Casino Verite Planning


Well-Known Member
jack said:
I was just wondering if you thought CVdata might run faster in SafeMode??
Unlikely it would make much difference in speed unless you have some real CPU hogs running in the background or a slow PC.


Well-Known Member
bjcount said:
Okay that worked well. Thanks.
Now what about the sim archives I created? Is there a quick way to back them up and then restore them? They didnt show up in the files.
They should come back as long as you restore arc.log.


Well-Known Member

Sorry, those were for Regular Blackjack, Norm is quite correct for the 6-7 vs. Ace in SP21. The 3:2 payoff drawing an 8 would negate surrendering.


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
They should come back as long as you restore arc.log.
Thanks again, found the old file and reopened it again seperately in the program folder. Worked perfectly.
Maybe on the newer versions an easier method to backup and restore should be added.



Well-Known Member
CVBJ 5 Nice additions


Great job on Ver 5!

I love the new pop up error screen and the error log format in the flashcard drill. Cost of error is a neat feature too. How does it calc. the error rate vs the bet?

Some neat add ons from Ver 4.2... thanks for asking our opinions during the planning phase.

Hey BJI members... if you don't have it yet... your missing out on an excellent training package. Don't forget to add ST so you can practice your deck cutting/ discard pile estimation (plus other features). The stack is adjustable so you can change the height on your screen to have it match the cards you play with.




Well-Known Member
bjcount said:

Great job on Ver 5!

I love the new pop up error screen and the error log format in the flashcard drill. Cost of error is a neat feature too. How does it calc. the error rate vs the bet?
The bet is multiplied by an estimate of the percentage cost of error. For counting systems, this is based on a very large set of tables estimating the cost of errors in the various situations at various counts with various rules & decks.


Well-Known Member
jack said:
You may want to add, some screen cast tutorials in the future.

Casey has a funny voice:joker:
Cassie's voice is better under Vista if you turn off the custom voice option. The only good thing about Vista I can think of.:)


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
Planning is underway for the next version of Casino Verite. As always, suggestions for new features and refinements are welcome. Either posted or e-mailed to [email protected]
i know this is an old, old post. but i'd like to ask or suggest that cvbj have an 'auto run' setting that logs the hands played and results like it normally does, but allows the user to set it up so the 'auto' player bets a certain way and plays a certain strategy sort of thing for some given number of rounds.:rolleyes::fish::fish::fish::fish::fish:
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