Computer Aided Counting


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
I don't think that it would be illegal for two reasons - 1) the device is not used "at the table", and 2) the Device Law is unconstitutional as currently written in Nevada. I'll also add that executed optimally it would be impossible to prosecute. LETS DO IT! zg
I would do it.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
...the Device Law is unconstitutional as currently written in Nevada.
Sure, but just because a law is contrary to the very framework of American government doesn’t mean that you won’t go to jail for breaking it. Funny, huh?

zengrifter said:
I'll also add that executed optimally it would be impossible to prosecute. LETS DO IT! zg
ZG, you're such a troublemaker! :devil: Are you getting some sort of referral bonus from Club Fed?



Sonny said:
Sure, but just because a law is contrary to the very framework of American government doesn’t mean that you won’t go to jail for breaking it. Funny, huh?

ZG, you're such a troublemaker! :devil: Are you getting some sort of referral bonus from Club Fed?

Logic-rationalized crime: The law is bullshit and you LIKELY CANNOT BE CAUGHT. Afterall, EVEN A SPOTTER OR A BS CHART is a "device" and we are not afraid to use those, correct?

This is a form of spotter - a TELEPHONE SPOTTER! zg:devil:


Well-Known Member
I'd like the eye patch that #2 had in Austin Powers.
I'd also like Alotta Fagina sitting next to me to distract the dealer.
That guy has it made!


Well-Known Member
Here's a little tidbit I picked up from another website:

"Information on a cell phone screen, when "exposed" in public, becomes public information. Surveillance can take this information and use "Reverse Phone" look-up on the net. There they have a 75% chance of gaining information on you that you probably don't want them to have. I could name famous professional players who were careless and got busted this way."

It diosn't relate directly to using a "phone team" but it is good information to be aware of in a casino.
