Computer Aided Counting

I have built a very small computer device that uses toe switches to count cards.

It can do running count OR true count and allows you to set it up for 1-8 deck games.

If anyone is interested please drop me a line, they are available.


Well-Known Member
I thought those are illegal... even if they aren't I would seriously not want to get caught with one.


Well-Known Member
CountCardsandWin said:
I have built a very small computer device that uses toe switches to count cards.

It can do running count OR true count and allows you to set it up for 1-8 deck games.
I have a brain that can do all that and more. It can be set up for any number of decks and any rule changes, it can adjust my playing based on the deck composition, it can calculate my optimal bet for any situation, it can recognize advantages much more profitable than card counting, it can track the cards through the shuffle, it can figure out my EV, SD, SCORE and ROR (with a little help from QFIT of course :) ), it can differentiate between good games and bad games and it fits snugly right inside my head for complete concealment. Perhaps more importantly, I won't go to jail for using it.

Anyone interested in my brain can post questions on this website and have them answered within a few hours. Act now and get a special bonus! :eek: You’ll also get access to many other brains with even more knowledge and experience than mine! This is not a limited time offer.



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
I have a brain that can do all that and more. It can be set up for any number of decks and any rule changes, it can adjust my playing based on the deck composition, it can calculate my optimal bet for any situation, it can recognize advantages much more profitable than card counting, it can track the cards through the shuffle, it can figure out my EV, SD, SCORE and ROR (with a little help from QFIT of course :) ), it can differentiate between good games and bad games and it fits snugly right inside my head for complete concealment. Perhaps more importantly, I won't go to jail for using it.

Anyone interested in my brain can post questions on this website and have them answered within a few hours. Act now and get a special bonus! :eek: You’ll also get access to many other brains with even more knowledge and experience than mine! This is not a limited time offer.

Sonny you brain sounds better than that toe device i'll give you 2 grand for it?:laugh:


Well-Known Member
But Sonnys brain won't function if its in my socks.

QFIT-Is that for Nevada or are they illegal in most jurisdications?
Its a rhetorical question,as I have no interest in using one.


Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
I have a brain that can do all that and more.... Perhaps more importantly, I won't go to jail for using it.
The way things are going, that might not always be true.:mad:


New Member
Blacjkjack Computers

It seems like every month or so, someone either asks about BJ computers or claims they have one to sell. My guess is that the posters are not serious and get some kick out of the reponses.

I hope mine gave you a cheap thrill.
Yes there are jurisdictions where they are illegal to use in the casinos, and I would not recommend anybody to break the law.

But there are also lots where they are NOT illegal, like the whole country of Canada, which has an abundance of Casinos.

This device is real, it works, and it costs less than $200 including a PC interface that lets you download the high and low count and penetration from the last 80 shoes that were played.

I have counted in my head as well, and we all know what happens if you get distracted or lose your spot.

Also this device automatically calculates TRUE COUNT using the exact number of cards left in the shoe, you do not need to estimate remaining deck size or do any division with fractions or decimals. Or you can operate in running count mode if you prefer, and do those calculations.


CountCardsandWin said:
This device is real, it works, and it ...lets you download the high and low count and penetration from the last 80 shoes that were played.
What would be the purpose of retaining counts and pene from previous shoes? zg
The logging feature was added because as they say, it could be done. I had a total of 240 some odd bytes of EEPROM space available in the CPU for whatever I wanted to do with it, so I decided to record the Max hi and lo counts during each shoe, and how many cards were left at shuffle time.

The feature is primarily for those folks who tend to be 'record crazy' extreme cases it could show a biased set of cards (IE the deck rarely goes negative but the cards still suck) that have had certain cards removed to lessen the players odds. (Not that its common, but it DOES happen....I live in Canada and a certain Casino frequented by some Canadians in Minnesota was caught removing most of the A's from their shoes) of course in extreme cases (IE they only left 1 A in an 8 deck shoe) you should have already noticed without the statistics...

It also records the penetration so you know to the card how many are being dealt, for up to 80 shoes.

I suppose I could have also made it record the penetration only from 240 games, and no hi/lo, but I thought the hi/lo might be meaningful to some people.

This type of feedback is useful so that I can tailor the device function to what users would most want. I can also reprogram the units over and over, so I can add or change features and upgrade existing units when software changes.

If I find enough interested parties, I have many other potential ideas for similar but far more advanced devices. This one is a very straightforward hi/lo counter, with true count calculated for you, based on how many decks you are playing (1-8). Or it will do running count for any number of decks. (0 decks). Ultimately I want to develop a perfect strategy machine....


Well-Known Member
Dont Worry Sonny

Well only $200 for a toe computer that is going to make me rich and is also against the law. I think I know who is getting rich with this invention? I would still rather pay 2 grand for Sonnys brain than this thing.
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Well-Known Member
if i was a casino....

if i was a casino i'd consider Sonny's brain worse than a lethal weapon.

best regards,
mr fr0g :D
nc-tom said:
Well only $200 for a toe computer that is going to make me rich and is also against the law. I think I know who is getting rich with this invention? I would still rather pay 2 grand for Sonnys brain than this thing.
#1. It's far less than $200.00 including the device, 1 set of switches, the PC interface, and shipping.

