Backed off!!!!


Well-Known Member
Guy in cheap suit: "Good evening, can I speak to you away from the table for a moment?
I'm sorry, but we've determined you to be a skilled player and your bets can no longer exceed table minimum. Oh and you may only wager on one spot".
Me: "What do you mean skilled player?"
Guy in cheap suit: "Well sir, our staff has confirmed the fact that you are counting cards, and our job as you know is to protect the casino's assets."
If you would like, I can escort you over to the Gaming Commission booth, and you can speak to them about this situation."
Me: "Nah that's ok, so you want me to leave right?"
Guy in cheap suit: No, you just have to abide by the blackjack restrictions, or you will be ejected and subject to arrest."
"You are more than welcome to enjoy the other games we offer."
ARREST!!!??? Other games!!!??? no thanks, time to find another store and come back with a new look and identity in a few months.


Well-Known Member
RE: Where

I'd rather not say, but will tell you it was either in CT or NY.
I would assume the casino people probably monitor these types of sites, and this happened recently.
I don't want to give myself away that easily :)


Well-Known Member

Well at least the door is still open for you. Did they get ID? Hell i'd try another shift. :laugh: What other games do they have at this joint?
Now you know where you stand with them and you can take proper actions to thwart the ijiots in cheapo suits...:eek::laugh:



Well-Known Member
RE: Nice

They have the usual sucker casino games that make the casinos rich.
What happens if I go back and get caught again?
Can I really get arrested? I thought not, but I'm not sure.
There are other places I can go to assuming they don't communicate or my action wasn't worth spreading around.


Without being too specific, what was your top bet? Were you playing with a card? Next time I suggest you don't question too much. Just take your chips and leave.
blackjacktilt said:
They have the usual sucker casino games that make the casinos rich.
What happens if I go back and get caught again?
Can I really get arrested? I thought not, but I'm not sure.
There are other places I can go to assuming they don't communicate or my action wasn't worth spreading around.
You probably won't be arrested, but Mohegan isn't worth going back to under ordinary circumstances. No place in the Northeast really is, just go to another store with the added experience.


Well-Known Member
blackjacktilt said:
What happens if I go back and get caught again?
Can I really get arrested? I thought not, but I'm not sure.
I am no attorney and don't live or ever go to the NE but unless you were read the trespass act, they don't have grounds to arrest you. All they can do is ask you to follow their rather limited and silly rules or ask/make you leave.

Move on to another place for a while or go back on a different shift if the game is really worthwhile to you.


I would say congratulations to you but many think that it is a sign of weakness to get bo'd.

Others will tell you your not playing a strong enough game if you DON'T get bo'd.

Damned if you are and damned if you aren't.:laugh:


Well-Known Member
You can *never* get arrested, anywhere.
Not Las Vegas, not NJ, not CT, not PA.
Let’s say that you’re read the trespassers mumbo jumbo.
You return the next day.
They must remind you that you’ve been read the trespassers mumbo jumbo and re-read it to you again.
If you refuse to leave at that exact moment, then you can get arrested.
However, if you agree to cash out your chips and leave, then that’s fine.
The casino must remind you every time you trespass, and then give you an opportunity to leave immediately.
If you refuse to leave “immediately”, then you will get arrested.
What if you have a room, then the casino will escort you to your room and watch you pack your belongings.
I read this in a book, and it makes sense to me.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
You probably won't be arrested, but Mohegan isn't worth going back to under ordinary circumstances. No place in the Northeast really is, just go to another store with the added experience.
With poor penetration, why were you in Mohegan Sun in the first place?
I would much rather choose Foxwoods over Mohegan Sun.
Well,... unless you were trying to spread yourself thin, which is wise by the way.

I was almost backed off at Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, but I left before they had the chance to speak to me.
I said that I had to go and took off in a rush, and they didn’t run after me, so technically, I wasn’t backed off.
However, they probably know me now, so I’ve been avoiding Trump Plaza for over two months now.


Well-Known Member

how could you have almost been backed off in AC? I thought NJ had a no Bo law thanks to Ken Uston's lawsuit.


Well-Known Member
HockeXpert said:

how could you have almost been backed off in AC? I thought NJ had a no Bo law thanks to Ken Uston's lawsuit.
I won pretty big in the early afternoon.
I returned later in the late afternoon and as before, was winning black chips.
The proverbial “suits” came over to me and tapped me on the shoulder.
He said, “May I speak to you for a moment over here?”
I grabbed by chips and said “Sorry, but I’m running late. I gotta go.”
I have no idea what he wanted to speak to me about, but I didn’t want to stick around and find out.
Now that you pointed it out, I wonder what he really wanted to speak to me about?
It can’t be anything good. Right?!


Well-Known Member
HockeXpert said:

how could you have almost been backed off in AC? I thought NJ had a no Bo law thanks to Ken Uston's lawsuit.
Isn’t there a difference between being backed off and being barred?
Backed off means that you may stay and play any game you want except blackjack.
Barred means you can’t return to the premises.
I think NJ casinos can back you off, but not bar you.


Well-Known Member
ArcticInferno said:
Isn’t there a difference between being backed off and being barred?
Backed off means that you may stay and play any game you want except blackjack.
Barred means you can’t return to the premises.
I think NJ casinos can back you off, but not bar you.
No. They cannot back you off at all. They can make the conditions unpleasant for you by doing such things like half shoeing you, but they cannot back you off.


Well-Known Member
ArcticInferno said:
I won pretty big in the early afternoon.
I returned later in the late afternoon and as before, was winning black chips.
The proverbial “suits” came over to me and tapped me on the shoulder.
He said, “May I speak to you for a moment over here?”
I grabbed by chips and said “Sorry, but I’m running late. I gotta go.”
I have no idea what he wanted to speak to me about, but I didn’t want to stick around and find out.
Now that you pointed it out, I wonder what he really wanted to speak to me about?
It can’t be anything good. Right?!
They might have wanted to give you free RFB or a hooker or something but more likely they were going to tell you they were flat betting you. I'm not from the NE and I've never heard anyone even getting the tap before in AC. I've heard of half-shoeing and flat betting but never a talk away from the table.

Anyone else ever asked for a private discussion in AC?


Well-Known Member
I almost always play two hands.
I've been told at Borgata in Atlantic City that I can bet in only one spot.
He said that if I wished to speak to him privately, that he would be happy to talk to me on the side.
At which point I simply left the casino.


Well-Known Member
They will just shuffle, half shoe you, or both in AC. This is thanks to Ken Uston's lawsuit, and nobody can be barred or backed off for counting cards in New Jersey. Conditions will just be made unpleasant, and if you continue to stick around in their hair, that's when they will say something to you along the lines of "we will shuffle every time you raise your bet 3x".


Well-Known Member
In PA, the worst they can do to players is to raise table limit I think.

Sharky said:
does anyone know if you can be backed off, or barred in NY, PA, & WV?
Probably not in PA. After a few visits, the local casino has recognized me as a counter. So 3 or 5 minutes after I sat down, they immediately raised the table minimal limit from $25 to $100. After it happened to me 3 times, I know the drill. I just go to $10 table minimal table. After they raise it to $25, I can comfortably play my 20 to 1 spread. I have read that counters got barred in PA. But since it didn't happen to me, I think it is a lie.