Blackjack rules in eastern Europe

Hilton in Prague

One of my nicest wins in Europe was at the Hilton.

They had the rules you mention but the dealer only cut 1 deck from six, sometimes less.

There was zero heat (played aggressively when the TC was high, spread 1-20, won 18K euro)

I also played in euro chips and they gave me a private table.

I would recommend this place highly. Very professional staff.


New Member
These are the games you would find in Bulgaria if you are ever in Eastern Europe
6 decks, early surrender except against ace (no hole card), double any 2 cards, re-split to 4 and double after split, split on aces- 1 split, 1 card,no BJ
Where I live there's even a game with re-split aces and very low limits, which is virtually a free game even without counting (I reckon it's a 0.2% game)
Some casinos use shuffling machines now but some still have shoe games, penetration is about 70-75%. Heat is low but if they ever suspect anyone is counting they'll give you 50% or 3 out of 6 decks.
I'm not much into counting but I consider myself a perfect basic strategy player. However would you recommend Ace/Five for this game, or should I stick to High-Low if I wanted to count cards (I have no interest in more complex card counting systems)


New Member
usual table spreads here in Bulgaria are 5-300, 25-1000 or 100-2000 (some play with euro chips, some even have $, most use Bulgarian money, depends on the casino)
my best local game is 2-1000 which is counting heaven if i get someone to deal out 5/6 decks. But I'm very sure they'll get me if i start out betting 2 and raise to 500-1000, plus it's a really small friendly casino.

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
jojo123 said:
usual table spreads here in Bulgaria are 5-300, 25-1000 or 100-2000 (some play with euro chips, some even have $, most use Bulgarian money, depends on the casino)
my best local game is 2-1000 which is counting heaven if i get someone to deal out 5/6 decks. But I'm very sure they'll get me if i start out betting 2 and raise to 500-1000, plus it's a really small friendly casino.
I recommend KO for your first count. Thinking a casino is there to be your friend is a dangerous mindset and lets you justify giving them money. Matthew 7:15 always applies.


Well-Known Member
jojo123 said:
usual table spreads here in Bulgaria are 5-300, 25-1000 or 100-2000 (some play with euro chips, some even have $, most use Bulgarian money, depends on the casino)
my best local game is 2-1000 which is counting heaven if i get someone to deal out 5/6 decks. But I'm very sure they'll get me if i start out betting 2 and raise to 500-1000, plus it's a really small friendly casino.
What are the hours for the table games?

I stopped at a few casinos in Sunny Beach last year in mid-afternoon and none of the table games were open.


New Member
I still haven't visited casinos along the seaside, I'm surprised to hear they won't take action during the day. Where I live we have 24 hour table games.
I never think the casino is my friend because I know the games are designed with a house advantage. But I am someone who likes to go out and spend time at casinos and by playing low-limit blackjack, flat-betting and using perfect strategy ALL the time I pay a small price.


New Member
Casinos in Hungary


i would like to share some infos about the game in Budapest/Hungary
there are currently two casinos in Budapest, Las Vegas Casino (24/7) and Tropicana Casino (12-6am). Hungarian Forint and Euro tables ( 2euro(max200)-5euro(max500)-25euro(max1000) tables )
6 deck game, s17 das, AA split only once, insurance.
penetration is about 65-75%, double riffle - good for counting and aces

cheap accommodation



New Member
Forget it

These casinos are highly paranoiac and ban everyone suspected of counting, barred in one you are banned from the three, they keep in touch with eachother.


New Member
Hello again from Bulgaria, I found some new games in my home town and in the capital Sofia. A nice local 24/7 casino just introduced an electronic BJ table with a live dealer and a 6-deck shoe, new dealers are instructed to cut 1.5-2 decks and the game is somewhat slow but you'll be playing alone 95% of the time, they have some more experienced dealers which cut 5/6 with the manager looking and I spread 1-8, won 60 units and they even gave me tickets to a cash prize game (which I almost won, I had to pick 2 numbers on the roulette and if I guessed they would pay me 900 leva- 450 euro).
The other game is more interesting and I'd like to get in touch with someone who can analyze it and give me some tips on basic strategy: 6 decks, DOA, DAS, S17, no hole card, surrender after double, ALWAYS (not only first 2 cards) surrender against any dealer card (except ace), surrender hard 16 vs dealer ace. It's a shuffle machine game, but it's all these rules don't you have the advantage off the top?


