Well-Known Member
RJT said:How about validating your statement? You've offered all of this verbal abuse to anyone who dares to contradict you, so now how about offering some evidence to support you claim that isn't anacdotal?
Why bother doing that???? Pretty much every one who contradicts me didnt even bother to either read and understand any thing i have said...(which begs the question, why would a person even bother responding to any one else's comments without bothering to read them or understand them)
Do you think its a coincidence that when i asked these "geniuses" some very simple and clear questions, i got not a single answer responding directly to the question...
Or may be i should just coddle some one who types crap like this...
And dammit, I'm hanging with that high count until I either run out of cards or money.
This after being repeatedly told we are talking about multiple shoes that you have lost one after another...
But then again, we are only talking about our personal income,real cash, moola baby!!!!
I should have to be politically correct when addressing some guy giving me the biggest piece of moronic advice i have read....keep reading my posts...
May be one day you will find one where i am very cordial to some guy demanding that i spend my own money the way he sees fit...
Seriously...keep reading.....may be you will see it one day..:grin: