DD games at Bellagio, Mirage, and TI


Well-Known Member
Many MGM shops deal face up.

Other shops like Venetian/Palazzo and Wynn/Encore deal face down and you touch the cards.


chichow said:
Many MGM shops deal face up.

Other shops like Venetian/Palazzo and Wynn/Encore deal face down and you touch the cards.
Not true, Wynn/Encore are face up and have been for a while, it is correct you still cannot touch the cards. Also the min bet is still between 300 to 500 with S17, and 75% Pen and 3:2 BJ


Well-Known Member
chichow said:
Many MGM shops deal face up.

Other shops like Venetian/Palazzo and Wynn/Encore deal face down and you touch the cards.
Not a 100% true. Wynn/Encore dealt face up for their h17 DD game, at least by Jan this year. Mandalay Bay dealt DD game face down when I visited there last month. All three op mentioned casinos have their DD game face up.


Well-Known Member
I made an error. Apologies.

I typed too fast. I meant to say that Sands is face down and you touch the cards while Wynn is face up and MGM is mostly face up


Well-Known Member
Do any of these properties offer DD S17 at $25? The cbjn list on the Wizard's site shows some, but it's a few months old now.


Well-Known Member
darco77 said:
Do any of these properties offer DD S17 at $25? The cbjn list on the Wizard's site shows some, but it's a few months old now.
Never mind. I found the answer.


Well-Known Member
I was talking with someone who claimed card counters avoid the Mirage. Do many of you play there? I think $25 and less would be totally underneath their radar, but they claim any decent size bettors rarely play there. I was wondering if that was just a baseless self-promoting brag, or if they are that good as to discourage counters from wasting their time?:confused:


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
I was talking with someone who claimed card counters avoid the Mirage. Do many of you play there? I think $25 and less would be totally underneath their radar, but they claim any decent size bettors rarely play there. I was wondering if that was just a baseless self-promoting brag, or if they are that good as to discourage counters from wasting their time?:confused:
I'm sure they watch the DD games much more carefully than the shoes. I played their 6D/S17 $25+ games pretty aggressively for many hours over a weekend this year and had no heat.

I've been hearing some chatter about the MGM props cracking down on the DD these days, but haven't been able to gauge the validity. Similar rumors abound for the shoe games too.


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Which property? For some of their properties they have a lot bigger fish to fry, like this guy who bets $150,000 in one hand, or the Department Store owner who counts, or the Asians who throw $2 million in an attempt to win $25 million. So some guy like me betting $25 or $50 is not even a blip, unless of course its an extremely slow day, or the pit calls the eye with a heads up. The way it was explained to me, they may catch you "casing" the game at $25 or $50 with the intention of coming back tomorrow and withdrawing $30 or $40 thousand. So they err on the side of caution and back you off when they observe you counting even if you seem like a penny ante player.
I heard rumors of all of those places. You're right that the high rollers would get much more scrutiny of course, but the rumors I heard was that they're getting aggressive toward even the green chippers. I think there's a thread or two on this site about it.

I have no idea how founded the rumors are, but I'd be curious (also with regard to their shoe games..) Maybe someone will chime in.

Do that many people "case" a bunch of tables at a low level before jumping in big? I'd be very surprised if any did; if you were going to case then then might as well just flat-bet for a little while, if that. Then you can find everything out except heat, which is bet-dependent anyway.


Well-Known Member
The Mirage DD games for $25 minimums ARE closely monitored, as they are at all of the NV M.G.M. properties.

They tend to evaluate your play after you depart if they suspect that you know what you are doing.
The polite "backoff" often accompanies inexperienced Card Counters on their 2nd visit IF they had played the tasty $25 DD games.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
The Mirage DD games for $25 minimums ARE closely monitored, as they are at all of the NV M.G.M. properties.

They tend to evaluate your play after you depart if they suspect that you know what you are doing.
The polite "backoff" often accompanies inexperienced Card Counters on their 2nd visit IF they had played the tasty $25 DD games.
So is this to say if you have played their DD on 3 visits now (many sessions during each visit), that you may be under the radar?

Also I think I won't be using my players card on blackjack there my next visit.


Well-Known Member
I have played these tables in the past and believe they are very aware of people trying to take advantage of counting or other techniques...the pen is horrible (automatic isnt it...they have the damn slot in the shoe holder so the dealer penetrates the same depth every time...or is this not true anymore...its been over a year since i last played?).

However....I have played midweek...and in particular (maybe its someone here even)...witnessed 1 person playing between 3 and max spots on the table.....obviously knowing what they are doing....and they were not backed off at all.....its an amazing site to see 7 hands against a dealer ace up....:laugh:......:cry:......insurance anyone :cool2:


Well-Known Member

You said: "So is this to say if you have played their DD on 3 visits now (many sessions during each visit), that you may be under the radar?"

My Opinion:

It probably means that they decided that your play was not advantageous ENOUGH for them to be concerned enough to back you off - unless you camped out for many many hours - but they will will revisit your skill level periodically, especially if you show winning sessions or raise your stakes.