Dealer not allowing you to wong out on a DD game


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
But seriously, nothing wrong with trying to sit out a hand or so on occasion. But, the moment you experience any resistance, give up graciously and don’t blame the casino for not being stupid. Incidentally, if you are gracious, it might even work the next time. Because you won't look like one of them AH counters.:)
I'm sorry QFIT, but you seem to have a warped perspective here. I could sit out every second hand if it was my choice and still shouldn't be made to feel uncomfortable for doing so. Like a shop, i can wander in look around for an hour and not buy anything. Simply being in the shop doesn't give them the right to force me to buy something. Admittedly i can't go and stand at the check out if i'm not buying anything, but if i choose to only purchase a pack of gum, i've got just as much right to take the checkout assistant's time as someone with a full cart of shopping. The casino have the right to invite me in to play and if they don't like my style of play, ask me to leave. They don't have the right to tell me when i should be wagering. If it's busy and someone else comes along, they can let him play when i'm not playing or even ask me to vacate my seat, but they don't have the right to force me to place a wager on a round i don't want to.

If the casino think it's a smart move to ask me to leave because i'm not playing enough hands, they are welcome to do so. Personally i doubt how well crafted that idea is, but it's up to them. Just like a bar however, they don't have the right to tell me when I must by a drink. The casino's 'rights' revolve around being able to tell me when i cannot play, not when i must. That would be world gone crazy!

All this said, i do think sitting out hands can in certain situations draw more attention than it's worth, but that's for everyone to work out their own solutions to.

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Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
If they want to call it a new name without the word "Blackjack," that's fine. But, calling it Blackjack is fraudulent. (Did I make that clear enough.:))
I nominate the term: "Scam-jack!"

QFIT said:
Did I mention that 6:5 Blackjack is a fraud?
Hits the nail right on the head -
Definition of cheating according to Nevada law: "Any attempt to alter the frequency or amount of a payout in a gambling game." (Evidently it's not cheating as long as it's the HOUSE that does it.) :confused:

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
To the OP

Sitting out hands and sitting at a DD table is not subtle!

Some mitigating factors:
Was the last hand played lost? A lost double or spl, 20, dealer bj, pushed bj or multi card dealer pull?
Talking to friends at the table, but I imagine you were watching the table?
Had you sat out other hands?
Were you up or down?
Were you aggressively spreading?
The more innocent your play the less of an issue sitting out some hands is. However, I imagine your play was not so innocent?:devil:

When the dealer started giving you heat; which it probably was, you probably needed to decide to play or leave her table. If a large win perhaps leave the casino.

Any further confrontation would probably make you more memorable.


Well-Known Member
ninous26 said:
I'm not sure if there is an etiquette on playing $25 min DD games in LV.. I told someone this story in the chat room a couple days ago.

I was playing a $25 min DD game in LV. I was at the table with one other player. New shuffle comes, and after 3 hands the count is a -8 with 5 aces gone. With two friends standing behind me I start to lean back and talk to them without placing a bet.. I stuck out my hand and waved back and forth in a "don't deal to me motion, I am sitting out". The dealer then says no you can't do that and starts shouting the PB's name which I'll leave out. I start talking to my friends loudly saying we should go and look for our other friend who has been missing for a couple of hours.. As I am talking the dealer keeps interrupting me so I finally get up stand away from the table and begin to "text my friend". The dealer then proceeds to stand there with her arms crossed and waited for me to finish so she can keep dealing. I felt bad for the other player since he was just sitting there quietly waiting so I played 1 last hand and left.

It was a lot worse than I am making it sound.. She was seriously making a scene by screaming out to the floor constantly trying to butt into my conversation and getting my attentions. I'm so sure she knew exactly what I was doing.

Is this something of the norm? I really wanted to take all my green without coloring up and pocketing them then proceed to flip her off but I kept my cool.
Didn't you see the "No Mid-Shoe Exit" sign?


Well-Known Member
You mean that tiny 8pt font on that digital screen? I have terrible vision, I still read that and I didn't spot NO MIDSHOE EXIT, only entry.


Well-Known Member
A little off topic, but whats up with the casinos allowing seats to sit empty forever awaiting the return of some lost gambler that never returns? This just doesn't make good business sense for the casino. Anyone have a clue why they permit to a fault?


Well-Known Member
ninous26 said:
6:5 IS a fraud. My ploppy friend kept on insisting we play in the party pit so he can watch the girls but all the tables were 6:5.. "who cares???" he kept saying. I do.. when I get BJ hands I want $150 on my 100 dollar bet. Not 120.

6:5 is NOTHING but more casino advantage. I'd only play 6:5 if some other rule was changed like you receive half your bet back if dealer gets blackjack or something else ridiculous.
if you are counting you should be focusing on penetration. a 6-5 table with great penetration is worth considering.


MountainMan said:
A little off topic, but whats up with the casinos allowing seats to sit empty forever awaiting the return of some lost gambler that never returns? This just doesn't make good business sense for the casino. Anyone have a clue why they permit to a fault?
I think it is the law where I play. Hold them for 15 minutes.


Making no sense

The casino can't FORCE you to keep playing and this sounds very strange like maybe there was some sort of communication error as was mentioned. You can always step away from the table. Things happen, get over it, avoid making scenes that attract unwarranted attention.

MasterofNone said:
if you are counting you should be focusing on penetration. a 6-5 table with great penetration is worth considering.
Playing a game with crummy rules and lots of additional HA is a waste of time and a losing proposition. You keep playing this garbage and they will happily keep on providing it though.

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Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:

Playing a game with crummy rules and lots of additional HA is a waste of time and a losing proposition. You keep playing this garbage and they will happily keep on providing it though.

