Was that in Birmingham Al? zgshadroch said:I say we nail him to the doors of a church and feed him a diet of worms, just like they did to Martin Luther King.
Was that in Birmingham Al? zgshadroch said:I say we nail him to the doors of a church and feed him a diet of worms, just like they did to Martin Luther King.
Christ! Does nothing escape the intense jackboot scrutiny of the ZZ Kommandant, no matter how subtley it's hidden? JSTAT, take an early surrender... You've been made. May the Force be with you. Turn that other cheek again, as well. Git out your badge. Hold it high. Your Sacred Mission has a much higher EV than a normal unsacred one. Badge: "I shall overcome."zengrifter said:I just broke the Katweezel Code - JSTAT = JESUS
I remember a lot of things about that time...but I don't remember that oneshadroch said:I say we nail him to the doors of a church and feed him a diet of worms, just like they did to Martin Luther King.
Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it.daddybo said:I remember a lot of things about that time...but I don't remember that one
I defer to scriptures of blackjack preached by Bishop Arnold Snyder of the First Church of Blackjack. When in doubt, I seek his divine guidance. The Bishop preaches about rigged computer simulations in the Fall 1999 issue of Blackjack Forum. The article called "Battle Of The Babies" written by the holy one states, "It is not difficult for me to set up a computer simulation where the Hi-Lo Count will outperform the Advanced Omega II, even when both both counts are being played accurately and employing the same betting spread. All I have to do is play around with the betting strategies so that Omega II is waiting too long to put its big bets on the table. If I simply raise the true count by one or two numbers where these bigger bets are placed, then Hi-Lo will appear to be a stronger system. In fact, the Hi-Lo is simply being played more aggressively and with a higher risk of ruin."DeTalores said:If by uncontested you mean, proven wrong by sims that hi-lo does give the player an edge, then you're right.
You say show evidence!
Then when someone shows a sim, you say "oh that sim program is rigged"
what kind of evidence do you expect?
All that means is that those two count systems are very close in performance. And both are well known as good systems.JSTAT said:I defer to scriptures of blackjack preached by Bishop Arnold Snyder of the First Church of Blackjack. When in doubt, I seek his guidance. The Bishop preaches about rigged computer simulations in the Fall 1999 issue of Blackjack Forum. The article called "Battle Of The Babies" written by the holy one states, "It is not difficult for me to set up a computer simulation where the Hi-Lo Count will outperform the Advanced Omega II, even when both both counts are being played accurately and employing the same betting spread. All I have to do is play around with the betting strategies so that Omega II is waiting too long to put its big bets on the table. If I simply raise the true count by one or two numbers where these bigger bets are placed, then Hi-Lo will appear to be a stronger system. In fact, the Hi-Lo is simply being played more aggressively and with a higher risk of ruin."
I really believe you have no idea why you say the things you do. Everything you spout is just regurgitated information from other sources. Whether these sources are reliable or not means nothing to you because you have demonstrated no understanding of what you are saying. When asked for evidence you transfer the conversation to ridiculous outbursts or just nonsensical banter.JSTAT said:I defer to scriptures of blackjack preached by Bishop Arnold Snyder of the First Church of Blackjack. When in doubt, I seek his divine guidance. The Bishop preaches about rigged computer simulations in the Fall 1999 issue of Blackjack Forum. The article called "Battle Of The Babies" written by the holy one states, "It is not difficult for me to set up a computer simulation where the Hi-Lo Count will outperform the Advanced Omega II, even when both both counts are being played accurately and employing the same betting spread. All I have to do is play around with the betting strategies so that Omega II is waiting too long to put its big bets on the table. If I simply raise the true count by one or two numbers where these bigger bets are placed, then Hi-Lo will appear to be a stronger system. In fact, the Hi-Lo is simply being played more aggressively and with a higher risk of ruin."
The trouble is, we already have n00bs confused (and damaged?) by the misinformation JSTAT insists on repeating. I think it's good that his posts are countered, though it's definitely getting tiresome.shadroch said:If nobody fed the trolls,eventually they would get the message and go away.
QFIT said:Anything and everything can be rigged. Does that mean nothing is true?
