Checks play, doubling hard...

Since my first trip, I have refrained from major tipping.

My question however, do you think tipping an asshole dealer that screams out checks play or doubling hot13, or doubling hot15 etc.... etc... adds to howlong I could eventually play. I have noticed that it curbs down on PC mean mug looks when I tip a loud mouth dealer and usually 90% of the time they either shut up or just speaks it instead of screaming, sometimes I know the pc don't hear it.

So do you think it could add to the longevity of ones game to tip obnoxious dealers like that, or is it just a dumb move?
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Well-Known Member
ringlejames said:
Since my first trip, I have refrained from major tipping.

My question however, do you think tipping an asshole dealer that screams out checks play or doubling hot13, or doubling hot15 etc.... etc... adds to howlong I could eventually play. I have noticed that it curbs down on PC mean mug looks when I tip a loud mouth dealer and usually 90% of the time they either shut up or just speaks it instead of screaming, sometimes I know the pc don't hear it.

So do you think it could add to the longevity of ones game to tip obnoxious dealers like that, or is it just a dumb move?
Any tipping should be in appreciation of good service. Tipping as a means of achieving some favorable condition is a waste of money.


Well-Known Member
If you are doubling hard 13 and hard 15 and the dealer is calling it out, you should have no problem with longevity :laugh:
I cant seem to stop pulling 21's though especially on the 12-14's.

PC, what you gonna do on that hand,

ME, IDK, what does basic say to do,


Me, okay then, Ill double down.:grin:


Well-Known Member

ringlejames said:
Since my first trip, I have refrained from major tipping.

My question however, do you think tipping an asshole dealer that screams out checks play or doubling hot13, or doubling hot15 etc.... etc... adds to howlong I could eventually play. I have noticed that it curbs down on PC mean mug looks when I tip a loud mouth dealer and usually 90% of the time they either shut up or just speaks it instead of screaming, sometimes I know the pc don't hear it.

So do you think it could add to the longevity of ones game to tip obnoxious dealers like that, or is it just a dumb move?
I vote Dumb Move. Those are the dealers you should not ever tip....if they are that gung ho about their job then tipping won't help.
bigplayer said:
I vote Dumb Move. Those are the dealers you should not ever tip....if they are that gung ho about their job then tipping won't help.
Appreciated, and advice taken and will be used. there are going to be a lot of pissed off regulars at me though. I am however going to keep tipping one. We get along a lot and he is the only one I would feel bad about not tipping anymore.


Well-Known Member
bigplayer said:
I vote Dumb Move. Those are the dealers you should not ever tip....if they are that gung ho about their job then tipping won't help.
Actually, those are the dealers who are doing their job properly. They call out bad plays so that there is no question about it. It's hard to say you didn't call for a split or double down when they call it out.


21forme said:
If you are doubling hard 13 and hard 15 and the dealer is calling it out, you should have no problem with longevity :laugh:
x2. Don't tip for things you don't want repeated. They do check play to prevent shot taking. That is saying you didn't call for a play when you lose. Your argument is nobody would make such a dumb play. The call should help you with longevity.


Well-Known Member
If you were a BJ Dealer you would do as you are told - and shout out "checks play", "doubling hard xx", etc. etc.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
If you were a BJ Dealer you would do as you are told - and shout out "checks play", "doubling hard xx", etc. etc.
Agreed - They aren't saying those things to annoy you or identify you as an AP; they're doing it because those are the procedures.
Dyepaintball12 said:
Agreed - They aren't saying those things to annoy you or identify you as an AP; they're doing it because those are the procedures.
Thanks bud. My problem is that when they do it, on the road at non regular casinos, that dont know I count, pit heat raises. Just saying. But thanks. I dont spend too long in on place anymore anyways.


Well-Known Member
You need to feel out the dealer.
At my candyshop, most dealers will call chexplay if you switch from red to green. You might go from four red to one green and you'll get it, while jumping four red to eight red won't.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
You need to feel out the dealer.
At my candyshop, most dealers will call chexplay if you switch from red to green. You might go from four red to one green and you'll get it, while jumping four red to eight red won't.
I always laughed inside when the Borg would call out black action for a single black, but if I put out a $300-400 stack of green, they wouldn't say a word.


Well-Known Member
If you ever use the "drunken degenerate" act; a good way to nullify the "checks play" and "black action" calls is to repeatedly and loudly make these calls yourself every time you increase your bet as if you're a comp hustler. The pit quits paying attention to you or the dealer calls after a relatively short time.