Disturbing ploppy

Encountered a really bad one this weekend. It was an Arab guy, and very drunk, so drunk he was listing into me. He played badly, and when he lost sometimes he would say "[Defecate] on Allah." In English.

Freaked me out, because the 9/11 attackers were into drinking and other Western vices too, and this guy was so grim-faced and desperate you could easily fathom him as a guy on one last binge before the suicide mission. And he kept on making this legs-open gesture towards me, couldn't tell if he was trying to insult me or invite me. I got out of that game.
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In the GNW

Automatic Monkey said:
Encountered a really bad one this weekend. It was an Arab guy, and very drunk, so drunk he was listing into me. He played badly, and when he lost sometimes he would say "[Defecate] on Allah." In English.

Freaked me out, because the 9/11 attackers were into drinking and other Western vices too, and this guy was so grim-faced and desperate you could easily fathom him as a guy on one last binge before the suicide mission. And he kept on making this legs-open gesture towards me, couldn't tell if he was trying to insult me or invite me. I got out of that game.
A puke like this may not have made it out of the parking lot.:(



Well-Known Member
profiling ploppies

I have taken profiling players as a form of entertainment to pass the time away at the table. Most people of middle eastern descent have certain attitudes toward the vices. Taken away from their element they are much like anyone else you encounter. The guy you encountered was insulting you and you were wise to vacate the area. Alot of us in america have misconceptions of other enthnic people and how they concieve our culture.:gun: blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
I guess I am not an average American, because I would have just given him a swift kick in the nuts, and then let security have the choice of kicking me or the middle-eastern guy out.


Well-Known Member

I have complained about a few nut cases that I have come across and the offender was dealt with accordingly. Leave or complain but I wouldn't assault anyone nor advocate the use of force. Most casinos deal with nut cases the same way they treat other threats to thier bottome line. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
You sure do meet some interesting characters in the casinos.

Some of my favorites...
Ploppy to waitress, "Hey sugar, I'm feeling like a million bucks tonight. We should shag baby and light some fireworks."

Annoyed ploppy. "You mother beep beep beep can beep my beep beep. You're all a bunch of beep beep beep." Throws drink on table. Security guard, "Sir I'll have to ask you to leave the table now." Ploppy, "Beep you you beep beep." Security guard then tries to drag the guy out. Ploppy, "Get your beeping hands the beep off me. I'm going you beep." "Beep this casino, beep you, you're all beep beep."

Excited ploppy. "Hell beep yeah!! Beep this casino. Ya'll take four grand from my beep. Now what do you think you beep beep. Can't oppress the dog anymore." A few rounds later at a 100 decibel level when getting BJ, "Beep yeah!!!! followed by smacking the table. Eat that you beep beep."

Grandpa ploppy Dealer, "Sir it's your turn.... Sir?" Soft mumbling comes out of ploppie's mouth, followed by him waking up slightly. "Oh hit me." Ploppy watches as his stiff hand busts against the dealer 5. Ploppy then falls asleep again.

Agitated ploppy. Me, "Sir you should probably hit that when he was takign forever to decide what to do." (Had 14 vs dealer 7)" Ploppy, "Shut the beep up. I play my hands the way I want to play them so mind your own beep beep business." Sure enough, he decides to stand at his 3rd base position. Dealer then shows 15 followed by a 6 for a 21 and wipes everyone at the table out. Table groans. Ploppy yells, "beep you"

Another grandpa ploppy. "Say, are you so and so.." Me, "Umm no." Him, "Are you sure? You look just like him." Me, "No." Him, "I swear you look just like my grandson." Me, "I assure you, I'm not!" Him, "Oh I haven't seen him in a while."

One poker player to another. "You chicken beep, you fold every hand like the lawnchair you are." You beep beep." Other poker player, "Yeah, why shouldn't I? I already took $400 from your beep beep." First poker player, "Keep playing like that you beep beep. You beep beep. I'll play you heads up and then we'll see who really is the man." Other guy, "I already own you, what's the point." First guy makes a move towards him and gets in his face. "If you have any beep at all, you'll play me heands up right now for $1000." Second guy, "Fine, in a few minutes." First guy, "Meet me at that table." Later.. First guy. "Why didn't you come over, you beep beep." Second guy ignores him. First guy, "Beep you, you chicken beep." This goes on for a while before some security guards show up and seperate him from the second guy.

