

Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
You couldn't prove your "MAGIC" system on BJFonline,why bother to come here???

It ain't no difference between this site and Snyder's.

This is the 21st century,show me the hard Evidence or you can keep it to yourself.



Well-Known Member
Hey JSTAT I just watched part of the second video. Not only do you mess up the count, you made basic strategy mistakes. Regardless of the alleged strength of your system, if you can't use it correctly what good is it. You've got a lot to learn before you can teach.


Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
Many of my friends on MySpace and You Tube are good people. They include George Clooney, Anthony Curtis, Flash, Table Hopper, Seeker, and many others.
This is a joke, right? Some elaborate trolling attempt?

If so, I must congratulate you on a fine impersonation of the Dumbest Person on the Internet. You got me.

If not ... :laugh: ... good luck with your "system", you'll need it.


Well-Known Member
I love the idea that he's hawking a system to amatuers on myspace and youtube where you count cards and at the same time keep 3 different side counts. I'm sure first time blackjack players pick it up immediately.


Well-Known Member
itrack said:
As for your first post when you describe your subset of AA, A9 against an ace, the only reason why it has such a high insurance correlation is because it counts every single card. I am willing to bet that JSTATII is not as good of a system as Hi-Opt II, for the reason that a 9 is counted as the same value as a 5, etc. This seems odd since some counts(thorpes ultimate) count a 5 as +11 and a 9 as -3. Something seems fishy here lol.

And by the way, I sure hope that you didn't sit down with a calculator and crunch out EVERY subset of cards...this is what sims are for, and even though you have to pay for them, im sure it would be worth your time, even if your time was valued at 10 cents an hour:laugh:
In case anyone is interested, although HiLo is not capable of making perfect insurance decisions it's possible to make better insurance decisions when using HiLo by considering a hand's HiLo composition. For example, the single deck index for insuring a hand of A-A v A is about -2.36. The double deck index is about +0.55. The greater the number of decks, the less a hand's composition influences the insurance index.
(Dead link: http://www.bjstrat.net/SDHiLoIns.htm) _ Single deck HiLo composition insurance _
(Dead link: http://www.bjstrat.net/DDHiLoIns.htm) _ Double deck HiLo composition insurance _

A system that counts 2 groups, tens and non-tens is capable of making perfect insurance decisions, but by itself is weak in identifying betting advantages. If a player had the ability to side count aces, eights, and nines and was also able to use the side count info efficiently for playing and betting, then I think the system would be strong. That's a great big "if." In my opinion the added complexity makes this difficult/impractical to implement in a casino. The basic system is very easy to use for insurance but is otherwise weak without the added complexity. I have tried something similar in a casino. The best I could do was to employ what sagefr0g might call a "fuzzy side count" to try and come up with an educated guess as to the best play/bet. Other than insurance I had no confidence in it and was always wondering if my decisions added to or subtracted from my EV. I could keep the main count perfectly but found using a side count, fuzzy or otherwise, to be susceptible to mistakes. Mistakes can lead to false positives. False positives can kill you.


Bojack1 said:
Hey JSTAT I just watched part of the second video. Not only do you mess up the count, you made basic strategy mistakes. Regardless of the alleged strength of your system, if you can't use it correctly what good is it. You've got a lot to learn before you can teach.

Check out this video and you will not find a mistake in basic strategy. I won $1500 with a count of +25 with four aces more than normal when I was signaled in by the ladies. The rich deck was shuffled and the hands weren't rigged. I did not get a blackjack but as we all know that is the variance of the game. Try playing my count, you might like it.


standard toaster

Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:

Check out this video and you will not find a mistake in basic strategy. I won $1500 with a count of +25 with four aces more than normal when I was signaled in by the ladies. The rich deck was shuffled and the hands weren't rigged. I did not get a blackjack but as we all know that is the variance of the game. Try playing my count, you might like it.

I dont even know where to begin! im not going to bother re reading this and editing my response. Im not going to check for grammar errors or spelling errors..... Im going to rant because i know this will get no where.

first of all i showed this stuff to my little brother of 12 years old who can count along side me and my gf who barely knows anything and they both just looked at me as in wtf and that was that.

