Long run is long run - as Sonny kindly emphasized, the space inbetween the short run and the long run is far bigger with VP. And if you are playing with a 1% advantage at $1.25/hand - given i'm going to be really optomistic and assume 600 hands of perfect strategy an hour - your going to be earning $7.50/hour. Not really worth the variance. Simply put, at that rate of earning your earnings are going to be background noise compared to the variance for a very long time. This is one point where online play diverges drastically from offline - automation allows a number of hands with perfect strategy that simply isn't possible offline.Billy C1 said:First, if you're going to play AP VP you'll never be on a $5 machine. At least I've never seen one that was over 100% (not even close). You'll almost always be playing quarters @$1.25 a push or dollars @$5 a push.
My only point here is that VP can be played at an advantage if the games are carefully selected. Yes, many times it's a wild ride between "royals" because of the differing volatility of the many vp games out there.
I'm thinking the sims will show a 1% profit if nothing but +1% games are played (over the long run with "perfect play")
Am I wrong?