Active Member
jojo123 said:
Hello again from Bulgaria, I found some new games in my home town and in the capital Sofia. A nice local 24/7 casino just introduced an electronic BJ table with a live dealer and a 6-deck shoe, new dealers are instructed to cut 1.5-2 decks and the game is somewhat slow but you'll be playing alone 95% of the time, they have some more experienced dealers which cut 5/6 with the manager looking and I spread 1-8, won 60 units and they even gave me tickets to a cash prize game (which I almost won, I had to pick 2 numbers on the roulette and if I guessed they would pay me 900 leva- 450 euro).
The other game is more interesting and I'd like to get in touch with someone who can analyze it and give me some tips on basic strategy: 6 decks, DOA, DAS, S17, no hole card, surrender after double, ALWAYS (not only first 2 cards) surrender against any dealer card (except ace), surrender hard 16 vs dealer ace. It's a shuffle machine game, but it's all these rules don't you have the advantage off the top?
surr ONLY 16 vs A, but not 12-15?
it is more or less a even game, roughly cal.
Surrr after DD n multi card surr earn about 0.22% extra.


Active Member
jojo123 said:
hello again from bulgaria, i found some new games in my home town and in the capital sofia. A nice local 24/7 casino just introduced an electronic bj table with a live dealer and a 6-deck shoe, new dealers are instructed to cut 1.5-2 decks and the game is somewhat slow but you'll be playing alone 95% of the time, they have some more experienced dealers which cut 5/6 with the manager looking and i spread 1-8, won 60 units and they even gave me tickets to a cash prize game (which i almost won, i had to pick 2 numbers on the roulette and if i guessed they would pay me 900 leva- 450 euro).
The other game is more interesting and i'd like to get in touch with someone who can analyze it and give me some tips on basic strategy: 6 decks, doa, das, s17, no hole card, surrender after double, always (not only first 2 cards) surrender against any dealer card (except ace), surrender hard 16 vs dealer ace. It's a shuffle machine game, but it's all these rules don't you have the advantage off the top?
csm 126???
jojo123 said:
Hello again from Bulgaria, I found some new games in my home town and in the capital Sofia. A nice local 24/7 casino just introduced an electronic BJ table with a live dealer and a 6-deck shoe, new dealers are instructed to cut 1.5-2 decks and the game is somewhat slow but you'll be playing alone 95% of the time, they have some more experienced dealers which cut 5/6 with the manager looking and I spread 1-8, won 60 units and they even gave me tickets to a cash prize game (which I almost won, I had to pick 2 numbers on the roulette and if I guessed they would pay me 900 leva- 450 euro).
The other game is more interesting and I'd like to get in touch with someone who can analyze it and give me some tips on basic strategy: 6 decks, DOA, DAS, S17, no hole card, surrender after double, ALWAYS (not only first 2 cards) surrender against any dealer card (except ace), surrender hard 16 vs dealer ace. It's a shuffle machine game, but it's all these rules don't you have the advantage off the top?
Just to be clear as I'm a little confused...

You can surrender 16 v Ace but no other hand v Ace?
Can you resplit Aces?

I can only guess the House edge otherwise, yes it will be slightly off the top.

I have the full strategy for super surrender, plus the house edge with the above questions, I'll PM it to you...


New Member
Yes, only surrender first 2 card hard 16 vs ace
What is csm 126, they have shuffle master, 6 decks, and deal out about 1-1.5 decks before returning the cards to the csm
on aces- 1 split, 1 card, no BJ
Please send me the strategy to


Active Member
jojo123 said:
Yes, only surrender first 2 card hard 16 vs ace
What is csm 126, they have shuffle master, 6 decks, and deal out about 1-1.5 decks before returning the cards to the csm
on aces- 1 split, 1 card, no BJ
Please send me the strategy to

u earn extra 0.1-0.2% from Surr 16 vs Ace


New Member
I'll soon visit this casino again and will again check for the re-split on aces
What would you suggest as a total bankroll to play this games flat-betting with the edge off-the-top
I have ways to find enough money and hit them

I played at this casino today, it turned out it is allowed to re-split aces AND you can surrender each hand if you like after the split