I guess I could write a book about my experiences but I'll stop lol.


Well-Known Member
lol that guy is pretty crazy to do that in public... I wouldnt ASSUME he is a terrorist just because he is arab. Most arabs arent terrorists. only a small % and those people r just brainwashed

but arabs r definitely victims of racial profiling in America, which is y that guy must be crazy to act like that. but then again he was drunk


Well-Known Member
jaredmt said:
I wouldnt ASSUME he is a terrorist just because he is arab.
I'd even question whether the assumption that he is an Arab is correct. Most Arabs are Muslim, but most Muslims are Asian (Indonesian or Bangladeshi).

So if you see someone who is a muttering about Allah, odds are 5:1 against you that they're Middle Eastern and 8:1 that they're Middle Eastern Arab (since Iran is predominantly Persian, not Arab). If you include North Africa as predominantly Arab, odds are better - only 2:1 against you that they're ME/NA, 4:1 against you that they're ME/NA Arab.


Well-Known Member
While back a young black guy started watching the game at the table and struck up a conversation about random stuff. I'll call him a ploppy because he professed a love of high-edge carnival games. Seems like a sociable guy, albeit a bit loud. I get up to go take a leak, and when I returned 5 minutes later, I see him arguing with two bosses and three security guards, and then he's shown the door. I guess everything just went to hell while I was laying cable.

cardcounter0 said:
I guess I am not an average American, because I would have just given him a swift kick in the nuts,
That was, evidently, the invitation.


Active Member
callipygian said:
I'd even question whether the assumption that he is an Arab is correct. Most Arabs are Muslim, but most Muslims are Asian (Indonesian or Bangladeshi).

So if you see someone who is a muttering about Allah, odds are 5:1 against you that they're Middle Eastern and 8:1 that they're Middle Eastern Arab (since Iran is predominantly Persian, not Arab). If you include North Africa as predominantly Arab, odds are better - only 2:1 against you that they're ME/NA, 4:1 against you that they're ME/NA Arab.
Only in a gambling website would that second paragraph have ever been submitted. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Covered_in_Bees! said:
Only in a gambling website would that second paragraph have ever been submitted. :laugh:
LOL yea i was thinkin the same thing. you'd get beat up for saying that in high school but its ok here


Well-Known Member
dont care about ethnicity

I wouldnt care if he was arab, spanish, african american or wny of the above. If you open your legs and make inviteing jestures and are being like that, Me and you are gonna have a big problem. We may both be asked to leave but i promise ill leave on my feet well you will not. I dont stand for stupidity like that especially when i am at the tables trying to enjoy myself. Thast really gets on my nerves. More then one i have had to get close to someone and have a chat about how things were going to go.
takinfromindians97 said:
I wouldnt care if he was arab, spanish, african american or wny of the above. If you open your legs and make inviteing jestures and are being like that, Me and you are gonna have a big problem. We may both be asked to leave but i promise ill leave on my feet well you will not. I dont stand for stupidity like that especially when i am at the tables trying to enjoy myself. Thast really gets on my nerves. More then one i have had to get close to someone and have a chat about how things were going to go.
Wait a minute. I earn about 10% of my total annual income in this casino. I'd rather be insulted than asked to leave.

I too have these feelings about people but as an AP you have to restrain yourself. Squaring off against someone as part of your act is one thing, but once it's no longer an act and it's knocking you off you're game, that's no good.

Casinos are a haven for the ignorant and we've got to be prepared to take all kinds of abuse from them, and I have. Usually I'll just make a joke out of them, but when it's a guy who is aggressive and potentially dangerous like this one you've got to get out of there. Especially in a local store- too costly to get banned for something like fighting.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Usually I'll just make a joke out of them, but when it's a guy who is aggressive and potentially dangerous like this one you've got to get out of there.
If you're a regular, can you just ask the pit boss to deal with him as an unruly customer?


