FLASH1296 said:
[but I am guessing that you are feeling that you are perhaps playing BJ somewhat "mechanically".
Here are a few examples of what I mean:
I switch from a S17 DD game to a H17 SD game and need to quickly recal B.S.for 12 vs. 6 and 11 vs. Ace in these games.
bjcount - I think this means BJ pros should know BS before they play a game.
I'm no pro so I don't fully understand the need to quickly recall BS for those 2 plays since the BS is the same. I'm usually just happy recalling the plays that are different
FLASH1296 said:
I recall the comprehensive basic Strategy chart in Theory of Blackjack and the more concise chart in Blackjack Attack.
bjcount - I think this means pros have to learn comprehensive nd concise BS charts so they can alternate their BS plays between the two and get out of that "mechanical" rut.
I just pick one ahead of time and play to it. It seems so simple, it doesn't even seem like "i'm thinking on my feet" or anything.
But, yeah, I confess to applying the correct BS "mechanically" after that.
FLASH1296 said:
Having sensed a bit of heat, I move from a DD game to a shoe game.I need to switch from Hi-Opt II to ZEN, which is more applicable to a shoe game.I have but a fleeting moment to "reset" my count to the correct tags and stop side-counting Aces.
bjcount - I'm not sure but I think this means BJ pros have to walk faster to create less time when switching tables to be prepared for the next game.
Maybe it means pros have so much to think about switching from DD to a shoe game, they have to think about each thing really quickly. Either way, another reason I'm no pro. I just take as much as time I need until I am 100% certain I know what I'm doing.
But I think I did learn something. I just never knew the best way to escape heat was to go count another game as quickly as you can.
FLASH1296 said:
I am playing BJ and I feel that I need to add some cover play.To do so I check my memory and I recall reading about what plays will cost very little to purposely misplay in this particular game.
bjcount - this is way over my head. It must be a nightmare when you feel the need to misplay some hands and you just sit there for a while waiting for one of them to happen. Must be tough to know when to just switch to another game when feeling heat or just misplay the game you are in.
FLASH1296 said:
I am playing at an extremely + (or -) True Count.I check my memory and am able to glimpse a chart from the appendix of Blackjack Attack where the difference in e.v. for alternate plays are shown.
bjcount - just in case you haven't yet taken the time to memorize all those 6-digit decimals, I want to warn you that the difference between the 6-digit decimals is not shown. So you'd have to subtract them or something to know how much extra they will cost you. In case you ever want to consistently misplay a hand, might as well memorize the 6-decimal frequencies too.
Another word of warning the ev's that are there do not apply anyway for extreme True counts - they are BS ev's.
FLASH1296 said:
I need to recalculate my bet-ramping in order to adapt to a major change in bankroll size.
bjcount - don't panic. For mere mortals I think this means run your sim software anytime you want.
FLASH1296 said:
I want to take advantage of a situation where i am playing solo and need to take advantage of a very advantageous True Count.I have but a few seconds to calculate how much I need to bet on three spots to keep my risk unchanged while increasing my total money in action.I recall the formula I have learned and decide to bet 2/3 of my maxbet on each spot.
bjcount - this just goes to show how even 40-year BJ counters can occasionally come across a totally unfamiliar situation like playing solo and wanting to take advantage of a good count for the first time in his career. And can be forgiven for being forced, with but a few short seconds available, to quickly miscalculate and over-bet a 3-hand spread. The next time a high-count happens when playing solo, I'm sure he'll bet properly.
And with all that other stuff a pro has to think about, which of the 3 hands he maybe should mis-play, etc, I can certainly also forgive him for not doing all that cards per round used stuff etc and spreading at all when playing solo since just playing 1 hand with a max bet would be the better thing to do to get more money on the table.
So big deal - a couple little mistakes on 1 round of Blackjack in an unfamiliar situation.
So, mistakes will happen. Prepare as best you can.
Sounds to me like you are completely prepared.
Keep a log.
Good luck.