I need tips on how I can play for income. (long post with info)

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
kingofallmen1 said:
Wow! LOL... I thought you guys would be trying to give me pointers on how to insure long-term success instead of making insulting remarks....
You can take it that way if you want, but it seems like every week there's a new guy in here with the same story who just watched 21 and has a hard on for an easy buck.

Good luck with it... you'll need it.

"Ensure long term success?" Can't be done. You can improve your odds, but at the end of the day it still all comes down to random chance.

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
Jeff Dubya said:
You can take it that way if you want, but it seems like every week there's a new guy in here with the same story who just watched 21 and has a hard on for an easy buck.

Good luck with it... you'll need it.

"Ensure long term success?" Can't be done. You can improve your odds, but at the end of the day it still all comes down to random chance.
In his defense he isnt just one of the 21 group. Hes been playing for years and said hes been ap for 1.2 i believe?
yeah a loser for 10 advantage now for only 2

Yeah, I've only been an advantage player for 2 years. Us being asked to leave after only playing our strategy for about 6 months braud-sided me. I want to be a little more prepared before hitting the tables this time. It's one thing to win, its another thing to actually be able to play.


Well-Known Member
kingofallmen1 said:
If the tc is <=-4 you should NOT double down when you have an eleven and the dealer shows a 6. I'm not going to argue about it, I'm just trying to let you know.

If the tc =>2 you should double eleven against an ace, otherwise hit it.
Pretty standard movies, depending on the count you're using.

Read Blackjack Attack by Don Schlesinger. It will probably answer a lot of questions you didn't even know you had.
maybe one not so standard.

if the tc is <=-5 and you have a hard 15 against a 3 showing, you should hit... that's the way it is if you count my way.

Will that do for vetting??


Well-Known Member
You cannot give a Basic Strategy Departure Play without giving the card "tags" for the count that you use.
That is a egregious oversight on your part.
I am assuming that you are not attacking double deck games with a Level One count. That would be laughable I M O as the "playing efficiency" of such is too low.

Personally, I use Hi-Opt II with many indices, for Double Deckers and your play of 11 vs. Ace looks reasonable IF it is a 2 deck H17 game. Indeed it is my "Risk Averse" play that I use for S17 shoe games.

Your play of 11 vs. 6 of hitting at -4 I cannot see..

I will gladly PAY you a surprisingly large sum of cash if you can demonstrate that your technique can outplay HiOpt IiI with a matrix of indices generated by "Statistical Blackjack Analyzer" or "CV Data"

You need to read "Theory of Blackjack 6th ed." and Blackjack Attack, 3rd ed." Those are the two most important BJ texts.

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
standard toaster said:
In his defense he isnt just one of the 21 group. Hes been playing for years and said hes been ap for 1.2 i believe?
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that he was. I guess that post is easily misread.

I just meant to say that skepticism is natural among the AP group here because there's a new guy with a new theory all the time.

Aside from that, I will abstain from the conversation because I am still, by all accounts, a complete ploppie.

I apologize if my post was unclear or offensive.
That is an interesting challenge

I will tell you that my strategy is playable and learnable by someone of average intelligence who is willing, has the right demeanor, and is willing to practice before going. I have used the program proficient blackjack to create indices, and many are too complicated to learn and don't deliver the results. For example, I could ad about 10 other plays into my strategy based on the count and I MIGHT gain 0.002% edge if everything plays right. If you count my way and play my way, my not-doubling against the six is mathematically a better move in double deck if the dealers h17. Dealers hitting soft 17 has become more common and easier to find on the tables

My method always beats hi-lo, but I'm not sure about hi-lo opt II. I'll look into it.


Well-Known Member
kingofallmen1 said:
Before I go to the casinos this time, I want to be a little more prepared on what to look for.
Exactly - lol. The hall mark of an advantage player lol. I think. Since I'm definitely not one lol.

Maybe you are using Hi-Lo but don't know it? (Although that double of 11 vs 6 seems weird lol.)

Whatever, I can maybe help you with interpreting the results of a sim.

I'd guess buying CVsomething, could probably handle almost whatever tags you are using, generate indexes for those tags etc.

Why be so exotic? If you actually are being lol. If you're using some wild 4 level count with 4 side counts, etc, then that would presume you know exactly what you are doing.

Is there any basic count you are using that you could share with us? Maybe it's just a linguistics problem - a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

If whatever it is you are doing is too proprietary for public consumption, PM me if you want lol.

Even better, stop wasting time, pick a simple count, Hi-Lo, KO, whatever, and just use that like everyone else lol.

It wouldn't take you but a second to adjust.

Then maybe we learn what to expect lol.

Indexes are nice, betting how much and when with how much money is much more important.

Perfect counter, perfect index player doesn't matter much if you bet crazy lol.