Tell you what man. Tens counts and ace-neutral counts are valuable tools, and I do research with them all the time.JSTAT said:I defer to scriptures of blackjack preached by Bishop Arnold Snyder of the First Church of Blackjack. When in doubt, I seek his divine guidance. The Bishop preaches about rigged computer simulations in the Fall 1999 issue of Blackjack Forum. The article called "Battle Of The Babies" written by the holy one states, "It is not difficult for me to set up a computer simulation where the Hi-Lo Count will outperform the Advanced Omega II, even when both both counts are being played accurately and employing the same betting spread. All I have to do is play around with the betting strategies so that Omega II is waiting too long to put its big bets on the table. If I simply raise the true count by one or two numbers where these bigger bets are placed, then Hi-Lo will appear to be a stronger system. In fact, the Hi-Lo is simply being played more aggressively and with a higher risk of ruin."
I remember Martin Luther nailing stuff to the church door, although it was before my time, but I don't believe he nailed his namesake, MLK. And, yes, a Diet of Worms was involved. I assure you I am telling the honest truth. As has been said, "Here I stand. I can do no other." Although I have left it to you to read between the lines.daddybo said:I remember a lot of things about that time...but I don't remember that one
Right daddybo, the great pen hit the high point on the Day of Pentecost and has been steadily decreasing ever since. They had a game in the Upper Room that dealt a double decker down to the last card.daddybo said:Nope, moo. Jesus only used HiLo in multideck games.. he used the AlphaOmega II (AOII with Ace sidecount) for Single and DD Games. (Look it up in Revelation 22:13) He played all from Beginning to End. (They must have had great pen back then) :laugh:
That sounds like one hell of a deal! I'd jump all over that JSTAT!Automatic Monkey said:Tell you what man. Tens counts and ace-neutral counts are valuable tools, and I do research with them all the time.
Why don't you just give me the system tags for whatever system you are promoting? I will optimize it, and I can guarantee you it will outperform High-Low in some situations (and you will have numbers to prove it) and it will do 75% of what High-Low will do in any situation. Then you can talk about your system in a way that will benefit advantage players, without having to talk crap.
Too late, "Blackjack Card Count Hoax" was published on http://www.examiner.com/x-18051-San-Francisco-Blackjack-Examiner~y2009m7d23-Blackjack-Card-Count-Hoax newswire for the whole world to see. Google Stanford Wong on Google News to find it. The censoring of this topic by moving this thread to the Zen Zone from the Card Counting page makes an interesting topic in the future. You can only hope to contain the truth, but can't stop it.itrack said:That sounds like one hell of a deal! I'd jump all over that JSTAT!
So you get a free offer for in-depth analysis, and aren't interested. Why aren't any of us surprised.JSTAT said:Too late, "Blackjack Card Count Hoax" was published on http://www.examiner.com/x-18051-San-Francisco-Blackjack-Examiner~y2009m7d23-Blackjack-Card-Count-Hoax newswire for the whole world to see. Google Stanford Wong on Google News to find it. The censoring of this topic by moving this thread to the Zen Zone from the Card Counting page makes an interesting topic in the future. You can only hope to contain the truth, but can't stop it.
Staying on topic for this thread is my desire. Automatic Monkey's offer to run my modified Ten Count is a road I'd rather not travel on. Monkey already suggested his findings without knowing the facts. The sim for my count will be done at Cal Berkeley. Cal is able to independently analyze High/Low and Thorp's modified Ten Count. I'd accept its findings.KenSmith said:So you get a free offer for in-depth analysis, and aren't interested. Why aren't any of us surprised.
Someone, or everyone, please go to this article and give fairly concise authorativeJSTAT said:Too late, "Blackjack Card Count Hoax" was published on http://www.examiner.com/x-18051-San-Francisco-Blackjack-Examiner~y2009m7d23-Blackjack-Card-Count-Hoax newswire for the whole world to see. Google Stanford Wong on Google News to find it. The censoring of this topic by moving this thread to the Zen Zone from the Card Counting page makes an interesting topic in the future. You can only hope to contain the truth, but can't stop it.