All this money?
Hogwash! As if there are tons of teams with millions backing them all over the place, so many that it's hard to find someone playing that is NOT on a team and doesn't have at least a million or two backing them up... uhm... no. Your typical "menace to society" counter grinds out less than any casino has to worry about and that's the SUCCESSFUL ones. The real effect on the casino's bottom line is negligible when it comes to your average counter and casinos spend ten times more money on foiling those "evil counters" than they (the counters) make collectively. It's a joke, it's truly pathetic. Let me tell you the REAL reason the casinos wish to trip up any and all card-counters--- It's "the principal of the thing"! They will gleefully spend ten times the dollars that any counter can make to trip them up because "How DARE those assholes try to actually profit from US! WE are the only ones supposed to be making any money and doing any grifting and NOT any of the players---EVER! We will spend whatever it takes, sky is the limit to prevent even a few individuals from turning a profit here."
Hogwash! As if there are tons of teams with millions backing them all over the place, so many that it's hard to find someone playing that is NOT on a team and doesn't have at least a million or two backing them up... uhm... no. Your typical "menace to society" counter grinds out less than any casino has to worry about and that's the SUCCESSFUL ones. The real effect on the casino's bottom line is negligible when it comes to your average counter and casinos spend ten times more money on foiling those "evil counters" than they (the counters) make collectively. It's a joke, it's truly pathetic. Let me tell you the REAL reason the casinos wish to trip up any and all card-counters--- It's "the principal of the thing"! They will gleefully spend ten times the dollars that any counter can make to trip them up because "How DARE those assholes try to actually profit from US! WE are the only ones supposed to be making any money and doing any grifting and NOT any of the players---EVER! We will spend whatever it takes, sky is the limit to prevent even a few individuals from turning a profit here."