Well-Known Member
How to walk away
How much you buy in for has a big effect on how much the pit boss will tolerate you walking way with for example if you buy in for $50 and walk with $500 the pit will think oh ****. But if you buy in for $500 and walk with a $1,000 that would be a little bit more normal. Note playing for 4-5 hours in one casino at a time is way too long way to many people are losers after that length of time that walking with any profit is above the normal level from the casino prospective but it does happen. You should walk way before that time to avoid getting caught. It also depends on the casino that you are at some casinos won't even wimper at $5,000 loss while others will hasle you over a few $100's. As well as who is the pit boss for the night.
How much you buy in for has a big effect on how much the pit boss will tolerate you walking way with for example if you buy in for $50 and walk with $500 the pit will think oh ****. But if you buy in for $500 and walk with a $1,000 that would be a little bit more normal. Note playing for 4-5 hours in one casino at a time is way too long way to many people are losers after that length of time that walking with any profit is above the normal level from the casino prospective but it does happen. You should walk way before that time to avoid getting caught. It also depends on the casino that you are at some casinos won't even wimper at $5,000 loss while others will hasle you over a few $100's. As well as who is the pit boss for the night.