bankroll 650k , 1000 hours in one year


Well-Known Member
i have 650k US bankroll

I prepare to play 1000 hours in 5 different countries casinos (each 200 hours for one trip)

my target in to double my bankroll within one year

any best recommendation? can u pm me the best casinos ( good return and with relatively little heat for large spread ?)

i want to play by 1 kelly and i will adjust my bankroll per day

may be i have to bet quite large for my top bet , is it possible ?


Well-Known Member
one more , except counting , i can do ace tracking for simple shuffle (shuffle twice only) \\

any good suggest for hand shuffle for ace track ?

pls pm me some useful info


Well-Known Member
You will NOT get away with playing 200 hours at one casino and taking $100k+ off of them in a year. No way.


Well-Known Member
beyondbj said:
i have 650k US bankroll

I prepare to play 1000 hours in 5 different countries casinos (each 200 hours for one trip)

my target in to double my bankroll within one year
Umm... Good luck :eek:

Realistically though, I think this means your average bet size will have to be about $600... But I'm making several assumptions.


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
You will NOT get away with playing 200 hours at one casino and taking $100k+ off of them in a year. No way.
How about playing a casino for 20 hours in less than 3 days and taking $100k+ off them? Would you think that doable? Factoring in very little straight counting of course.


Well-Known Member
beyondbj said:
i have 650k US bankroll

I prepare to play 1000 hours in 5 different countries casinos (each 200 hours for one trip)

my target in to double my bankroll within one year

any best recommendation? can u pm me the best casinos ( good return and with relatively little heat for large spread ?)

i want to play by 1 kelly and i will adjust my bankroll per day

may be i have to bet quite large for my top bet , is it possible ?
Recently, one of our players talked about taking a strip casino off for $200,000 in one day, but that was team play orchestrated by a top pro and included more than simple counting. How far you could go without team play and relying on counting alone, I'm not sure, but I tend to agree with moo-- it's not going to happen. :(

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
It is theoretically possible however limits are your enemy. You will need BPs and also to know where the highest limits are available outside of Vegas. I agree with the notion that if you have to ask you are not ready. If you are playing full kelly as you say, losing your BR should be an acceptable risk to you.


Well-Known Member
Considering you have 5 casinos to milk, It comes to about 10K per casino a month - 16 hrs playtime per month per casino. One weekend at a casino. It sounds really possible, hopefully the flux/luck helps you out.


Well-Known Member
many stories told me they have won 1-3 million US from counting over the world

for large spread u will be banned very soon

if average i can take 30000 US from each casino , I still have to find 30-40 casinos in order to win 1 mil US

is it counting to make profit for retire is just a dream not practical ?


Well-Known Member
beyondbj said:
many stories told me they have won 1-3 million US from counting over the world

for large spread u will be banned very soon

if average i can take 30000 US from each casino , I still have to find 30-40 casinos in order to win 1 mil US

is it counting to make profit for retire is just a dream not practical ?
The issue is with taking that much money off of a casino. No casino will let you walk out with hundreds of thousands of dollars. You could be spreading 1-4 in purple, which is a tiny spread, but you wouldn't get to $650k.

I have a different recommendation. I think you should use some money for counting as a hobby, and buy some real estate investment properties, or invest in the stock market.


Well-Known Member
MAZ said:
How about playing a casino for 20 hours in less than 3 days and taking $100k+ off them? Would you think that doable? Factoring in very little straight counting of course.
Yeah, that's possible if it's a big casino. Maybe 2x$5k? That might be hard to pull off without a really good BP, though.

Although, we should never underestimate how easy it is to beat a dumb casino crew.


Well-Known Member
Slow Down

beyondbj said:
many stories told me they have won 1-3 million US from counting over the world

for large spread u will be banned very soon

if average i can take 30000 US from each casino , I still have to find 30-40 casinos in order to win 1 mil US

is it counting to make profit for retire is just a dream not practical ?
Slow down beyond, you're going to have to give us more information.
How much money have you made so far? And in what time frame?

You could make 650k in a year, if you had a decent act, were proficient at counting, and, most importantly, had a very good team.
650k solo? I really dont know if that's realistic, but i do know that these sums have been made by skilled, disciplined, rolled, and experienced BJ pros. Do u know u have what it takes? Please tell us why you believe in yourself this much?
Have you made a significant amount off BJ so far?