If you walk by a 6-5 table merely because it is 6-5, without considering penetration, shuffle, dealer habits, heat, etc. then you are closing your eyes to some good opportunities to walk away a winner. Because it is 6-5 I have found the pit could care less about counting, bet spread, etc. You read too much into my statement. I am not talking about the LV strip.


MasterofNone said:
If you walk by a 6-5 table merely because it is 6-5, without considering penetration, shuffle, dealer habits, heat, etc. then you are closing your eyes to some good opportunities to walk away a winner. Because it is 6-5 I have found the pit could care less about counting, bet spread, etc. You read too much into my statement. I am not talking about the LV strip.
Have you thought about how you would need to adjust your TC calculations for bet correlation. Ace reckoned counts would become totally useless. Ace nuetral counts would be your only hope of a high BC and PE. Ace adjustments would have to be cut in half when determining the TC for bet sizing. You might as well forget about using HILO as it probably couldnt overcome the house edge of 1.5% to 2% in 6:5 games. You would almost certainly have to invent your own counting system to have a high enough PE to make it worth your time or use many side counts. Do the math and just say no to 6:5.


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
I think it is the law where I play. Hold them for 15 minutes.
Places I play, its just a policy. I know at times when its busy, they'll mark the seat for less than 15-20 minutes.


Ugly lessons in futility

tthree said:
Have you thought about how you would need to adjust your TC calculations for bet correlation. Ace reckoned counts would become totally useless. Ace nuetral counts would be your only hope of a high BC and PE. Ace adjustments would have to be cut in half when determining the TC for bet sizing. You might as well forget about using HILO as it probably couldnt overcome the house edge of 1.5% to 2% in 6:5 games. You would almost certainly have to invent your own counting system to have a high enough PE to make it worth your time or use many side counts. Do the math and just say no to 6:5.
Tthree has seen a demonstration of my count in which I can flip through the cards and tell you exactly what is left toward the end of the deck(s) ... I can tell you exactly how many 10's, Aces, the exact probability of drawing a 6 or 7 rather than an 8 or 9, relative ratios of various card groupings, etc.--- I do this with dead-on accuracy and I refuse to play games with H17, 8 decks, 6:5, no DAS, etc., etc... Does this clue you in on anything kiddies???? I won't get near games with any of these rules with even my immaculate count regardless of pen and I doubt anyone's count is going to compare with mine to be quite honest with you.

I think Tthree is trying to play devil's advocate here and trying to come up with justifications or the means of these sorts of rules being anything to try to go up against just to be polite even though his final thoughts were to stay away from such garbage; I would rather be "less than polite" but save some people some grief instead. You are asking for trouble to play these sorts of rules because with a rudimentary and basic type of count you can still get slaughtered in a game with fantastic rules. You don't play against these rules unless you are a gambler that enjoys living on the edge. I like to be cautious and stay a good distance away from the edge because I don't like to gamble... I like to make money.
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Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:
You don't play against these rules unless you are a gambler that enjoys living on the edge. .
I am by no means a gambler who enjoys living on the edge. In the last two years I have made more money playing 6:5 blackjack than all other blackjack games combined. I PREFER this game over most 3:2 games, for reasons I cannot go into.

Given the right approach; there is no game in any casino that cannot be beaten. Sometimes you have to think outside the box. :cool2:


Tarzan said:
Tthree has seen a demonstration of my count in which I can flip through the cards and tell you exactly what is left toward the end of the deck(s) ... I can tell you exactly how many 10's, Aces, the exact probability of drawing a 6 or 7 rather than an 8 or 9, relative ratios of various card groupings, etc.--- I do this with dead-on accuracy and I refuse to play games with H17, 8 decks, 6:5, no DAS, etc., etc... Does this clue you in on anything kiddies???? I won't get near games with any of these rules with even my immaculate count regardless of pen and I doubt anyone's count is going to compare with mine to be quite honest with you.

I think Tthree is trying to play devil's advocate here and trying to come up with justifications or the means of these sorts of rules being anything to try to go up against just to be polite even though his final thoughts were to stay away from such garbage; I would rather be "less than polite" but save some people some grief instead. You are asking for trouble to play these sorts of rules because with a rudimentary and basic type of count you can still get slaughtered in a game with fantastic rules. You don't play against these rules unless you are a gambler that enjoys living on the edge. I like to be cautious and stay a good distance away from the edge because I don't like to gamble... I like to make money.
Tarzan is right about his system, it is the strongest I have seen for PE or any other category for that matter. When I wrote my post i was thinking of his count. I also dont see why anyone would want to voluntarily play such garbage. Tarzan has an amazing system he developed to get close to the maximum advantage possible. If you go through the work to get the most advantage possible why give a lot of it back by playing crappy rules. Tarzan spent years fine tuning his system. Most blackjack players probably wouldnt understand the logic involved in turning the abundance of information gathered with his count into its full potential. Yet he wouldnt waste his time with crappy rules, even though he would probably have a larger advantage than most would see at the best games if he were to play anything but the worst rules (6:5). That should tell you all you need to know.


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
I am by no means a gambler who enjoys living on the edge. In the last two years I have made more money playing 6:5 blackjack than all other blackjack games combined. I PREFER this game over most 3:2 games, for reasons I cannot go into.

Given the right approach; there is no game in any casino that cannot be beaten. Sometimes you have to think outside the box. :cool2:
I agree that there are times that 6:5 can be preferable to 3:2, and I certainly agree with your final statement, but you must admit that you're looking at things from a different perspective than most others in this thread. It's a waste of time to try to count a 6:5 game.