I usually keep a low profile...


Well-Known Member
The real mccoy

Bojack1 said:
Alright CP I was going to leave this alone, but I just couldn't. First, I wonder why an experienced AP would ever take what happens at the table personal. It makes no sense to "really" lose it at the table. You may appear to, but your emotions should never make it a real issue.

With this being said, you would probably hate me to the very core if I was playing in your casino, and sorry to say my friend, there would be absolutely nothing you could do about it. I like to think I'm a fair and kind person in reality, but sometimes to play the game it may appear different. I have played call in games for years, and I tell you it very rarely pays to ask to play while jumping in. Because even if they say no, I'm jumping in anyway. Thats even more insulting then not asking. Now I will very rarely offer playing advice, so thats not much of an issue. But there have been more times then I can count, hostile people at the table due to my jumping in with no regard, and the seemingly stupid plays I make. So what. Angry people amuse me, but they in no way influence my mood or play. Now there has never been an instance where someone has thrown down with me at the table, although many have wanted to. I definitely don't look like an easy mark, maybe that has something to do with it, or maybe its because I can be quiet and confident and let emotions die down, or the fact that I don't stick around long. I have on very rare occasions been confronted later on, but that usually works out ok. Usually when angry people confront the person that made them angry at a later time, its not too hard to make them realize they made a mistake. Either way, there has never been a case where I didn't do what I had to do at the table due to someone having it out for me.
Great attitude and good decisions, go a long way in the game of life and advantage play. One who can turn a negative situation into a positive one can accomplish anything.


Well-Known Member

I have sat at third base quite a few times and not one person said one thing because the table was killing the house. On the other hand I have sat at third base and the house killed the table. Very rarely do people say anything to me unless I'm the one getting the garbage and they are winning. They wonder how I can sit and play properlly and get my teeth kicked while they win. It's rare but it happens to all of us. I look at the person making the stupid comments and know they don't know what I know. If a no brained says something to me I blow it off. If one of you guys would say something while I was playing it would mean alot to me. I respect fellow aps where I don't really give any creedence to the regulars.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I have sat at third base quite a few times and not one person said one thing because the table was killing the house. On the other hand I have sat at third base and the house killed the table. Very rarely do people say anything to me unless I'm the one getting the garbage and they are winning. They wonder how I can sit and play properlly and get my teeth kicked while they win. It's rare but it happens to all of us. I look at the person making the stupid comments and know they don't know what I know. If a no brained says something to me I blow it off. If one of you guys would say something while I was playing it would mean alot to me. I respect fellow aps where I don't really give any creedence to the regulars.
I sat at third base last week and my first play was double A/8 against a 4. No, it wasn't a recommended play- just a wild a$$ed statement that I don't know what the heck I'm doing and could care less. The guy at first base, with his lady friend, went ballistic, so I defended my stupid play. haha He told me sarcastically, "That's why they have $15 tables [this was a $25 table]; for people like you, sir." I told him, "I'm staying right here; maybe you should find another table." He said, "I was here first." I didn't say another word and I didn't make another BS mistake, inadvertent or intended. The count went super south and I dropped out for the remainder of the shoe which was only one-quarter dealt saying the cards were cold. He remained and lost his shirt in one of the most delightful a$$ whippings I have ever seen (sorry, I am human after-all). However, in the next shoe he did appear to recover all his losses and left. A kind of mutual respect, a detente, fell over the table from that early caustic beginning to his quiet retreat at the end. I don't think there were any hard feelings. I imagine he was just happy to have saved face in front of his lady by that time. He had been down the better part of $1,500 (three $500 buy-ins) that first shoe.
I tried

aslan said:
I sat at third base last week and my first play was double A/8 against a 4. No, it wasn't a recommended play- just a wild a$$ed statement that I don't know what the heck I'm doing and could care less. The guy at first base, with his lady friend, went ballistic, so I defended my stupid play. haha He told me sarcastically, "That's why they have $15 tables [this was a $25 table]; for people like you, sir." I told him, "I'm staying right here; maybe you should find another table." He said, "I was here first." I didn't say another word and I didn't make another BS mistake, inadvertent or intended. The count went super south and I dropped out for the remainder of the shoe which was only one-quarter dealt saying the cards were cold. He remained and lost his shirt in one of the most delightful a$$ whippings I have ever seen (sorry, I am human after-all). However, in the next shoe he did appear to recover all his losses and left. A kind of mutual respect, a detente, fell over the table from that early caustic beginning to his quiet retreat at the end. I don't think there were any hard feelings. I imagine he was just happy to have saved face in front of his lady by that time. He had been down the better part of $1,500 (three $500 buy-ins) that first shoe.
Last night I tried being the nice guy, :gaga:, at the table, not saying anything when I could have, should have, thought I would be, Mr. Nice Guy, and hold my tongue, as Bojack suggested :eek:. Well, I have to say FU## that shi#!::grin:

If there is someone from this site who wants to wong my table or anything else, that is what I consider family, and I will be :cool:,,,,however any one else that gets lippy, shows any disrespect, or asks for it in any way, will sure as hell get it,,,because that is just FU##&*^ me!:gun:

I have never had such a rotten time in my life, even if I did make money.:whip::devil:



Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
I have sat at third base quite a few times and not one person said one thing because the table was killing the house. On the other hand I have sat at third base and the house killed the table. Very rarely do people say anything to me unless I'm the one getting the garbage and they are winning. They wonder how I can sit and play properlly and get my teeth kicked while they win. It's rare but it happens to all of us. I look at the person making the stupid comments and know they don't know what I know. If a no brained says something to me I blow it off. If one of you guys would say something while I was playing it would mean alot to me. I respect fellow aps where I don't really give any creedence to the regulars.
Had a recent session where I kept busting on soft 18 v 9,10,A and 12 v 2,3. Ploppies thought I must have been an idiot. Nothings more annoying when stupid people think your stupid, but funny in a way.


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
Last night I tried being the nice guy, :gaga:, at the table, not saying anything when I could have, should have, thought I would be, Mr. Nice Guy, and hold my tongue, as Bojack suggested :eek:. Well, I have to say FU## that shi#!::grin:

If there is someone from this site who wants to wong my table or anything else, that is what I consider family, and I will be :cool:,,,,however any one else that gets lippy, shows any disrespect, or asks for it in any way, will sure as hell get it,,,because that is just FU##&*^ me!:gun:

I have never had such a rotten time in my life, even if I did make money.


Well Mr P, it just doesn't seem like a very +EV move to draw attention to yourself and/or get worked up over anything that happens at the table to me. :confused: But, in your case I would say, you gotta do what you gotta do. Be yourself. It sounds like trying to change at this juncture, you could blow a gasket or pop a vessel and that would be no good for any of us. :) Since you play for enjoyment as well as profit, I don't think you should employ a style that causes you to have a rotten time. :( Let that stress out and have fun. :cool: