Just got off the AC treadmill


Well-Known Member
Hanging around here too much...

aslan said:
I'm not Asian, but I am Aslan.
I was recently reading an article online that contained the word "Asian", which I automatically converted to "Aslan" in my head. :laugh:

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
Do yourself a favour and get yourself on the self exclusion list of all the AC casinos. As for asking Ken to bar you from this forum you can email him directly.


Well-Known Member
Mr. T said:
Do yourself a favour and get yourself on the self exclusion list of all the AC casinos. As for asking Ken to bar you from this forum you can email him directly.
Flattery will get you nowhere. :laugh:

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Two headed dragon

aslan said:
Mt rooms are free. My gambling buddy pays $40 for gas. Tolls are slightly discounted using EZPass. However, I love Reno. I can get discount rooms through a friend at the Golden Nugget (I think it cost me $75 for oneday with the second day free, and my buddy splitting the cost with me, last time I went). The fare was $250, SWA, like you said. One problem was getting around in Reno. Casinos are spread apart. How do you handle this problem?
BTW, thanks for the comments, Bob. I appreciate it
My point, dear Sir was to point out one of the two problems which I believe face you. The first is technical, which has already been very nicely handled by our esteemed colleagues here on the forum i.e., playing to your BR, spreads, steaming, advantage hunting. My emphasis was directed on perhaps a subconscious/ focus level. That is it seems that you tire yourself, sometimes unjustifiably by just sitting down for hours at a mediocre table and "taking your punishment" I don't get to AC very often (Deo gratias!) for several reasons and one of those is the hassle of playing shoe games effectively. There is a lot of patience and footwork involved. Way too much for my taste. It appears that you have the same focus level that I have, thus the suggestion to head West and play at a quicker pace for the same cost of travel. I also assumed that either both venues provided comped rooms or neither did, since there are several Reno casinos that belong to the big corporate groups viz. Harrah's and Circus etc.
As far as the getting around problem-There are three casinos that are actually connected, El Dorado, Legacy and Circus. Fitz's is 50' out the south door from E.D.Cal-Neva , Siena and Harrah's are within walking distance. One can hop the Va. St. bus right out front and get to The Peppermill and Atlantis within 5-10 min. for under $1.50. I do however, suggest to rent a car for the day/ week to take advantage of all the other great SD games within 15 mins. of downtown, i.e. Boomtown, Alamo Truck Stop, Rail City, Silver Club and Ascuaga's in Sparks.
And finally, as to your relaxation problem (notice I'm not charging you for clinic time here:grin: ). Get a fix on your biological clock. I, for one cannot count accurately after 11:00 P.M. so I plan my last hourly session at 10:00 P.M. and have a few beers while doing so, since 2 brewskis are also my alcohol limit for perfect counting. There are many on this board who can keep level 2 counts in their head while plastered on their ass and go until 3/4:00 A.M. and that's great. It's all individual! My suggestion is not to play more than 2 hrs.BJ the day you get off the plane (jet lag) and just chill at a boring game-Pai Gow, Keno for the evening and then have a couple at the bar, go up to your room and call down for a Swedish massagonist. How relaxing!:whip:


Well-Known Member
I usually travel to Vegas on Mondays,getting in around 3:30. Check into my room,have a bite to eat and head to Sams Town for MNF. Its quite an experiance. They show it in the arena on a huge TV with a few hundred fans watching.
About two years ago,I realized I was getting hammered playing BJ my first night and I'd spend several days playing catchup.Now I start fresh Tuesday morning and its done wonders for my overall trip.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
I usually travel to Vegas on Mondays,getting in around 3:30. Check into my room,have a bite to eat and head to Sams Town for MNF. Its quite an experiance. They show it in the arena on a huge TV with a few hundred fans watching.
About two years ago,I realized I was getting hammered playing BJ my first night and I'd spend several days playing catchup.Now I start fresh Tuesday morning and its done wonders for my overall trip.
You got the ticket, Shad. Amen Bro!
aslan said:
Thanks for your comments. I was just posting Bojack about the mental incapacity factor in sleep deprivation. And it sneaks up on you unawares. I agree one hundred percent with everything you said. I bared my soul regarding this trip because I need outside eyes to confirm my bad decisionmaking and poor play. I am actually going to sit down and write out a game plan on paper for my visit next week. I will make a list things I "will" do. One of them will be to search AC for good games. I already have leads. Next, I will take "every" opportunity to wong in and out of games. No exceptions. I have tried to do it my way, justifying it with a desire for longevity, only to find out that your way, and the other AP's ways, are right, and that every exception I have made for myself was only a delusion. I've been making private judgements that I now realize I don't have the right to make at my novice level of experience. G-- d--- it! I'm p*ssed off at myself! One thing that is intolerable is stupidity. If I ever have to report back here that Whoops I did it again, I want Ken to ban me from the forum. I'm not joking.
That's the spirit. Here's a trick about longevity- in shoe games the best think you can do to increase your longevity is play aggressively. Wonging keeps you moving! Heat is not really an issue in AC, but let's say it was. I'm running around the pits at Resorts, from one cam to another, placing a couple of bets then moving down the line. The only way surveillance would know if I'm Wonging into good counts is if he was counting the table where I wasn't even playing all along, and even if he were, by the time he gets any idea I might be AP I'm now over at Trump Plaza and he goes back to looking down girls' blouses. In terms of advantage that is very aggressive play, but it's also impossible to analyze unless they hired a professional counter catcher to follow me full-time around town. You too can play like this, if you get yourself in the mindset of thinking of EV as like money in the bank, and reliance on luck as being something for the deluded.

