Mimosine said:
i disagree, somewhat.....
a positive count doesn't guarantee a win anymore than a negative count.
You say you disagree somewhat but then the content of your post shows why he is cheating, except that he isn't cheating very much, only a little. Which is true!
Anyways, preferential shuffle is illegal in NV. I am unsure about other jurisdictions but it is only useful on SD and DD game. The problem is it is very, very hard to prove. The only ones who will pick it up are AP's, but then an AP isn't going to "out" himself by accusing the dealer/pit of pref shuffle.
Preferential shuffle is therefore not a very useful deterrent for card counters and is probably not even as effective as being "shuffled up on" as the ends are the same. A CC worth his weight will never have big money on the table. Pref shuffle is more difficult than a PB saying to the dealer, "if that guy raises his bet, shuffle up".
Preferential shuffle was introduced in NV to crush the Whales who were not counting. I am not sure but I assume it was exposed when they shifted from dealer pref shuffle to having a computer do it.
If a casino offers good games with high variance it will risk a noticable loss to a Whale. However, if you never give the Whale a good count you are effecting the odds and taking more money in the long run from him than is mathematically expected by his play.
Lucifer used preferential shuffle to change the odds to the man who was taking part in a normal and still accepted activity (smoking) that he didn't like. The fact that he didn't like the guy is no excuse. It would be as good as excuse as pref shuffling on him because you don't like him because he is gay, he is a rich whale, a counter, an immigrant or a woman.
As to saying you only did it once. Please refer to the old American proverb that begins, "If you drive a truck once you are not a truck driver. But if you suck one..."
Lucifer you are a cheat.
Edit: Mimosie in case I misunderstood your post The house edge of say 0.35 is assuming the full compostion of an unbiased deck. If a flat bettor bet $10 he/she is expected to lose at 0.35%. You win as often in big counts but win more money, for the counter and for the flat bettor. If pref shuffle is used the flat bettor will have less BJ's and less successful doubles and the dealer would bust less OVERALL. Therefore the deck is biased. I hope you understand how it works. It will effect the W-L rate. It would be the same as effectivley starting the deck short a couple X or even A's.