how much a card counter walk away with?


Well-Known Member
How to walk away

How much you buy in for has a big effect on how much the pit boss will tolerate you walking way with for example if you buy in for $50 and walk with $500 the pit will think oh ****. But if you buy in for $500 and walk with a $1,000 that would be a little bit more normal. Note playing for 4-5 hours in one casino at a time is way too long way to many people are losers after that length of time that walking with any profit is above the normal level from the casino prospective but it does happen. You should walk way before that time to avoid getting caught. It also depends on the casino that you are at some casinos won't even wimper at $5,000 loss while others will hasle you over a few $100's. As well as who is the pit boss for the night.


aslan said:
Get to know me, Inplay...Lol

I'm joking. I'm also retired after a good thirty years of not gambling a red cent. Now I'm having a good time and enjoying some of the fruits of my honest employment. My reprobate years preceded my working years, most of them anyway. Lol Now I'm from squaresville as BJBob tells me. Lol
You see I am just the opposite of you I have been gambling for 40 years and loveing every minute of it. Once upon a time it used to be my primary source of income I would say for about 15 years. I was always able to make (Sports Betting) enough to enjoy the good life.


Cardcounter said:
How much you buy in for has a big effect on how much the pit boss will tolerate you walking way with for example if you buy in for $50 and walk with $500 the pit will think oh ****. But if you buy in for $500 and walk with a $1,000 that would be a little bit more normal. Note playing for 4-5 hours in one casino at a time is way too long way to many people are losers after that length of time that walking with any profit is above the normal level from the casino prospective but it does happen. You should walk way before that time to avoid getting caught. It also depends on the casino that you are at some casinos won't even wimper at $5,000 loss while others will hasle you over a few $100's. As well as who is the pit boss for the night.

If you start with $50 and walk with $500 your are just plain LUCKY no other word to describe it.


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
You see I am just the opposite of you I have been gambling for 40 years and loveing every minute of it. Once upon a time it used to be my primary source of income I would say for about 15 years. I was always able to make (Sports Betting) enough to enjoy the good life.
I gambled daily before my working years. I didn't do that well living on the edge for a few years from my winnings. Finally I decided I could have a better life with a good job, so I left gambling behind, and worked my way through college. I never gambled during my working years and now do so only when I have a decided advantage. I gamble some with my pool game, but mostly for the challenge (usually $20 to $50 a game), not thousands like the big boys do. Lol I worked too hard for my money to gamble it away. Plus, I enjoy spending it and giving it away. :grin:


aslan said:
I gambled daily before my working years. I didn't do that well living on the edge for a few years from my winnings. Finally I decided I could have a better life with a good job, so I left gambling behind, and worked my way through college. I never gambled during my working years and now do so only when I have a decided advantage. I gamble some with my pool game, but mostly for the challenge (usually $20 to $50 a game), not thousands like the big boys do. Lol I worked too hard for my money to gamble it away. Plus, I enjoy spending it and giving it away. :grin:
No disrespect but it is whatever that makes you happy in your life is the path that you should follow. Have a happy life !:)


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
No disrespect but it is whatever that makes you happy in your life is the path that you should follow. Have a happy life !:)
Apparently you erroneously thought I was criticizing your way of life. On the contrary, gambling at pool was my first choice, but it was taking too long to get anywhere and it looked like I would probably have to forego some of the usual pleasures in life, such as wife, kids, home, etc. so I made the choice to go a different route. Some more talented players than I managed to make a handsome living at pool, especially when tournament play became widespread and paid decent prizes, and during the 80's and 90's when gambling money was flowing like water in the poolrooms. I have only the greatest of admiration for anyone who can make a living at gambling. I knew a few top caliber pool players, Luther Lassiter and Eddie Taylor and some others, who never worked a day in their lives, but never wanted for anything either. They could play just as well for $50 or $50,000--made no difference to them. But I chose a different path better suited to me--but not a better path than they did. Not at all. Good luck in your pursuits whatever they may be.


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
quick aslan before zengrifter see's this..
brother can you spare a dime? :joker:
that was me back in the day--but actually I never begged--just kept using my head to figure a way out. I remember this fellow brought me to a pool room to play this guy. The fellow who brought me put up a hundred bucks or so. I couldn't make a ball and lost all the money. The fellow wouldn't give me any more. I was desperate and broke so I went out and cashed a small phony check, came back to the pool room and busted the guy who had beat me. Hahaha The fellow who backed me accused me of losing HIS money to the guy so that I could come back later and win it all for myself alone. He wanted his money back. Lol I told him he didn't have faith in me to go a little further and I had risked a bad check to make my comeback. He never did believe me. He thought I was double smart. Haha The fellow died about two or three months ago. Nice guy, and we did get friendly again after that episode. It was only a few hundred, but that was precious back in the day when the room rent was overdue and and you hadn't eaten for a while, Lol
Kasi said:
It's kind of like, if your avg initial bet actually is $30, and, say, you are playing with an overall EV of 1%, and you play 100 hands per hour, then in 5 hours your EV would only be $150 anyway kind of thing.

So maybe knowing what to expect over how long, along with knowing a likely high range (1 or 2 stand dev say) is where it all begins and then decide just what amounts might arouse suspicion.

Is there any specific reason (like game, spread, etc) that leads you to believe your avg bet actually will be around $30?

How much did you think you might win anyway that would raise eyebrows in 4-5 hours, say maybe $500 or $1000, and how likely would that result be anyway? Good chance, as rukus suggested, you might not really have to worry about it anyway.

Begin at the beginning.
like a double deck game of blackjack with a spread of 10-60
i thought like walking away with 1000 dollars would be suspicious considering i look like a teenager (which i am not i am old enough to gamble)
i thought the pit bosses would say things "holy **** how did a snot nose runt walk away with a grand"
InPlay said:
Why not get an job and not be parinod about someone watching you ? Working midnights at the 7/11 pays about 9.00 an hour better then the EV at a $5 table and no sweat. Also deleivering pizzas and Chinese food you can earn tips is a good line of work.
how about no :/...

thats gay
InPlay said:
Good point. Everyone assumes just because you can count cards you will win money. It ain't so! Not in the real world only on the computer were you run sims.

yes good point good thing i'm not that kind of people

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Wish I Had These Kinds of Worries!!!!!

tahkun1989 said:
like a double deck game of blackjack with a spread of 10-60
i thought like walking away with 1000 dollars would be suspicious considering i look like a teenager (which i am not i am old enough to gamble)
i thought the pit bosses would say things "holy **** how did a snot nose runt walk away with a grand"
Wish I could worry about to many $1000 a day wins:joker:

You are concerned about something that may not even happen. If you spread $10-$60 the chances of winning a $1000 over 4 hours is not high. If you approach this kind of win it will probably mean the whole table is winning.

A big issue others have pointed out, is $60 a big bet or small where you are playing? If $60 is the biggest bet in the casino you will probably have problems before you reach a $1000 win.


If you are consistantly winning good ammounts after each hand you will be more of a suspect than say winning the same ammount as all the consistant winnings put together in one, two or three hands.


Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
If you start with $50 and walk with $500 your are just plain LUCKY no other word to describe it.
Not necessarily. Wong in at a +5 count with $50 money play, let your winnings ride, and win three hands in a row. :)

I believe (without proof) that you will actually attract less scrutiny with this method so long as you make an effort to attract a lot of attention (as a real gambler would) by celebrating your wins. You'll probably need to tip something, though.