#2. It's not for illegal use. There is gambling in places other than Las Vegas.

#3. If I was trying to 'get rich' off the device I would be charging thousands for it and hyping it as some kind of guaranteed get rich quick scheme, which I am not. We all know card counting is no guarantee of winning anything, it only tells you when you have better chances. I love blackjack, and I also love electronics, so I decided to hack blackjack :)


Well-Known Member
CountCardsandWin said:
Yes there are jurisdictions where they are illegal to use in the casinos, and I would not recommend anybody to break the law.

But there are also lots where they are NOT illegal, like the whole country of Canada, which has an abundance of Casinos.
Hey CountCards don't be telling people on this board or anywhere that these devices are legal. No jurisdiction in North America allows them including Canada. Don't believe me just read the signs at the entrances in casinos or simply give them a call. Many casinos warn you as you enter that electronic devices or electronic aids are not allowed. Many casinos now also warn you that facial scanning techniques are in use although they say its for criminal purposes only.


Well-Known Member
I believe they are illegal in Canada. If so, it is also a felony to say they are legal in an ad.
QFIT said:
I believe they are illegal in Canada. If so, it is also a felony to say they are legal in an ad.
You obviously don't know much about Canadian law, because there is no such thing as a 'felony' in Canada. We have 'summary conviction' and 'indictable offenses' (ie summary is like a misdemeanor, indictable more serious ilke felonly).

Please don't tell me about the laws in Canada, I have researched it quite thoroughly and it is NOT ILLEGAL!

Perhaps if you know better you can point me to the section of the Criminal Code or other legislation that supports your position. I know you won't, since THERE ISN'T ANY.

It may be against CASINO POLICY but it is NOT ILLEGAL. That is QUITE DIFFERENT. In other words, Canada is exactly like Vegas was before a certain somebody got caught with a Casey machine, and they changed the laws to prohibit concealed devices in Casinos. THERE IS NO SUCH LAW IN CANADA (YET). Most casinos also don't like card counters and if they want to push the issue they will kick you out. That is POLICY not LAW. There is a HUGE difference.

They can kick you out, but you cannot be charged with a crime, if you don't believe me phone any Canadian Casino and ask them. (Assuming they will be truthful with you, of course they might tell you something different because they don't want you to know the truth).

Because of the definition of 'cheating' used in the Criminal Code, if card counting with a device is illegal, counting without one is JUST AS ILLEGAL. (In other words, not at all). There is no specific prohibition against using an electronic device, such as there is in NV (and possibly other US States). The prohibition is only against collusion and other things where you can affect the outcome of a game, which we all know card counting cannot change the order of the cards or the outcome, therefore it doesn't qualify as cheating either with or without an electronic device (within Canada).
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Well-Known Member

okay buddy,
I'm from canada and the only reason what you describe is not illegal here is because no precedent has been set yet. If you are caught doing it i have no doubt that you will be arrested and you will be convicted therefore creating a new law just for you.

but anyway, these forums are for legal techniques of advatage play.... and i just want to tell new reading this that it is not that tough and you don't need a machine to help you count, a powerful brain will keep you winning, without the fear of arrest.
bluewhale said:
okay buddy,
I'm from canada and the only reason what you describe is not illegal here is because no precedent has been set yet. If you are caught doing it i have no doubt that you will be arrested and you will be convicted therefore creating a new law just for you.

but anyway, these forums are for legal techniques of advatage play.... and i just want to tell new reading this that it is not that tough and you don't need a machine to help you count, a powerful brain will keep you winning, without the fear of arrest.
Obviously you didn't read my last response: The reason its not illegal is because there is NO LAW that applies. You can't be charged with cheating because you are not in collusion with anybody, and you cannot change the outcome of the game (2 requirements that must be proven to be found guilty).

I don't get why people are being so difficult, if you can count cards in your head then thats all fine and dandy, do so! If you don't like my product, then move on.....some people want to do it my way.

If you disagree with my position that its illegal in Canada, please provide some PROOF, like the section of the Criminal Code that backs up your claim.

For the longest time in Canada is was also 100% LEGAL to STEAL DirecTV and other US satellite signals.

You must understand one basic concept: EVERYTHING is legal unless it is explicitly made ILLEGAL, period. Just because it 'feels wrong' or 'looks wrong' doesn't mean it is illegal (immoral, unethical etc etc don't make something illegal).

Here's one some of you Americans will be surprised at: In Canada it is 100% legal to have sex with people as young as 16 yrs old. Thats right, even a 50 yr old can do a 16 yr old, and its PERFECTLY LEGAL (so long as he isn't a teacher or someone else in a position of 'authority'). Not too long ago, that age was 15!

PS New laws are created by Parliament, not be being arrested for a crime that doesn't exist.