

Well-Known Member
Tarzan's question is important.

I am certain that the response as given is accurate as I have witnessed dealer's doing precisely what is described below, but only after the Counter had a winning session.

I make very small but very frequent tokes quite - unless I am getting clobbered.

"sometimes dealers will get pissed at a non tipping player that they think is counting and after they push off the table and warn the floorperson, ive seen that from other dealers there."


Well-Known Member
i only did it once to one player but it was mostly to get the guy off the floor. Dealers a lot of times wont do anything like that unless someone is being a jerk to everyone, we had a guy playing all 7 spots, table max having to flat bet, go ahead about $14k ($500 table max) but was reported after he had dropped to almost a $15k loss, and verbally abusing the dealers every hand he lost, he got 86'd but didnt matter much as he was from another state adn wouldnt be back.

one guy living locally i noticed now that i learn about counting, other dealers knew he was but since he made toke bets for the dealers every few hands (he was spreading probably $25-400 and never caught heat, throwing those red chips down for the dealers didnt even have cheques play called by the dealer. i know tipping hurts your EV but it can really really reduce dealer initiated heat.


Well-Known Member
ccl said:
one guy living locally i noticed now that i learn about counting, other dealers knew he was but since he made toke bets for the dealers every few hands (he was spreading probably $25-400 and never caught heat, throwing those red chips down for the dealers didnt even have cheques play called by the dealer. i know tipping hurts your EV but it can really really reduce dealer initiated heat.
If "by every few hands" is means every $5 every 5, then he's still tipping $100 per hundred hands, which would be pretty impossible to recoup.


Well-Known Member
I was a dealer for many years. I can give you a quick summary. we are not taught about counting. they dont tell us **** about it. they just tell you what to cut on 6 decks and pitch.your job is to run the game. not throw out players. thats the floorperson's job and since most of them are juiced in, they dont know ****.I can tell you most casino people hate their job and just want to do their 8 hours and go home. as a counter i knew everyone that counted on my game and hoped they took every penny. I hated and still hate the casinos. i hated the smokers the most. the best revenge i ever got on a smoker was when he was blowing smoke in my face. i told him to blow it the other way and he didnt listen. I was dealing single deck and after taking and paying his bets, i would count the cards and deal all negative counts and shuffled up when it went positive.I dealt to the bottom when it was negative. it was so funny to see him lose his shirt. worthless pos.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
If "by every few hands" is means every $5 every 5, then he's still tipping $100 per hundred hands, which would be pretty impossible to recoup.
I agree. According to my records (which is still a small set of data points) I'm toking about $6 an hour. My simulated ev is about $30 an hour but actual is $75.

My take on toking is the dealers depend on players for their livelihood. I don't think its my duty to pay their salary but a portion of it and other players to help with the rest. So tipping $5 every few hands would be excessive in my situation.

But if I'm putting out $6 an hour and a couple other players are doing at least that or more then the dealer can make a living. My tokes are usually less than what others tip but the difference is I most often give the toke to the dealer rather than play it for them unless they want it played.

I don't tend to toke when losing except on blackjacks. I like to toke a small amount for BJs even when losing so I'm still tipping something.


Well-Known Member
Would never work with a real counter

lucifer said:
I was a dealer for many years. I can give you a quick summary. we are not taught about counting. they dont tell us **** about it. they just tell you what to cut on 6 decks and pitch.your job is to run the game. not throw out players. thats the floorperson's job and since most of them are juiced in, they dont know ****.I can tell you most casino people hate their job and just want to do their 8 hours and go home. as a counter i knew everyone that counted on my game and hoped they took every penny. I hated and still hate the casinos. i hated the smokers the most. the best revenge i ever got on a smoker was when he was blowing smoke in my face. i told him to blow it the other way and he didnt listen. I was dealing single deck and after taking and paying his bets, i would count the cards and deal all negative counts and shuffled up when it went positive.I dealt to the bottom when it was negative. it was so funny to see him lose his shirt. worthless pos.

I certainly understand why you got upset with an inconsiderate slob who just can not blow his smoke in any direction but yours.
My only comment is that if he were what I would call a real counter he would quickly pick up on the fact that you are dealing super deep in negative counts and shuffling up early in positive counts. Every counter who plays single deck looks out for this. Some casinos instruct their dealers that when someone raises their bet by X to shuffle. A way for the non counting dealer to do nearly the same thing that you did.
So, not only did you take his money for being inconsiderate but you took it because he is stupid.



