London Colin said:
That figure is the EV for the given deck composition. EORs are not displayed anywhere.
As Don said, you need to calculate the EOR by first computing the EV for the full deck, then repeating with one card removed, then subtracting the first result from the second.
LC, thank you.
I am lost. I was dividing the EV for a Full Deck by the EV for the sum of EV results (under columns 2-A) for a Two. Then I repeated this for a Three, and so one until Ace. But my EORs do not seem to make any sense.
So, am I supposed to take the sum of EVs for a Full Deck (bottom numbers in the columns 2-A) and then subtract the EVs for a Two, and lather, rinse, and repeat for a Three, etc. .... Ace? If so, I get the following data (cannot attach spreadsheet, so attaching PDF print from spreadsheet) that makes no sense.
Not sure how to take the data from the CDCA Compute Results and which specific data to identify the EV for a Full Deck, as well as the Two through Ace cards in order to calculate the EORs.
UPDATE: DOH! I was performing the subtraction in reverse. By subtracting in the proper order, the EV (from top left cell under Players' Expected Values (in %) for a Full Deck from the Players' Expected Value (in %) for each Card Rank, I generated a spreadsheet for Basic Strategy, 1D, H17, 3:2, NS, DAS, SA1, that looks like the attached PDF file (see attached PDF since unable to upload XLS files). The results are not far off from the data in Don's Table D17 in BJA3.
THANK YOU DON, LC and SageFrog!!!!!!