Getting sarcastic remarks thrown at you for not tipping

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FrankieT said:
Who is the one who is ignorant?

Over 80% of the homeless are males.
Males make up 4 times more suicides
male suicide rate 6 times more in their college years because obviously they can't become grossly overpaid cocktail waitresses or marry up in that early stage of life
Men make up 92% of work place deaths.
Lifespan gap of 6 years
Women spend 6 times more than men on discretionary items

If worse comes to worse for a woman, she can always become a hooker - and don't tell me how awful that is, as an equivalent job for a man would be a dangerous military job or construction that pays way less and is much more likely to result in death or injury.

Read the "Myth of Male Power" by Warren Farrell
If the "Myth of Male Power" will screw my head up the way yours is, I think I will pass. I like being blissful to much. I don't care if it is ignorance or not. What a bunch of wimps many males are to make up these statistics. Man up and be smart in the workplace. I looked up the government statistics and 75% of the deaths are foreign born workers in the USA. Just an oddity in the pages of government charts that I thought interesting.


Well-Known Member
tthree said:
If the "Myth of Male Power" will screw my head up the way yours is, I think I will pass. I like being blissful to much. I don't care if it is ignorance or not. What a bunch of wimps many males are to make up these statistics. Man up and be smart in the workplace. I looked up the government statistics and 75% of the deaths are foreign born workers in the USA. Just an oddity in the pages of government charts that I thought interesting.

You might want to retract your statement about foreign born workers. Its simply not true. The fact of the matter is that about 66% of workplace deaths involving hispanics involve a foreign born. That is quite different from claiming 75% of all work place deaths involve them.

If you have statistics from government charts that show otherwise, please provide them.


Well-Known Member
FrankieT said:
Who is the one who is ignorant?

Over 80% of the homeless are males.
Males make up 4 times more suicides
male suicide rate 6 times more in their college years because obviously they can't become grossly overpaid cocktail waitresses or marry up in that early stage of life
Men make up 92% of work place deaths.
Lifespan gap of 6 years
Women spend 6 times more than men on discretionary items

If worse comes to worse for a woman, she can always become a hooker - and don't tell me how awful that is, as an equivalent job for a man would be a dangerous military job or construction that pays way less and is much more likely to result in death or injury.

Read the "Myth of Male Power" by Warren Farrell
You are, quite literally, a terrible person.
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