"the movie 21 uses an inferior count called high-low. in real life MIT won $700,000 and nearly lost it all back.
You do know they won a million in one sweekend right? Saying they won 700,000 total is non sense
The movie portrays the winnings being stolen by cole and professor rosa. Ed thorps book "beat the dealer" was shown in the movie, but never used his ten count.
First of all this is a hollywood movie that has nothing to do with real life. And they did not use the 10 count because high low is superior!
We upgraded his ten count in the video. the count is far superior to any count
all i see it beating is fuzzy count
because it predicts perfect blackjack. high low-includes aces with tens,
your count includes 2s,3s,4s,5s,6s,7s,8s and nines in a single group you think thats much better?!
therefore it is impossible to predict blackjacks and perfect insurance"

Following your statement is a 9 min video of you playing at home with your jstat count. It is focused so closely on the cards, wobbling around, it makes me sick.
For three days i have been asking you what your betting structure is and what are your indicies! I have never ever ever ever ever gotten an answer out of you. When I watch your video your betting the same single red chip the whole time, no matter if the count was +37 or +2. So im assuming you dont have one?

There are also hands where the count is something like +28 and your hitting 13s and 14s vs dealer 7 why? Wouldent you think with such a high count you would just stand on it? So im assuming you have no indicies as well. Maybe im wrong though because you do comment on one of your videos it is stupid and wrong to split 8's at a certain count. whats the reasoning behind that one?

You say you were signaled in by the ladies at a count of +25... we do not see the count get up that high and the deck could be easily set... this whole thing is pointless... the part where you buy into your own fake game at your own house with $10,000 in real hundreds is pointless and is just to show off to unknowledgable viewers and act childish like most of you tube. Just because you have a bunch of 100's means nothing. Im 21 and can go to the bank and take that out.

GenericGene: I dont think you know anything about counting - leave it at that-

Moviemakerjjcasino aka JSTAT Reply GenericGene. If you knew anything about counting, you would know me. I've been published in major blackjack magazines and communicate on blackjack web sites. Ask for moviemakerjjcasino and you will get an answer from me on Wong's or Snyder's pages
Oh come on... anyone can sign up for these sites... just because you are a member on wongs site does not mean your the man. New players join here every day that dont even know how to play basic strategy. You work was not published in major magazines you said you had one single trip report of greece published in someones magazine. It was basicly a long issue of bj21 on foreign casinos

mike300zx1108: your account seems to be a more accurate but what i dont understand from your video is that i cant see your betting pattern or style differ dependant on the count. you are just playing BJ stradegy and counting for the hell of it. so please explain how to differ style or betting pattern at what stages or i see no gain in your count. by the way how did u finish with about 20 cards left and such a high count, there mustn't have been a single ten left in the remaining cards?

Moviemakerjjcasino aka JSTAT .I had 2 decks left at the end of the shoe not 20 cards. It was a huge plus count but it had to be realistic.Sometimes all the big cards and aces don't come out on demand. The count at my entrance was +25 with 4 extra aces left. I flat bet 1k with a true count of at least +1.
Ok now even the youtubers are picking at you for these things. You dont have a betting structure. Three times I asked, one time he asked and no one ever got a reply. Your count as weak as it is may give you an advantage BUT only if you have a betting structure to go along with it as well as indicies. Your playing a basic strategy game congrats on hitting some positive variance in a fake game.

Im sorry to be an asshole but i havent gotten an aswer about any of my questions. All you do is post videos that waste my time and get me worked up about nothing. i could care less if this is the system you use but please dont keep going around the forums telling new players tro convert to this stuff. There is no mathmatical premise behind your work, there is no proof, no structure, no support just pointless videos... dont cost other people their hard earned money.
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Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:

Check out this video and you will not find a mistake in basic strategy. I won $1500 with a count of +25 with four aces more than normal when I was signaled in by the ladies. The rich deck was shuffled and the hands weren't rigged. I did not get a blackjack but as we all know that is the variance of the game. Try playing my count, you might like it.

I checked this one out before. It starts off with total inaccurate facts about the MIT team. There was more than one team by the way. And then you go on to flat bet your way through the shoe regardless of the count. Thats not a very effecient way of playing. And so what if you win $1500 flatbetting $1000 a hand for one shoe. If you think this is a testament to your system you are as funny as your videos. I won't be trying your count anytime soon, maybe you should let me teach you some methods for a few days and then see what you think about your count. I've come across a lot of "experts" like you over the years. Funny thing though, after playing with them, it seems it was all just a matter of interpretation.


Well-Known Member
LOL. I love seeing this clown / scam artist get what he deserves. It amazes me that he still clings to his fantasy after being so throughly pwned.


