Effects of the movie 21


Well-Known Member
This is just my opinion and is based on my play mainly in Vegas and So Cal.

Effects of the movie 21:
ZILCH, NADA, NOTHING, at least of importance.

I see more people with that chicken dinner line than trying to count on the blackjack tables.
I do not see more basic strategy players.
I might have seen a slight increase in wannabee counters when the movie first came out but I believe they all have now lost their $500 bankroll and counters are still extremely rare.
A few people talked about the movie at the tables back then but no one talks about it now.
Games overall have not changed much since the movie.

It came, it went and the casinos and players just went on as they always do.

Overall effect: not much more than Zero



Well-Known Member

Not so sure about that. I used the move to rekindle the card counting spirit of one of my friends, and now he is adamant about Card Couting. I do be lieve that there are more because of the movie, but that Card Counters are still rare.


Active Member
The impact of the movie.....

The casinos become even more paranoid about BJ players...
So, more ASMs, more 6:5 BJs, crappier comps, fewer tournies, in other words, nothing good.
And to top it all off, the movie and book were probably 95% fiction to begin with.


Well-Known Member
When the movie first came out, I noticed a big difference in smaller casino paranoia. Things seem to be back to normal now.


New Member
This movie is about MIT students who take Las Vegas casinos for millions. It involves a gambling scam in Las Vegas using a mentally challenged relative. Otherwise, the films are about as similar as slot machines and craps


Well-Known Member

emelhairus9 said:
This movie is about MIT students who take Las Vegas casinos for millions. It involves a gambling scam in Las Vegas using a mentally challenged relative. Otherwise, the films are about as similar as slot machines and craps
Okay, I understand the first bit, which I agree with (regardless of the accuracy of how the movie portrayed it). But what are you talking about, "mentally challanged relative"? And what "films" are you comparing?


Well-Known Member
It must be Rain Man. Classic line from casino security: "No one can count down a six-deck shoe!"


Well-Known Member

There are professional poker players today who claim they got thier interest in poker after watching Rounders. Blackjack AP's of course are secretive about thier countiing skills-so I think there could be people who will get into it big time because of the movie but we may never know. Maybe twenty years from now some Tommy Hyland type guy will mention in an interview that his interest in blackjack was sparked from watching the movie 21. :joker:


Well-Known Member
prankster said:
There are professional poker players today who claim they got thier interest in poker after watching Rounders. Blackjack AP's of course are secretive about thier countiing skills-so I think there could be people who will get into it big time because of the movie but we may never know. Maybe twenty years from now some Tommy Hyland type guy will mention in an interview that his interest in blackjack was sparked from watching the movie 21. :joker:
My friends got into poker because it was on TV all the time, and I got into poker because I kept winning my friends' money, and I got into blackjack from poker.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any effect in casinos, but it does seem to me like there are a lot of new players on the forums. I don't know if this has anything to do with the movie but there do seem to be more new players.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
More Money

The casinos have probably made money from the movie because it enticed people to play bj. Obviously the casinos thought the movie would help, it was filmed on casino property.

Card counting has made the casinos a lot of money:joker::whip:


Well-Known Member
21 ii

blackjack avenger said:
The casinos have probably made money from the movie because it enticed people to play bj. Obviously the casinos thought the movie would help, it was filmed on casino property.

Card counting has made the casinos a lot of money:joker::whip:
You make a sound case for collusion. We are ready for '21 II' any time soon. Which casinos will this one be filmed in? :eyepatch:

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Selling the Dream

How many times have you heard "winner winner chicken dinner" said by bad players at a bj table?:joker::whip: The movie "21" sold the dream that one can make a lot of money playing bj. If casino management thought making a movie on the property hurt business I don't think they would have allowed it.


Well-Known Member
Git rich quick at card counting? Sure...

blackjack avenger said:
How many times have you heard "winner winner chicken dinner" said by bad players at a bj table?:joker::whip: The movie "21" sold the dream that one can make a lot of money playing bj. If casino management thought making a movie on the property hurt business I don't think they would have allowed it.
Sonny has suggested that the success rate for those attempting to reach proficiency at card counting is around 1:10000. (ten thousand!) He should know... I believe the secret got out already. Casinos love card counters! The fact is that the tiny few who are successful adepts, present little or no real risk to casino cash flow.

But casinos play the surveillance game anyway and give a few CCs the boot when they notice. (Or if a cc loses a lot, so they can hang on to his losses, not giving a chance for variance to reverse...) Perhaps the next '21' filmed in luxurious casinos will be even more enticing for would-be card counters, with even more exaggerated nonsense. My guess is that since that movie, casinos are making even more money out of blackjack, despite the downturn. But I don't think they are about to tell us about that. :eyepatch:


Well-Known Member
I'm all for a second movie as long as they bring back that hot blond chic. To be honest I like the movie even with its errors. 21 and Rounders are probably my 2 favorite gambling themed movies.


Well-Known Member
Rounders II

Hard to believe they didn't do a Rounders II. The way it ended seemed perfect for a II,and what with the ensuing popularity of no limit hold'em you'd of thought Rounders II was on the way.:joker:


Well-Known Member
Lerf said:
It got me interested in blackjack )=
This probably happened with a lot of people. I had already been working on counting for the last couple of years, so from that aspect as was already interested. If anything, it's made me want to go to vegas even more just to hang out, regardless of how madeup the counts actually are in the movie.