Well-Known Member
people at the tables

I just wanted to state the experience I had this weekend. I am a strong, confident, intelligent middle aged woman that plays blackjack. I spent Thurs-Monday at Caesars, Ballys, and Harrahs. I encountered experts at each and every table I played at. Now, I dont mind experts but my feeling is this: If I dont tell you how to play, make any comments, stick to myself, not get involved in conversation, why do ALL OF THE MEN , all sizes, ages, races, and types THINK THEY KNOW MORE THAN ME AND FEEL ENTITLED TO TELL ME HOW TO SPEND MY HARD EARNED MONEY? Before I even make a play I am being told what to do. The crap I hear at the same time, this guy last night kept saying he had a Mother in Law hand, you want to hit it but know you shouldn't. That is just ignorant, disgusting and trashy, BUT he would have no idea my view of him just changed dramatically when he opened his big mouth.

The best was at Ballys Friday MORNING this 35-40 year old guy sits down at starts playing, telling everyone how to play and how he is going to make everyone money. I do my usual not talking not looking minding my own business thing and I jump out at a negative 7 count. He starts asking me if I am going to keep jumping in and out. I dont answer him. Do I need to? I dont want to talk to this a-hole. He keeps asking and I keep silent ( I said I am a strong non intimidated Norwegian decent woman who has a very tough Italian other half upstairs in the sportbook). Finally without looking at him I said you can stop asking me questions as I have neither the desire to answer you or speak to you. Then he starts chanting about negative energy at the table and how I only wished to have his life. So, I say I will spend my money how I want and you spend yours how you want. He goes on to tell me that how I play effects his decisions, his game and the table. I said then my suggestion is for you to find another table as I am still not going to answer you as it is none of your business what I do. He got belligerent and said it IS his right and he demands to know. I said your wrong ask the pit boss, who had been listening. The pit said, Sir, she is right, you may want to find another table the Misses can do whatever she wants while she sits in her seat and plays. Of course he jumped through about 6-7 tables in an hour.
3 more stinky., smelly, gross men occupied that seat over the next 2 hours. I do wish they had a rule on taking showers and being clean, not on jumping in and out of the game. ]
I cant tell who else counts. I am obvious, they dont suspect me and never will so I do jump in and out as I please. I sure do piss off alot of people which is why I dont frequent the 25 tables. I did Friday night at Caesars and got one of those older been there done that guys telling me how to play and finally I said Sir can you please just shut up I have 0 interest in your expertise. He said something really dumb and I replied listen I am a chemical engineer I am not an idiot and I am totally capable of making a decision of what to do with a couple of cards that need to add up to 21, this isnt f-n rocket science and if you look at your chips and my chips it clearly shows who knows how to play thank you very much.

Why do all these guys want to get in my face and tell me how to play?

Going for more abuse Friday through Saturday but the other half is going to spend more time around me, I am getting to my boiling point and I am ready to throw a drink in someones face really really soon.... Or spray a can of Lysol on them. YUCK

nj45lady said:
I just wanted to state the experience I had this weekend. I am a strong, confident, intelligent middle aged woman that plays blackjack. I spent Thurs-Monday at Caesars, Ballys, and Harrahs. I encountered experts at each and every table I played at. Now, I dont mind experts but my feeling is this: If I dont tell you how to play, make any comments, stick to myself, not get involved in conversation, why do ALL OF THE MEN , all sizes, ages, races, and types THINK THEY KNOW MORE THAN ME AND FEEL ENTITLED TO TELL ME HOW TO SPEND MY HARD EARNED MONEY? Before I even make a play I am being told what to do. The crap I hear at the same time, this guy last night kept saying he had a Mother in Law hand, you want to hit it but know you shouldn't. That is just ignorant, disgusting and trashy, BUT he would have no idea my view of him just changed dramatically when he opened his big mouth.

