We scored the disgruntled former surveillance guy on our side... wouldn't it be nice to round this out with a few disgruntled laid off dealers, pit supervisors, pit bosses and perhaps even a former floor manager/shift manager? With the lay-offs or possibility of lay-offs in the industry, this is in the realm of possibilities!
Actual lay-offs have not really happened to any great extent in AC from what I know, aside from hearing yesterday that Caesar's chopped some people. I have seen some other things lately that I have never seen before, such as someone (as in a pit boss or supervisor type) minus their official name tag wandering through a casino other than the one they work in and looking about, as if doing some sort of industrial espionage or recon. Who knows though, perhaps it is just idle curiosity rather than my elaborate conspiracy theory.
The recession or whatever you wish to call it has had a noticeable effect but not what appears to be a huge and overwhelming effect. I am hearing from multiple sources that dealers tips are in decline in the last 6 months or so for basically the same amount of "action". In my migratory travels I have noticed that certain people that used to be weekly fixtures in places are no longer around, one case in point is some ancient old guy that used to be planted at a bank of video poker machines that I could set my watch by this guy here was there so much. He's from Pennsylvania and rode a bus in on a regular basis about 3 days a week. Poof! Gone! He is just one example of many though.
The overall is that there is still no shortage of people in the casinos! Recession my ASS! What I truly think? For 28 straight years the AC casinos had profits through the roof on a steady gain... big huge stupid dollars in which the management could write themselves "AIG style" bonuses spend money as frivolously as they cared to and so on. Now they are still doing plenty of business that they can stay afloat but business has leveled out is all. They don't know how to act unless money is pouring at them from all directions and they have so much they can't even spend it all?! What???!!!!???? Can't write myself a 2 million dollar bonus this year?????? OMG! I am or must be all but bankrupt!! Hahahaha This is my impression... because from all appearances, the AC casinos are still raking it in and doing plenty of business. It's just not as juicy as it was is all.
Actual lay-offs have not really happened to any great extent in AC from what I know, aside from hearing yesterday that Caesar's chopped some people. I have seen some other things lately that I have never seen before, such as someone (as in a pit boss or supervisor type) minus their official name tag wandering through a casino other than the one they work in and looking about, as if doing some sort of industrial espionage or recon. Who knows though, perhaps it is just idle curiosity rather than my elaborate conspiracy theory.
The recession or whatever you wish to call it has had a noticeable effect but not what appears to be a huge and overwhelming effect. I am hearing from multiple sources that dealers tips are in decline in the last 6 months or so for basically the same amount of "action". In my migratory travels I have noticed that certain people that used to be weekly fixtures in places are no longer around, one case in point is some ancient old guy that used to be planted at a bank of video poker machines that I could set my watch by this guy here was there so much. He's from Pennsylvania and rode a bus in on a regular basis about 3 days a week. Poof! Gone! He is just one example of many though.
The overall is that there is still no shortage of people in the casinos! Recession my ASS! What I truly think? For 28 straight years the AC casinos had profits through the roof on a steady gain... big huge stupid dollars in which the management could write themselves "AIG style" bonuses spend money as frivolously as they cared to and so on. Now they are still doing plenty of business that they can stay afloat but business has leveled out is all. They don't know how to act unless money is pouring at them from all directions and they have so much they can't even spend it all?! What???!!!!???? Can't write myself a 2 million dollar bonus this year?????? OMG! I am or must be all but bankrupt!! Hahahaha This is my impression... because from all appearances, the AC casinos are still raking it in and doing plenty of business. It's just not as juicy as it was is all.