Don't move your lips!


Well-Known Member
Okay, which one of you in Iowa is moving his lips while counting? :whip:

(Dead link:


Well-Known Member
Canceler said:
Okay, which one of you in Iowa is moving his lips while counting? :whip:

(Dead link:
interesting link! :cool:


Well-Known Member
A while back I powered through and read most of the archives at the dicedealer forums. Kind of interesting, but also pretty painful.

I do like the conundrum posed by the guy in the example in the story. Is he a weak, losing, counter, or a weak, winning, counter? That could be pretty tough to evaluate, I bet!
The dealer has got to be stupid. As if the casino is going to respect him more because he tries to catch counters! They'll probably respect him less, because he's being a snitch and a kiss-ass.

It would be so funny if he was there trying to count, add up the hands, make change and pay hands at the same time, and made a huge mispay that got him fired. Or if a cheat team came in and dumped his rack while he was distracted with counting.


Well-Known Member
"Him: He wanted to switch to 2 hands once and you ran right over him and started the hand, so he had to stay w/ 1. It messed up the entire sequence of the cards (as if that's why we're losing)."

See you in a while folks, I'm going to Iowa for a little while.


Well-Known Member
I read quite a few threads at that site. I'm a little surprised at the level of stupidity show by most members there.

Surprised, but in a nice "that's good to see" way.



Well-Known Member
dealer talk

Canceler said:
Okay, which one of you in Iowa is moving his lips while counting? :whip:

(Dead link:
love the link to the dealer site. its like being behind enemy lines.haha


Well-Known Member
BJLover said:
love the link to the dealer site. its like being behind enemy lines.haha
exactly, and there are other sites that get you behind the lines as well. search around you'll find them.
heh, heh of course those on the other side are doing this on us as well :eek:


Well-Known Member
Except the dealer shouldn't be your enemy.You'll get much more out of befriending the pit crew than by treating it like your enemy.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
You'll get much more out of befriending the pit crew than by treating it like your enemy.
This is very true. I have a story about this, but it's too soon to tell it.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Except the dealer shouldn't be your enemy.You'll get much more out of befriending the pit crew than by treating it like your enemy.
very true, just let us not forget who it is that ultimately can end the game for us in the case that we over step the line with them.


Well-Known Member
BJLover said:
love the link to the dealer site. its like being behind enemy lines.haha
And how many times have you heard a dealer say "I want you to win, it's not my money" - which in reality is the way it should be.


Well-Known Member
BTW, several months ago a non-tipping card counter started a thread about himself, and it caused total bedlam.


Well-Known Member
geneticfreak said:
And how many times have you heard a dealer say "I want you to win, it's not my money" - which in reality is the way it should be.
Exactly, thats what they should all be like. It aint there money we're winning, the dealer in the link just sounds plain sad, getting annoyed and stressed, cutting more off the deck off his own back!!!!, how much extra money did he make that shift for stressing and getting all worked up??? absolutely nothing, and he probably missed out on a few tokes aswell. The pit boss sounded cool though.haha.


Well-Known Member
Dealers have a job to do.The bottom line is that dealers are expected to earn money for their employers.The fact that it is not their money is meaningless.If they consistently make less then expected,they will be out of a job.
Except for Charles from Slots of Fun.
I don't think I ever saw him not have a losing session.

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Dealers have a job to do.The bottom line is that dealers are expected to earn money for their employers.The fact that it is not their money is meaningless.If they consistently make less then expected,they will be out of a job.
Except for Charles from Slots of Fun.
I don't think I ever saw him not have a losing session.
Is Charles still there?? I've got an old dealer with big paws at a joint where I play, handles the cards like he's laying bricks, it's great. I never knew any dealer who rooted for the house, but Im sure we've got a lot more of them willing to help our side then help the other house side of the table.


Well-Known Member

I concur. The dealer that started the thread is an idiot. Although he does make points about game protection, I think he needs to get off his high horse.

He has NO idea what other play this rookie counter does. I don't know about you guys... but I have developed a fondness for craps. So what do I do? I make $$ at the blackjack table and then make my way over to the craps table.. where there are times I give it all back. Am I cheating the house? no. but I ain't exactly donating now am I?

I think the guy who said the line "good luck with your vigilante dealing" put it better than anything else.

I am FRIENDS with a lot of dealers at my home casino. I go out drinking with them now too. I'm also on a first name basis with a good number of pit bosses. .. I think by talking to them and befriending them I've knocked out a lot of the heat factor... also by the fact that I toke small amounts frequently. It might hurt my ROR a bit but I doubt I'll be backed off anytime soon.

Also the fact that I don't show my players card at the blackjack table as often. Normally I'll show it when I start my craps session... and then of course whenever I take a random $20 and put it into slots or VP.