Well-Known Member
Wow! It took my a little while to constuct my previous post, LG and in that time, you posted this beauty of a post, which pretty much re-inforces my thoughts exactly. (and certainly expressed them far better than I could) Thank you greatly, Sir.Lonesome Gambler said:I apologize in advance if I missed a few points here, as I didn't read the entire thread closely. Here are my thoughts, for what they're worth:
1. You play full-time in Vegas at medium stakes. You experienced a backoff. Not a big deal. I don't mean to sound insensitive at all, but it seems like you're worrying way too much about something that's going to happen every once in a while. Re-evaluating your play and trying to find areas for improvement to prevent future backoffs is certainly wise in this case, but I don't think you need to lose any sleep over it.
2. Do you play unrated? If so, then this is nothing. The circumstances of the backoff would imply that this guy just wanted to save himself some heat and wasn't really interested in ratting you out to everyone else. If you're playing rated, he may have still put a note in the system, but if you were unrated, you're fine. In fact, as mentioned before, making max bets throughout a whole shoe (not very much spreading) doesn't give surveillance much to work with if they don't have a player ID to match previous footage with.
3. Betting big off the top, as you seem to agree, is a waste of money. If anyone actually buys that bit of outdated cover, I would be shocked. And betting big as a bluff off the top won't disguise the strong betting and playing correlation that will be easily observed throughout several shoes when doing a tape review, which is what you should be worried about in the first place. That kind of cover play is certain to lose you money and not very likely to win you any longevity, in my opinion.
In summary, brush it off, learn what you can from the incident, and stay off that PB's shift. Carry on as usual. You're obviously doing something right if you can push six figures counting in Vegas full-time, so when something like this happens, be glad it wasn't worse and get back to work.
Final note: you should actually be somewhat glad that the backoff occurred in the way that it did, too: I would infer from the casual meeting that this boss specifically did not want to make a stink at work over it and thought he's just let you off the hook by giving you a heads-up on the street. This means that you're probably clean on other shifts, and almost certainly clean at other nearby properties, both of which could be problems with a big fallout in the casino.
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