Boards closing, discussion

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
all of you need to man up!


It's not like there are not other sites.:rolleyes:

I have enjoyed the site. All the debates & characters. The best part of this site was that it was divided into so many sections.

Wish everyone the best
May your A get painted


Well-Known Member
I echo many who have already voiced.....
1. Thank you tremendously Ken for all you have done to help me through this site.
2. I wish you well in your future endeavors.
3. I don't want to go to another forum.....the others suck.
4. I would pay for this site if you reconsidered and required a membership fee to stay open.
5. If not, I'll probably wander aimlessly for a time before gravitating somewhere else.
6. My email is (spammers are the only unwelcome).

(You can't see it but there is an "underscore" _ between the jay & the gruden)



Active Member
This site and its members have been such a tremendous resource. Ken, there's no way I could ever possibly thank you enough. So, I'll just wish you good cards out there. Take care.



Well and Good. Sad. And AP Play

Mr. Smith, for the 10 years, I've known of him, and not closely, has been one of the most "ethical" AP's in the bidness. As others built close associations which deteriorated into animosity, Mr. Smith was a constant. Freely sharing most of his knowledge(keeping close to his vest or suspenders, that little extra) he maintained equanimity.

I suspect the residual from the boards impacting HIS credibility has as much to do with the decision, as his announcement.

Yes, there are and will be other "Message" sites, but none with the credibility and non ulterior motivation of Mr. Smith's.

These boards are gone. So be it. I thank Ken Smith for his efforts to start, maintain and run them and his site for as long as he did. Did anyone else say, notice, or recognize they were for FREE!

Continued Good Fortune, Ken Smith!


Worst news I've heard all year. However, I respect Ken's decision.

The forum and the chat sessions have changed my life.

Midwest Player

Well-Known Member
Sorry to See This Site Close


Let me say first that you have a great site here. It is definitely one of the top blackjack sites that are out there, and it has only become better over the years.

I sure hope only the "Message Boards" are the only part of your site that is going to close. Your "Basic Strategy Engine" is the best on the web and I still refer to it even though I have basic strategy down pat for the games I play. In fact, I just recently referred to your basic strategy charts for my Wendover trip to make sure I knew the proper basic strategy for single deck which I don't get to play that often.

I will admit my first love is for and I do hope alot of the folks here will go over there.

Midwest Player


Well-Known Member
A sad day indeed

Thank you very much for the years you've spent putting together and running this site. This very site was my #1 blackjack resource and was responsible for my evolution from a ploppy to the player I am today. As the years have gone by since I joined several years ago as one of the first members on this site, I've seen many people come and go, the site change quite a bit from the olden days and the stories of many told and some remaining untold. I will cherish the memories starting from my very first interaction as a new member with ZG (Yes he stirred the pot quite well even back then ;) ) to meeting with the drag queen (Tarzan) and Flash (how the heck does he move those drum sticks j/k so fast :p) hanging with the Parrot or is he a ferret? Some other board memories... Is he's alive, no he's dead, no he's Jesus, oh wait no he isn't, the flamers, gamers and tamers, CP the predator, Aslan the peacemaker, Obama yo mama, My tush is better than Bush, Jstat, InPlay, APs vs. the casino spies, life in the backroom, Make love not war with the ploppies, the never ending adventures of AP life, and all the countless other things I've forgotten to mention. Special thanks to Sonny, Icountntrack, and any other moderator I've missed for putting up with our crap all these years and helping to make this site the best BJ resource on the net. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. For those that know me, you know how to get a hold of me.


Staying in touch

Anyone that would like to stay in touch with me simply email me at and identify yourself with your bjinfo name in the subject title so I don't inadvertantly delete you as spam. I will miss this place.


Well-Known Member
I came here Nov 2008, finding relief from stress and Stalker. Three years later - and far too many posts - I can't believe it's over. :confused: OK, life goes on... Thanks Ken, I had great times here with lots of interesting dudes. Thanks guys...:grin: I owe gratitude to many members here, apart from Ken, who helped me a great deal in how to stop losing cash in casinos. Only a few I name, in no particular order as my list is far too long: Tarzan, CP, AM, Sonny, ZG, QFIT, JKWL, Bojack, MAZ and so on. (You others know who you are.) Thanks a heaps guys. And you again Ken.


Katweezel said:
I came here Nov 2008, finding relief from stress and Stalker. Three years later - and far too many posts - I can't believe it's over. :confused: OK, life goes on... Thanks Ken, I had great times here with lots of interesting dudes. Thanks guys...:grin: I owe gratitude to many members here, apart from Ken, who helped me a great deal in how to stop losing cash in casinos. Only a few I name, in no particular order as my list is far too long: Tarzan, CP, AM, Sonny, ZG, QFIT, JKWL, Bojack, MAZ and so on. (You others know who you are.) Thanks a heaps guys. And you again Ken.
What, no stupid image?


Well-Known Member
Tough news to swallow, Ken...but I completely understand. If it wasn't for this site, I'd still be languishing with the game of 21. Thanks to you, Ken, and everyone that I gleaned info from.

Best wishes to you all.


Well-Known Member
Wow! I'm really going to miss it. I don't post that often, but I read these boards every day. I will miss them. I understand the decision to close them. Thank you for having them when you did.


Well-Known Member
I've learned so much because this board was here-we all have. Take care-and to all members of this board it's been great. All of you have a great holiday season and a very happy and prosperous new year!


Well-Known Member

Although I haven't been heard from as often as many on these forums, I look at the site several times almost every day, and have gained immeasurably from it. I therefore writing to express my profound thanks and best wishes to Ken for the holidays, the new year and for all his future endeavors. I will miss the forums, but I certainly understand Ken's position.
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Well-Known Member
I love this site and I will miss it!

I learned how to be an AP from this site, and because of this site I didnt quit when I had a 900 unit downswing...

I will still return on a regular basis for other things other than the forum, but the forum was my favorite part!


Active Member
Thankyou for the boards, Ken

I'm still somewhat new here, but learned so much in a short amount of time. The discussions here have greatly shaped my learning in a positive way. I liked being able to ask experts their opinions.

If I may plead, like others, to let the discussions continue here with some modifications, I have some thoughts/suggestions:

A good model for how to have a site police itself is dailykos. There are some kind of metrics where the senior posters gain "Trusted User" status, automatically through their activity on the site. The Trusted Users automatically gain extra abilities to censor trolls, spammers, etc. It works well. Many hands make light work.

Even a small token fee of $1 would likely keep a lot of the trash out.


bejammin075 said:
I'm still somewhat new here, but learned so much in a short amount of time. The discussions here have greatly shaped my learning in a positive way. I liked being able to ask experts their opinions.

If I may plead, like others, to let the discussions continue here with some modifications, I have some thoughts/suggestions:

A good model for how to have a site police itself is dailykos. There are some kind of metrics where the senior posters gain "Trusted User" status, automatically through their activity on the site. The Trusted Users automatically gain extra abilities to censor trolls, spammers, etc. It works well. Many hands make light work.

Even a small token fee of $1 would likely keep a lot of the trash out.
I'll bet that vB has a plugin for that. zg