Ever observed cheating dealers?



Say there Maz! What you say makes all the sense in the world for the most part to most people. I play full time for the last few years and time frame meant a lot years ago but means nothing to me now. I have all day...all week...all month even to do my thing and like operating on the "no hurries no worries" plan without the stress of tying my weinie in a knot to try and keep up with an insanely fast dealer even though I can still track the cards dealt by the fastest of dealers. I like to look over at the discard rack and figure out how many cards into the shoe I am...I like to evaluate my play and bets in a leisurely manner...I like to slurp up a bit of my coffee. Patience and evaluative skills can come into play better that way. Counting alone does not make you invincible and I sort of notice lots of people in the blackjack community that are "hotheads" that fail to recognize that they are mortal (Not saying you are one of these). The real proof is in the overall numbers you produce on a given bankroll in a given period of time but I am never out to "run a race" to try and prove my awesome talents or try to show that I am god's gift to blackjack or think I am invincible or anything else for that matter. In all these years I have learned that slow and steady wins the race for me...I am not invincible and I am mere mortal man. I am very good at this and my numbers prove it but I try to keep those things in mind.
To talk of historical aspects of the game and when the casino cheated at some point in history, to talk to those in the industry that were there then or that are here now, to read up on things in general? It's all relatively unlikely to affect your counting abilites or bankroll management in any positive way but it sure can't hurt either! To understand the mentality of your adversary...to understand what makes them tick may not help but it sure can't hurt! I play so often against the same dealers and see all the same pit people for so many years that I have befriended a few of them and don't hesitate to pry them for all the information I can get out of them. Is that relevant? Who knows but the casinos for DAMN sure do espionage against us and go to great lengths and expense to do it. Springing for dinner with my pit boss friend has gained me much counter-espionage that has little real effect one way or the other on my game but has gained me much knowledge and insight...so why is that so bad?


Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:
Say there Maz! .......................so why is that so bad?
Makes sense to me! I hope I can say the same when I have a few years under my belt.


Well-Known Member
MAZ said:
I can't believe this is still being talked about. I will try to put this in the most gentle way possible. QUIT F**KING WORRYING ABOUT CHEATING DEALERS, AND START WORRYING ABOUT HOW TO REALLY PLAY! First off as an AP you must realize the faster the dealer the better. More hands equals more money potential. If you can't keep up, get the hell out of the casino until you can. You'll save more money that way instead of looking for shifty eyed dealers to avoid.

Next, realize that most dealers are not that good. There are far more dealers out there that will make errors in your favor then there are dealers skilled enough to rip you off. Any of these clods that make an error against you, well its up to you to catch that. If you don't, then again get the hell out of the casino until you know what you are doing. I will conceed that there must be a cheating dealer out there somewhere, but I would not be considered an AP if the dealer errors in my favor wouldn't at least offset the miniscule percentage of dealer cheats. You can't be afraid to play this game, and don't let bad variance keep you up at night with nightmares of the boogyman, or in this case cheating dealers. Now quit your cryin and put you friggin helmet on and get in the game.
Mostly the dealers are not that good. I was paid on a losing hand just this weekend. One dealer, I think only to prove to himself that I was not as smart as maybe I thought I was. tried to take my money and cards on a winning hand. It's the first time I ever grabbed a dealer's hand. He apologized and we seemed to hit a new accord after that event. I probably exuded too much confidence that didn't set well with him as my chip stack kept getting higher and higher.