Dagobert Duck said:
So you guys say ASM clumping is a thing. Can you guys use that knowledge to gain an edge over the house?
Hello Dagobert Duck!
Well you could, but you have to assess that the ASM at the particular table you're watching is indeed creating clumps of cards. I just don't mean here and there or naturally occurring clumps that come and go... but every shoe. At Barona... I've seen +16/-16 (I use Hi OPT II w/Aces side count) counts for hours just wiping people out until the table was empty and nobody wanted to play there anymore. You just know something isn't right. I just wait until the cards become more random slightly increasing in count either direction ... uh pref. positive but I enjoy trying out some extreme negative count plays. Gets rid of everybody at the table

If the count rapidly rises and continues to rise with only a stray 10 here and there, you'll might be betting into a low card clump and get spanked.
I flat bet a game playing perfect 2 Deck BS at Barona (Hit S17, resplit Aces and Surrender) dealing ~ 70% penetration. Not that I enjoyed it... but overall lost ~1000.00 in 4 hours flat betting $25 / hand @ ~100 hands per hour. Comes out to about %10 disadvantage. $2.50 per bet * 100/hr = $250 x 4hrs... Again most of the rounds consisted of A,2,3,4,9,10s... maybe a 5 in there sometimes... then 2,3,5,7,8s with an ace or two... 6,7s ... 10,2s... 10,9s (this is the one to really watch for).. 7,8,9s. You would see the aces fall with the small cards most of the times as well. Clumps of 10s in the area of 7 to 13 in a row on average with a 9 or 8 in there. If you arrange a double deck with these clumps.. and just cut it... you'll see how Card Counting just doesn't work at all -- totally subverts the math. In fact... if you play like the house when the deck is like this.. you'll do much better... however you'll become a victim of those asian women calling you obscene names

Remember... it don't matter if you keep switching from one to two hands... or somebody joins the game and or leaves... the idea is that it subverts BS/CC because the casino knows how most people will play. So the people behind programming the shufflers know that if the cards are clumped in a certain way, it will create poor player hands. They don't do this all the time, but doing it more often then not will significantly increase the drop. Video tape (be careful lol) these patterns the ASM creates and verify how similar the patterns are time and time again... then try this at home. Put the cards in the same order and play... you'll see how destructive it is. The order in the clump don't matter much... A,2,3,4 or 4,A,3,2... I mean sure the dealer can hit small cards and get the 6 on a 4 or 5 card 16 and bust, but you gotta think percentages.
So when the 10s clump comes out... it's usually a table push. That's just the same as taking them out of the deck... which in this case you should Wong out. Low card clumps... everyone stays on their 12 - 16... doubles get small cards... split get shits... dealer will usually pat wiping most of the players out. Now the count is high and most counters will raise their bets or spread to 2 or more hands. Neutral cards mixed with low cards are another thing to watch for.... When something is way outside the bell curve for an extended period of time, you just know something isn't right. Could also mean they took some cards out of the deck. There are some casinos that won't show the new cards on the table (if they're new lol) even if you demand to see them. Be wary of that... I would only do such a thing if I was hiding something

These are all Indian casinos in Southern California that I"m basing all this on. I can't speak for e.g., Vegas or AC.