The best was at Ballys Friday MORNING this 35-40 year old guy sits down at starts playing, telling everyone how to play and how he is going to make everyone money. I do my usual not talking not looking minding my own business thing and I jump out at a negative 7 count. He starts asking me if I am going to keep jumping in and out. I dont answer him. Do I need to? I dont want to talk to this a-hole. He keeps asking and I keep silent ( I said I am a strong non intimidated Norwegian decent woman who has a very tough Italian other half upstairs in the sportbook). Finally without looking at him I said you can stop asking me questions as I have neither the desire to answer you or speak to you. Then he starts chanting about negative energy at the table and how I only wished to have his life. So, I say I will spend my money how I want and you spend yours how you want. He goes on to tell me that how I play effects his decisions, his game and the table. I said then my suggestion is for you to find another table as I am still not going to answer you as it is none of your business what I do. He got belligerent and said it IS his right and he demands to know. I said your wrong ask the pit boss, who had been listening. The pit said, Sir, she is right, you may want to find another table the Misses can do whatever she wants while she sits in her seat and plays. Of course he jumped through about 6-7 tables in an hour.
3 more stinky., smelly, gross men occupied that seat over the next 2 hours. I do wish they had a rule on taking showers and being clean, not on jumping in and out of the game. ]
I cant tell who else counts. I am obvious, they dont suspect me and never will so I do jump in and out as I please. I sure do piss off alot of people which is why I dont frequent the 25 tables. I did Friday night at Caesars and got one of those older been there done that guys telling me how to play and finally I said Sir can you please just shut up I have 0 interest in your expertise. He said something really dumb and I replied listen I am a chemical engineer I am not an idiot and I am totally capable of making a decision of what to do with a couple of cards that need to add up to 21, this isnt f-n rocket science and if you look at your chips and my chips it clearly shows who knows how to play thank you very much.

Why do all these guys want to get in my face and tell me how to play?

Going for more abuse Friday through Saturday but the other half is going to spend more time around me, I am getting to my boiling point and I am ready to throw a drink in someones face really really soon.... Or spray a can of Lysol on them. YUCK
Very nice posting. I really like your style, in fact I love it and hope it went down just as you stated.

As a man I have also been abused at the table in about every way imaginable:eek:

And a few times, the worst time, by a woman who blamed here losses on me because I dared to surrender. That was a most ugly scene, and I won't even get into the particulars. Being an AP can get very harrowing at times, for sure and for certain. :laugh:

Keep up the good work. :cool:



Well-Known Member
nj45lady - despite your vows to keep silent, you're talking too much. Don't tell anyone your an engineer. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Ignore them as you set out to do.

Question for you - unless you're playing the high roller pits, those 3 casinos have pretty much the worst BJ games in AC. Why play there if you're an AP?


Well-Known Member
Thanks creeping panther and 21 for listening and responding. Yes, I need to give out less info, and 90% of the time I just have to listen to yelling coming my way and being hit on. 21 I am sure if you go to AC you can easily figure out who I am, not many bleach blonde middle age woman play blackjack. I only see non english speaking asian ones and some black ones who play for short periods, not many like me that stick it out. I dont talk until being placed to the point of not being able to hold the count as the person wont stop harassing me so I do my best to try to shut them up right away!
My other half feels we need to play the HET places since we get the rooms, we have 3 kids to support and I only have weekends off. We do go to Borgata and Trop, each which has better games, but he hates the cocktail waitresses sticking their stuff in his face he is such a great guy to me, and I hate the smelly people in the trop and he hates the horse parlor there. Our neutral ground we have found is Harrahs and Ballys as Ballys has a good horse parlor and I can frequent the 10 tables where the pit doesn't watch much and they are super friendly and they have so many idiots to deal with it is pretty easy to play! I understand what everyone is saying about the difference in the decks/penetration etc, but I haven't found it to effect my bottom line. My variation in what I make and spend is always based on my stupid factor for the day rather than the deck size. I am not nearly as skilled as all of you and I actually need to learn more. I am having a very hard time understanding how if the beginning of a deck runs a HIGH running count, which is around a +1 total how I can feel good betting more than minimal units, since I can't feel confident with 6+ decks left that this count is real? I know I am not making sense here, but what I do is so novice I am ashamed to say this. I count and jump in when there are 4 decks or left remaining and the shoe goes 3 or more. I think I sit through more shoes than I play as I sometimes see shoes that only start positive and then stay negative. Sunday I sat through 2 that never went above a -3 and went as far as a -10, but the beginning was soaring. My strategy works, but I know it is dumb.
Any advice would be appreciated. As long as I am not being told to double down a 10 against a 6 I wont yell at you, I promise!!!!