not trying to be a smart a$$, just saying, just me maybe, but no it's not mysterious at all. murphy's law sorta stuff combined with seemingly mysterious paradoxical stuff such as the birthday paradox, aren't mysterious or paradoxical, its simply the way things are.

here's an example. years ago, in the deepest darkest deadest time of the night morning, i was on my way to work, to relieve the meanest guy on earth (if one was to relieve him late) and i was late. nobody, nothing, not a peep of life was on or around those roads, not even chirping crickets. of course i get stopped at a traffic light. not a car on the road, not behind me, not before not to my left, but way, way, way off in the far distance a set of headlights to my right. i needed to make a left turn and by golly i wasn't gonna sit through that light. so off i go. and off went those blinding, twirling, red and blue lights.

yep, just me and the patrolman was out there was all. oh, yeah and of course i got to work even later. my work cohort was not impressed with the ticket i showed to him as an excuse.
that sorta thing, and while we are on the subject, is it just me or has anyone ever parked between two cars in a parking lot, for which someone in one or both of the cars you are between, isn't either getting into or out of their car?

edit: ever seen those bumbling, bimbling white butterfly's, that infect cabbage plants with eggs that turn to caterpillars that eat holes in the cabbage? flying around here, flying around there, bimble, bumble, every which way but loose, haven't a clue where they are going, and then they bump into that cabbage, then they know they like that.
ever see a nice juicy seat in a crowded joint, your not far off, you can make it, but along comes some half wit, drunk or worse, stumbles, bimbles and bumbles right into the seat? lol, sorry, just saying. meh.