economy of nature & 'scarcity' of plays & money
i'd love if the Chem Meister would comment as i can barely recall, just i remember in academic stuff of physics and chemistry from time to time reference being made to the concept regarding the
economy of nature. essentially where natural process's take place with an economy of energy and physical resources sorta thing. in a sense the idea being that when stuff happens that the process is gonna be efficient and that energy and matter wont be processed in a wasteful way, sorta thing.
what interests me, in regard to the above is the 'nature' of things regarding advantage plays in the casinodom. questions such as the availability or frequency of advantage plays, the 'success' rate of such plays and the fact of competition amongst advantage players.
whatever, i guess it all just boils down to the fact that things are what they are, plain and simple. probability and statistics will play out as it should. skill and properly laid out game plans do what they tend to do, variance happens as well.
take (of all things, lol) some approach of advantageous play for blackjack for instance (blackjack of all things, lol). finally on topic, lol.:cool2::whip:
i mean, it can be a known thing, far as say counting cards and advantage.
we know stuff such as frequency of advantage, expected value and standard deviation.
so but anyway, such effects as the side note, seems relatively innocuous.
what really interests me is the voodoo question of competitors getting their bellies full on any given day, sorta thing.
i mean, to me, i see a similarity in the quest to get money at the tables (by whatever means) as a contest, in many ways a competition for resources not unlike creatures out in the wild kingdom going about their quest for survival, sorta thing. whatever, somehow in the wild kingdom critters do survive and prosper, even competing critters, lol.
point being, just me maybe, i see the use of goals by AP's as a somewhat maligned tactic. i mean, yes goals, apparently can have a damping effect upon the rate of realization of results related to expected value.
thing is to me, the question of goals has an element of simple practicality involved. also there is the factor of competition, a factor that is much more important in other AP endeavors.
but back to the blackjack advantage play situation and the question of practicality, there is also the fact of the relative scarcity of advantage plays. for example, consider say some card counting player, has some bankroll, desires some level of ror and has some game available to exploit.
is it just me, or really doesn't this player likely gonna make some amount of money in some amount of hours sorta thing? sure it can be way more or way less, but far as dude can expect, it's ev and some number of hours spent grinding. well anyway, this scenario brings about to me a question of practicality. say dude has some number of hours to play, then he has some ev, well could that ev not be deemed a reasonable goal? so the question becomes, what if dude realizes that ev or goal in a much less time span than the expected number of hours of grinding play?
just me maybe, but i think i see situations as this as an opportunity for an AP to use rational thought, to use time to his advantage, and if said AP has other advantage venues to take pause from the tables and make other uses of time. point being, knowledge can be used as a tool, sorta thing to advantage, as opposed to slavishly following some pre-scripted game plan, perhaps.