Bojack1 said:
I checked this one out before. It starts off with total inaccurate facts about the MIT team. There was more than one team by the way. And then you go on to flat bet your way through the shoe regardless of the count. Thats not a very effecient way of playing. And so what if you win $1500 flatbetting $1000 a hand for one shoe. If you think this is a testament to your system you are as funny as your videos. I won't be trying your count anytime soon, maybe you should let me teach you some methods for a few days and then see what you think about your count. I've come across a lot of "experts" like you over the years. Funny thing though, after playing with them, it seems it was all just a matter of interpretation.
I am using the History Channel's "Breaking Vegas" as my source. MIT's Strategic Investments was up $800,000 and lost it all back according to the real team leader. He attributed bad luck for the team's demise. You also said I didn't know basic strategy. Did you find one mistake in this video? I was flat betting because the true count was above +1 and more aces were left. If you are challenging me to a blackjack duel Bojack, I accept. As they say "money talks, BS walks ". Let's play DD at Bellagio and I'll flat bet with an advantage while you play your method. We'll play for twelve hours straight and see who is ahead. I just need someone I trust to vouch for you in case you are a casino agent.

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Well-Known Member
Bojack1 said:
I checked this one out before. It starts off with total inaccurate facts about the MIT team. There was more than one team by the way.
No, there was only one team and it had Kate Bosworth on it. I saw it on YouTube. Why don't you check out his Myspace for details? :laugh:


Well-Known Member
I watched 1/2 of the video.

Is JSTAT claiming that that video was taken in a casino ?

How can he claim to be an advantage player - flat betting ?

The dealer was very amateurish, not even properly
separate the cards when JSTAT split a pair.

I do not know of any casino that will permit someone to bet
$1,000 per hand and assign a "break-in dealer" to that table.


FLASH1296 said:
I watched 1/2 of the video.

Is JSTAT claiming that that video was taken in a casino ?

How can he claim to be an advantage player - flat betting ?

The dealer was very amateurish, not even properly
separate the cards when JSTAT split a pair.

I do not know of any casino that will permit someone to bet
$1,000 per hand and assign a "break-in dealer" to that table.
The video was taken in my family room. We had a blackjack layout and spread
it across the coffee table. I was flat betting because the count was +25 with four extra aces left. My nephew who is a teenager was the dealer. He's never been in a casino. He made mistakes but I corrected them during the shoot. The video was fun to do on a summer day and more realistic than the movie "21"


johndoe said:
LOL. I love seeing this clown / scam artist get what he deserves. It amazes me that he still clings to his fantasy after being so throughly pwned.
Thanks for your mature contribution to this thread.



Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
My nephew who is a teenager was the dealer. He's never been in a casino. He made mistakes but I corrected them during the shoot. The video was fun to do on a summer day and more realistic than the movie "21"
So you put the first take up on YouTube as a demonstration of how great your system is? :laugh:


callipygian said:
So you put the first take up on YouTube as a demonstration of how great your system is? :laugh:
This video shows the love I have for my family. The teens wanted to do this video and I complied. Try my count out and give it a chance. My next video will knock your shoes off.



Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
This video shows the love I have for my family. The teens wanted to do this video and I complied. Try my count out and give it a chance.
Your feeble attempt at garnering sympathy by invoking your children does not faze me. If you actually have any children (I'm not convinced you do), I'm practically doing them a favor by encouraging their father into a better line of work than his current job.


standard toaster

Well-Known Member
JSTAT said:
I am using the History Channel's "Breaking Vegas" as my source. MIT's Strategic Investments was up $800,000 and lost it all back according to the real team leader. He attributed bad luck for the team's demise. You also said I didn't know basic strategy. Did you find one mistake in this video? I was flat betting because the true count was above +1 and more aces were left. If you are challenging me to a blackjack duel Bojack, I accept. As they say "money talks, BS walks ". Let's play DD at Bellagio and I'll flat bet with an advantage while you play your method. We'll play for twelve hours straight and see who is ahead. I just need someone I trust to vouch for you in case you are a casino agent.

JSTAT you do not have an advantage. Unless you are using some type of spread your just playing basic strategy! Simply knowing the count will not make you money.

i will challenge you to a bj duel any time... for god sake realize your not playing a strong/advantage game. Money talks and bs walks... you are playing bs in the two meanings of the acronym.

Now for the last time i ask for you to tell me your indicies and propper bet spread. You tell me and all others to try out your system but you never told me how to use it properly...

unless you can start answering questions im going to request this thread to be closed. As much as i enjoy bashing you this has been going on for to long

JSTAT said:
Try my count out and give it a chance. My next video will knock your shoes off.

and yes your count would knock my shoes off... i would owe so much money id be trying to shove my nikes down the money slot
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Well-Known Member
There were numerous M I T BJ teams over many years.

The books and videos are full of distortions and hyperbole.