Well-Known Member
i used to work better teaching some players how to play better if i liked the player, if they were mean or otherwise horrible (smoke blowers etc...) i wouldn't teach them crap. regularly tipping even a dollar every half hour or so might get a dealer to remember you, and like they said its not the dealers job to catch them. We weren't even told to watch for them, i just reported it if it was a person making my night hell. if your known by the dealers its not a bad thing. We had a well known counter to the dealers but the floor people didn't pay attention to him that would throw massive parties for the dealers at their house or business and end up instead of tipping cash would bbq or cook prime choice steaks and give us beer/alcohol, that was better than any tip he coudl give us since it was almost weekly he did that, we ended up keeping the floor oblivious to his playing actions, kept a lot of black action calls and cheques play from being called even.



Well-Known Member
I never said he was a counter. He wasnt. that was the beauty of it. I enjoyed destroying him and getting him off my table.as far as tipping goes, I never tip. I was a dealer and I never tip them. I am there to make money. most dealers dont appreciate anything. When i first started counting, i tipped and then realized, i tipped my ev away. One thing you learn when you get older is you have to look out for yourself. Nobody is going to pay your rent when your broke. the dealers are going to make their 80 to 200 a day if you tip or not.dont do it.My best advice to smokers that count is DONT smoke on the game. Use smoking as a excuse to get up on negative counts and tell the dealers you dont want other people to have to breath your poison. They will LOVE you. I promise.They wont even care if you tip because they will think your a stand up guy.
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Well-Known Member
A TIP for Lucifer:

A stark lack of empathy for those who must live via servile employment
- that entails earning gratuities - will never enhance your prospects in the
eyes of the fairer sex.

Then again, anyone with the less-than-subtle moniker of "Lucifer" may
not be sensitive to the more subtle nuances of interpersonal relations.



Well-Known Member
I dont tell women i count. I tell them i dont gamble. I rather do other **** with girls. What you dont understand is the dealers are going to make the same money no matter if you tip or not. You would have to be a huge george to make a difference in their pay. the money is split between over 100 dealers.if you bet black and tip a dollar they will bad mouth you. if you tip red, you are tipping to much. its a no win situation.


Well-Known Member
ohbehave said:
II don't tend to toke when losing except on blackjacks. I like to toke a small amount for BJs even when losing so I'm still tipping something.
I often use blackjacks as an opportunity to toke, since it's a way of putting a "timer" on it that governs my rate of toking. But I'll still look for an excuse to not toke on a BJ. Like one that ends in a push or even money is more likely to get skipped, and two in quick succession is likely to have the second skipped, etc. Trying to get it down from 5 per 100 to maybe 3/4 per 100.

I'm not looking to make the dealer rich, and in fact, if I'm the only person at their table, they'll probably make less than their average toke rate. I'm just trying to keep the dealers from dreading me as a flea.


Well-Known Member
I had an asshat of a dealer....after every hand he would look right at you and be like nice hand sir...every f'ing hand...you coulda had rags and he wanted a tip:flame:

I was playn in some Oklahoma casino. Made 400$ in an hour thanks to him ;p
he got his tip...but i would have appreciated he didn't beg for it.


Well-Known Member
poker dealers are the worst. the biggest sense of entitlement in the casino. I dont tip them either. There is no law that says you have to tip them. try it. you wont get thrown out.


Well-Known Member
sevencard2003 said:
poker dealers are the worst when it comes to tipping. they expect $1 alot even when the pots only $5-20
I was surprised by a poker dealer once when the table wasn't full she pushed back any tips if the pot was small.

Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
lucifer said:
I was dealing single deck and after taking and paying his bets, i would count the cards and deal all negative counts and shuffled up when it went positive.I dealt to the bottom when it was negative. it was so funny to see him lose his shirt. worthless pos.

You are a cheat. You stole from this man.


lucifer said:
I was a dealer for many years. I can give you a quick summary. we are not taught about counting. they dont tell us **** about it. they just tell you what to cut on 6 decks and pitch.your job is to run the game. not throw out players. thats the floorperson's job and since most of them are juiced in, they dont know ****.I can tell you most casino people hate their job and just want to do their 8 hours and go home. as a counter i knew everyone that counted on my game and hoped they took every penny. I hated and still hate the casinos. i hated the smokers the most. the best revenge i ever got on a smoker was when he was blowing smoke in my face. i told him to blow it the other way and he didnt listen. I was dealing single deck and after taking and paying his bets, i would count the cards and deal all negative counts and shuffled up when it went positive.I dealt to the bottom when it was negative. it was so funny to see him lose his shirt. worthless pos.

Have you thought of appyling for a job at the post office? Your temperment makes you an ideal candidate for a postal worker position. Instead of preferential shuffling the customers you hate, you can toss the checks in the trash for the customers you dislike as a letter carrier. If you hate your job, "going postal" is for you. Most casino employees are working stiffs and good people who try to put food on the table. Don't give them a black eye with your disgruntled views.
