Meshounah said:
I'm a cheap 14 year old pothead, anyhow i don't know where I'm going with this sentence but yeah, I want to do dice control to pay for college.
How about smoking less and studying to pay for college?
Far too many kids want to grind it out - at the $5/hr blackjack game or at a $5/hr cashier job - to pay for college. The best way to pay for college is to get into a really good college. More people attend Harvard for free than for full price - probably a slam dunk now that they've waived tuition for 90% of the population, but even tuition was $50,000/yr, more people attended Harvard for free than for full price.
College tuition uses what's known as price discrimination - basically asking people to pay as much as they can. They'll set tuition absurdly high, and then give out scholarships and grants to 99% of the incoming class. All you really need to do is be good enough so that colleges are chasing you, rather than you chasing colleges.
The biggest EV move you can make in your life is to find a job you like, and work exceptionally toward it and at it. When you get a $10,000 signing bonus from the law offices of Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe, use it as a bankroll for AP; when you get promoted from Assistant Manager to Manager, negotiate an extra week of vacation and use it as time to go AP; when you're a professional skateboarder and touring the US, stop by Las Vegas for a few rolls then. Don't waste your life dreaming of becoming a millionaire with a homemade craps table and a $100 bankroll.