Well-Known Member
kingofallmen1 said:
I will tell you that my strategy is playable and learnable by someone of average intelligence ...
So, is learning what to expect from it so much harder?

If one must be a genius to figure that out, and one is not a genius, what's the point?

Since you're asking, ...............

It's simple.
How much money you got? What game can u play?

Even if assuming using that inferior Hi-Lo. Add that 0.0002% later if you want.

Not doubling an 11 vs 6? I was hoping it was a typo. Unless your -6 counts occurs once in a lifetime. How do 11 vs 2-5 and 10 vs 2-6 stack up in your count? How often do you hit them? Just seems unimaginable to me. The EOR is what it is, isn't it? I don't know lol. If no know, no do lol.
Only Hi-Lo

The hi-lo opt ii strategy with special indices for each scenario using double deck is too complicated to learn, unless you want to go to school for a year or so. There are almost 200 count-related plays on top of basic strategy to memorize based on what the dealer has up and what you hold. Is this what you are talking about??? Seriously if you have generated indices for each number and you are playing it, more power to ya. Maybe you can site the new testament to me the 1st time we meet. Lord knows I need to hear more of it! :)

I have not tested this play vs. mine. My play is actually learnable in a couple of months with decent effort. If you are playing where there are 2 or 3 possible plays on EVERYTHING dealt based on the count, then I'm sure your play is more efficient. My strategy is about 80% basic strategy fine tuned for double deck and counting along with an optomized betting strategy.

I can tell you my play is more efficient than HILO. I'll have to check into this other.


Well-Known Member
kingofallmen1 said:
The hi-lo opt ii strategy with special indices for each scenario using double deck is too complicated to learn, unless you want to go to school for a year or so. There are almost 200 count-related plays on top of basic strategy to memorize based on what the dealer has up and what you hold. Is this what you are talking about??? Seriously if you have generated indices for each number and you are playing it, more power to ya. Maybe you can site the new testament to me the 1st time we meet. Lord knows I need to hear more of it! :)

I have not tested this play vs. mine. My play is actually learnable in a couple of months with decent effort. If you are playing where there are 2 or 3 possible plays on EVERYTHING dealt based on the count, then I'm sure your play is more efficient. My strategy is about 80% basic strategy fine tuned for double deck and counting along with an optomized betting strategy.

I can tell you my play is more efficient than HILO. I'll have to check into this other.
I'm just trying to say, maybe like you are, any count could generate 200 indexes. What's the point htough - it's a min bet in - counts anyway.

And, more important than index departures, is betting.

If you have an optimized betting strategy, what more do you want to learn?
It can't be that much better with or without your indexes?

Regardless of what you do, all I can do is spout some spreads based on certain assumptions and printed sim results. If that helps in any way as a frame of reference for what you are doing.

And whatever you are doing, it's just not that likely it's going to be a huge amount "better" than most other stuff.


Well-Known Member
kingofallmen1 said:
You said many indices? Exactly how many?
Well, like in Hi-lo, if you want, you could learn 200 easy. That's probably without surrender indexes. And 2-card hit/stand or double indexes etc.

But who really gives a crap if you are supposed to hit a 17 vs 8 with a -20 TC with a min bet out lol???

I guess that's that 0.0002% you were talking about lol.

I like minutiae lol but if you want to win long-term, look at the big picture and don't worry about the fuzzy corners lol.

Did I say that or just think it :confused: :)
Yes, you said it correctly.

One of the members here posted that I was being 'vetted' as being a legit player. I was trying to show a couple of my strategy moves that I know most people don't play in order to demonstrate some legitimacy.

Anyway, I agree with your statement. Now, back to my original question. How can I stay at the tables longer? I don't mean at any given session. I mean from short session to short session or short to maybe a little longer, etc. There have been some books posted on this thread. If these books don't give me info on how to actually keep from getting kicked out, I won't read them. I'm not really interested in reading strategy books at this stage. Everybody reading this thread probably already knows how to win, and some have been doing it longer without being banned. I would LOVE to get some information on how I too can do this.


Well-Known Member
kingofallmen1 said:
One of the members here posted that I was being 'vetted' as being a legit player. ... I would LOVE to get some information on how I too can do this.
Well, sticks and stones will hurt my bones.....etc.

People in glass houses........etc.

If you don't have something nice to say.......... as my mama said lol.

Maybe if I used 72 point font in bold red and said 72 times the sun will rise in the west tomorrow would actually make people believe it's so.

Forget that nonsense.

Forgive them, for maybe they know not what they do.

Whatever, it's 52 cards or 312. They can only be arranged in so many ways. It's a closed system.

It's alot harder knowing what to expect getting out of bed in the morning.
Going to check into the books

Well, I'm going to go back through this thread and try to look at all the books mentioned and try to get them this weekend provided they have the information on how to play without being kicked out.

If not, I'll be back here pestoring you guys. Wait... I'll be back here anyway.