Well-Known Member
MeWin$ said:
Slow down beyond, you're going to have to give us more information.
How much money have you made so far? And in what time frame?

You could make 650k in a year, if you had a decent act, were proficient at counting, and, most importantly, had a very good team.
650k solo? I really dont know if that's realistic, but i do know that these sums have been made by skilled, disciplined, rolled, and experienced BJ pros. Do u know u have what it takes? Please tell us why you believe in yourself this much?
Have you made a significant amount off BJ so far?

i have won 100k , in 400-500 hours
with my low bankroll begin from 50k
i dont believe money can be made by team without the risk of cheating
i plan to play alone over world , i dont get much info from other countries as i only played in one casino

Coach R

Well-Known Member
beyondbj said:
i have 650k US bankroll

I prepare to play 1000 hours in 5 different countries casinos (each 200 hours for one trip)

my target in to double my bankroll within one year

any best recommendation? can u pm me the best casinos ( good return and with relatively little heat for large spread ?)

i want to play by 1 kelly and i will adjust my bankroll per day

may be i have to bet quite large for my top bet , is it possible ?
HMMM. I own some land in Florida, it so happens I would take $650,000.00 for the swamp, I mean undeveloped plot. I am sure it will be worth $1,300,000.00 this time next year, interested?


Well-Known Member
beyond bj- If you are for real, ie a 650,000 bank roll then here is some advice. High stakes play requires a very special approach since when you press real money, you will have 1-2 pit personnel evaluating your play and afterwards management watching the "tapes". You can not simply burst onto the scene as a whale unless you really are and money is no issue. They will run a full background check. You will probably last longer by starting out as a wannabe whale, playing $25-$300 hands on your first round trip. If you don't get backed off then on the second tour, you can press a little more. I know i sound like a broken record but keep it short and sweet. If you break that rule, your spreads will create the pattern they look for even if you are loosing. If they suspect you and they think your skill might cost them money, you get backed off. I have found using my wife as a shield helps. You back count and she cheating there. Good luck.
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blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Congrats, You Have Already Arrived.

If one wants to play full Kelly and burn through casinos like a meteor one can. What can possibly happen? One could have some modest negative variance of -$250,000 and then get barred from multiple casinos. How will the OP feel after losing -$250,000?

The OP does mention casinos in 5 nations. One would need to think internationally to spread their play enough with a huge bank. I would feel most comfortable playing the US, Canada, Western Europe with perhaps Bahamas and Aruba thrown in. Would anyone add to this? One would need to understand laws and regs of internationl money movement.

The OP mentions having skills beyond counting. One would need other skills to bet very big for any reasonable length of time. A general rule of thumb can be the larger the bets, the more you need to get away from straight counting. One issue is if one feels the need to use a lot of camo they may eat into the potential profit of those big bets and are just on a variance roller coaster vs playing smaller but more aggressive. A classic example is spreading 1 to 4 in a high limit room vs spreading 1 to 8 on the main casino floor.

I am going to assume this bank is still close to the OPs total wealth because he does not feel he has enough to retire, yet. Given this assumption he should consider betting 1/8th semi-resizing kelly. This allows the player to not have to worry about negative swings, he will probably never need to resize bets down on losses (semi resizing). His NO will be very low compared to daily resizing. This would also allow much of his bank to be in other income producing investments that protect the bank, perhaps bond funds.

If one takes a broader look at casinos one could play in then double $400 or $800 start becoming the top bets, so very large banks are forced to be conservative due to table max's. Game and casino selection also change, with large banks the ability to bet big is often more important then quality of game, this would definately hold true if betting 1/8th kelly because variance due to game quality is greatly reduced.

Already arrived:
The OP could already look at himself as retired and he travels and plays cards a few hours a day for recreation.

What could be potential downfalls for an exciting, rewarding life?
women-can't spend to lavishly on them
gambling, non AP play
high expenses

To sum up:

good cards
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Well-Known Member
1/8 kelly

the hourly return may be 100US only

deducted the hotel and air ticket expenses ,

it seems all suggests counting can be only for entertainment nowadays ..


Well-Known Member
beyondbj said:
1/8 kelly

the hourly return may be 100US only

deducted the hotel and air ticket expenses ,

it seems all suggests counting can be only for entertainment nowadays ..
Counting in and of itself is hardly more than entertainment.