Back from Biloxi.....again!
Back from Biloxi again. This trip was not quite the nightmare the last trip was.

I supplemented my bankroll before this trip because of the big loss from the last trip. During this trip I won approximately $400. After adding the supplement, and the wins from this trip, my BR is back to within a hundred dollars of where I was three or four trips (weeks) ago.
Played double deck pitch at Beau and won about $500 in a two or three-hour session. Buy in was only $300 this time. Did not have to re-buy in this time. I had two sessions on the craps tables while I was there. Each session buy in was $200. Played for several hours combined. Lost about $100 for the two craps sessions. Once again got comp buffets. They had single deck pitch game with a $10 min, BJ payed 6:5 (didn't play.) There were about four or five double deck pitch games with $25 min, dealer stands on 17, double after split allowed, re-splitting A allowed, etc... After midday (afternoon) they opened additional double deck tables. They had a total of about ten double deck pitch games going at one time.
Went to the Grand and played craps. They did not have a pitch game for less than $100 min. They had a lot of CSM with $5, $10 and $15. I did not even check the game rules or conditions (sorry.) I refuse to play CSM! There were some eight deck shoe games, but I never got to them. I still prefer the pitch games!
Played at Isle. Isle has changed their pitch game as I mentioned in an earlier post. The double deck pitch game had the min dropped to $15 (during off hours), but you could only double on ten and eleven. The single deck game remains the same (BJ pays 6:5). I avoided these games as I feel they are unfavorable to the player. Anyway, the pitch game in the high limit room has all the good rules, and upon request, the pit critters will drop the min to $25. Got in a few hours one morning and one afternoon. Have to mention at this point my wife had a session on the three card poker table that was unbelievable. She cashed in for $100 and cashed out for $1050. She won almost every hand. She had 3 straight flushes, 3 three of kinds, about 5 or 6 straights and countless flushes and pairs. One other player quit betting his hand and started betting her hand with her. He won several (2 or 3) thousand dollars on her hands. He tipped her $50. I told her she got gypped and should have started charging a commission. :cool2:
Also played at the IP several times (once each day). IP has a lot of $5 and $10 min (eight deck) shoe games with good rules. They had a single deck pitch game which payed BJ at 6:5. They also had the usual one or two tables of double deck pitch for $25 min. The high limit room has good pitch games also, but for $50 and $100 min. I was able to play several sessions of craps and double deck pitch. Came out ahead.
This trip was much better. At least I didn't lock the keys in the car! :joker:
Comps this trip included our rooms for a three day stay, A fantastic dinner at Faradays, all our meals (three buffets) and three trips to the snack and beverage bars. Only expense this trip was gas!