JSTAT video
I watched (one) of the official JSTAT videos and was somewhat less than totally impressed to say the least. The oddities or discrepancies have already been talked about. One thing that is to be said about anyone pushing any "system" is that if a given system is so truly successful then why the heck are you blurting out your secrets to the public at large to blow your "cash cow" right out of the water?
At least that's the way I have always looked at it! In a conversation I was having with Flash once pertaining to exactly what I do and how I do it (which he is one of the few that understands the parameters of it), I talked of the difficulty in teaching my system (which is nothing more than a derivative of "the tried and proven" anyway that is catered to my mathematical perspective), the risk as far as being identified somehow and the main point which is "Why the heck am I going to do anything that could jeopardize myself with regard to this time-tested tried and proven thing that is currently effective that I have been working on for 20 plus years and take some chance that it could all be rendered obsolete". The "loose lips sinks ships" theory from WW2; Why does one make something available to just anyone and everyone that is your "secret edge", since this puts you at risk for making these "amazing secrets" no longer to your advantage? Arnold Snyder talks at length about people that advocate and push "systems" out there and how they make more selling their system than they make using it.
An interesting case in point is "Cipher" and his amazing Cipher system that I talked about at length in a few posts. This one I DID pick apart a bit but it was all so off the wall and ridiculous that I did it merely for amusement's sake. This was bona fide scam all the way and it didn't take an expert to figure that out.
If I dreamed up some whacky, stupid, simplistic thing and made a website about it, charged a fee, promised to make everyone that uses my amazing system millionaires, got some testimonials out there like on those infomercials where your average dumb Joe from Newark, NJ says, "It so easy an' it as simple as stumblin' out to da mailbox to put up da CHECK! There I was, jus' a dummie that only made barely enough to survive but NOW look at me--- I's got dis here mansion in Hawaii!" Russ Dalbey would be proud of me and I'm SURE I'd get some "takers" along the way. I am not saying JSTAT's system is total garbage, nor am I advocating it in any way because I haven't looked at it close enough but at a glance...
My question is not a matter of validity but a matter of WHY? Is it notariety? If your amazing system is so good, they why do you make it available to the general public (to include casino goons that troll these sites) and make it obsolete for YOU to make any money from it??? Hmmmm....