger.
Important note: the cards never actually come fully apart, the ones on the right will still be covering about 1/3 of the next card down. This makes it much quicker.

I believe that most people quoting fast times do something like this.
Give it a try at least, see how you go. I had one try at your way, and I got 40seconds, so your way will alwasys be slower, but that means very little.

I agree with all Canceler said. I don't know about the visualised count though?

About the signature at the bottom of my posts, Australia's soccer team beat Uruguay in the World Cup qualifiers last night, to qualify for the World Cup for the first time in over 30 years. One of the Uruguayan players had said before the game that Australia didn't deserve to qualify and that Uruguay had a Divine Right to go to the World Cup.
The game itself was totally dominated by Australia, who won 1-0, but it went to a penaly shootout because Uruguay had won the first leg at home 1-0.


Well-Known Member
aussiecounter said:
The game itself was totally dominated by Australia, who won 1-0, but it went to a penaly shootout because Uruguay had won the first leg at home 1-0.
Congratulations to Australia. I follow football "soccer" as if it were my occupation. I'm Italian so obviously I cheer for Italy but I was also cheering for Australia as they have a few Italian players who nationalised to Australia, including the player who scored the only goal during the game!


Well-Known Member
E-town-guy said:
Congratulations to Australia. I follow football "soccer" as if it were my occupation. I'm Italian so obviously I cheer for Italy but I was also cheering for Australia as they have a few Italian players who nationalised to Australia, including the player who scored the only goal during the game!
Thanks mate.

I don't follow it that religiously, but always try to watch when Australia plays.
You have to understand that "soccer" isn't the top sport in Australia, it isn't even close. The top two sports at the club level are Rugby League and Australian Rules Football(AFL), and the most popular sports at the international level are Rugby Union and Cricket. Thats why I call it "soccer", not football; to Australians, football is three other games before we think of soccer.
I used to follow the national League a bit more, but this year they started a totally new league, and my local team was left out.

There was a huge build-up before the last World Cup, but we ended up getting beaten. Hopefully with this win and Australia now being in the World Cup, the new league will take off and real "football" will become the most popular sport.

I didn't know Marco Bresciano was from Italy. Of course he is of Italian parents and he plays in Italy, but I thought he was born here. Are you sure?
Senacchrib said:
I was just looking up the info at the BJI sister site, Counting-Edge, and it didnt answer very many questions for me. #1, after you know the true count, what do you do with it? So what you know how hot the deck is? Do you increase your bet? Start hitting on 17s? Kinda confused. And, is their an easier way. I was using the tutor on that site, and the hands are dealt so fast that it is hard for me to ever get it right on the count. So confusing. A lot of people are mentioning books. Should I read these, or is it not worthwhile? TY
u clearly didnt read much at all.. u SHOULD be confused after reading 1 paragraph on hi-lo.. have u tried googling it? after 1 hour of reading about it, u wudnt be asking "what do u do with the true count" which is a super basic question


Well-Known Member
Hey douchebag, check the profile of the person you are replying to:

Last Activity: June 4th, 2006 04:26 PM

You see, when you bump threads and criticize posts that are almost 2 years old, chances are the guy is long gone.

The only thing you've done with your post is make yourself look like an ass.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Blasts from the past

Kaiser said:
Hey douchebag, check the profile of the person you are replying to:

Last Activity: June 4th, 2006 04:26 PM

You see, when you bump threads and criticize posts that are almost 2 years old, chances are the guy is long gone.

The only thing you've done with your post is make yourself look like an ass.
Take it easy on him, Kaiser. Maybe the poor dude can start arguing with Elvis or, better yet Zg back before he got whacked in Korea. He just needs to do it in the Zen Zone!:eek: Someone should check Cpt. Zg USA's last activity back around '51.
I hear the latest version of the QFIT CVBJ software has an aversion-training feature. It comes with a USB port powered set of electrodes you attach to your genitals and it gives you a shock every time you make a mistake, and the intensity of the shock increases with the magnitude of the bet. Due to the power limitations of the USB 2.0 standard (5V, 500 mA) the feature is not available at hand rates greater than 80 per hour, because it needs sufficient time for the capacitors to recharge between shocks.

Of course, I realize some of you probably like that sort of thing, so you might want to just stick to flash cards. :joker:

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Greater possibilites?

Automatic Monkey said:
I hear the latest version of the QFIT CVBJ software has an aversion-training feature. It comes with a USB port powered set of electrodes you attach to your genitals and it gives you a shock every time you make a mistake, and the intensity of the shock increases with the magnitude of the bet. Due to the power limitations of the USB 2.0 standard (5V, 500 mA) the feature is not available at hand rates greater than 80 per hour, because it needs sufficient time for the capacitors to recharge between shocks.

Of course, I realize some of you probably like that sort of thing, so you might want to just stick to flash cards. :joker:
Monk, my wife just wanted to know if she could wong-in/out with that feature? Thereby generating higher stimulation potential due to decreased usage intervals while at higher counts.:grin:


aussiecounter said:
I'm on PartyPoker now, playing with play chips. I've bought in for a total 8000, now I have 110,000. My maximun I had was near 200k.
Should I buy in some real dough?
LOL no. The people who play with "play chips" dont care. They bluff all the time, they raise with bad hands. The only way to get good at poker is playing with real money, at the penny tables.


Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
after 1 hour of reading about it, u wudnt be asking "what do u do with the true count" which is a super basic question
So, exactly, what do YOU do with the TC?

Being such a super basic question and all.
Kasi said:
So, exactly, what do YOU do with the TC?

Being such a super basic question and all.
i have added you to my ignore list kasi, since you seem to have some sort of obsession with me and follow me around on all my posts and flame me for no reason.. u think your clever, but really your just randomly insulting me like a child.. for the past 20 minutes ive been responding to all your flames, then i decided wtf am i doing, he is just going to keep doing it no matter what you say, hes mad because he cant get into the casinos yet.. adios


Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
i have added you to my ignore list kasi, since you seem to have some sort of obsession with me and follow me around on all my posts and flame me for no reason.. u think your clever, but really your just randomly insulting me like a child.. for the past 20 minutes ive been responding to all your flames, then i decided wtf am i doing, he is just going to keep doing it no matter what you say, hes mad because he cant get into the casinos yet.. adios
How's this ignore list stuff work anyway?

Does it mean he won't be able to see any of my posts but I can still reply to his for anyone else but him to read?

Talk about the best of both worlds, if that's so.

Or am I doomed to never be able to get another chuckle from some of the things he says because I won't be able to see or reply to them?