Here's another trick about AC backcounting. Suppose you are walking around the pit and you see a crateload of low cards dealt out on the table, but there's already been a deck dealt from the shoe and in the discards. No problem. Cards that are dealt but you haven't seen behave exactly like cards behind the cut card. So you're going to sit down and play (if you have the advantage at this point) but remember when you do your TC conversion to add that deck you didn't see dealt to the cards remaining in the shoe. So if the RC is +12, and there are 2 decks left in the shoe, the TC isn't +6, it's only +4 because you have to include that first deck you didn't see, but you still have a big advantage at +4 and you're going to bet. One more reason why a balanced count is best for this kind of play.


aslan said:
This last trip started at the Borgata. The pen was atrocious. 2 1/2 decks and more. Probably not beatable by counting alone--better get your rabbit's foot out. I played seventeen hours and came up a measly $350 ahead. What a grind. Wong all you want, with poor pen you have a better chance with craps or other table games, because when you do find a good count, it will generally only last nanoseconds. But I did manage to stay ahead because I remembered advice on the forum that you need to spread really high to beat these AC games. So even with 20X and 25X spreads in this $5 min game, I only managed a $350 win. I'll never play this game again.
Why was he playing in this game and for so many hours? Straight counting? Faith in God?
How did he pick this casino? Only game in town? Divine inspiration? How did this even happen?

I honestly thought that he knew enough about straight counting to recognize an unplayable game. zg
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Well-Known Member
aslan said:
I am actually going to sit down and write out a game plan on paper for my visit next week.
Should u care to share it with people here, you may get some good advice.

And if it's only one game plan, better play only that game lol.


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
Here's something I'd like to get some commet on. I have a hard time getting any sleep in my room. It's bad enough at home, where I wake up every three or four hours and have to force myself to sleep. In the casino, I wake up even more frequently. I guess it is the atmosphere they try to drum up to keep people gambling. I guess I just have to keep forcing myself to go back to sleep like I do at home. I brough sleeping pills, AdvilPM, but forgot to take one until I woke up a couple of times. Then it was too late or I would have been groggy all day. Anyone else have this problem?
Give up the coffee and the Red Bull for starters. Don't take sleeping pills or AdvilPM - the stuff in them has after-effects and can leave you groggy when you wake up. You need to learn to calm down. The casinos have sucked you in to their circus atmosphere and you're too worked-up over playing, as evidenced by your marathon sessions. Sit down and write out your new strategy about finding good games and wonging in and out at the proper times. I want you to write on the blackboard 100 times "I will play only when I have an advantage and have the mental capacity to find it!" All the running around from table to table will hopefully tire you out a bit more and you'll be able to sleep.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Why was he playing in this game and for so many hours? Straight counting? Faith in God?
How did he pick this casino? Only game in town? Divine inspiration? How did this even happen?

I honestly thought that he knew enough about straight counting to recognize an unplayable game. zg
He probably comes off a lot smarter than he really is. He would probably tell you that he was at that casino because he had comp rooms there. (which he will probably end up paying for in spades with his poor gaming choices). Then he would probably say that at $5 he felt he could bide his time for some looser pen--it occurred last trip--and some early positive counts (he doesn't believe you can foretell future cards without counting, but he thinks he can foretell future pen based on previous experience--lol). At the same time, he probably didn't figure in the time lost in which he could have been scouting other casinos for some really good games. I think we've beat him over the brow enough that he will either heed more rational advice or be damned, although as a professional I would tend to dissociate myself from him in the meantime. You can't make a professional over night, and this guy could go either way with his lazy thinking and cavalier approach to the game.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Should u care to share it with people here, you may get some good advice.

And if it's only one game plan, better play only that game lol.
I meant game plan in the broader sense. For example, the first thing I might put in my plan (other than apply for self-exclusion as suggested by Mr. T) is to spend time my first day scouting AC casinos for good games.


Well-Known Member
bj bob said:
My point, dear Sir was to point out one of the two problems which I believe face you. The first is technical, which has already been very nicely handled by our esteemed colleagues here on the forum i.e., playing to your BR, spreads, steaming, advantage hunting. My emphasis was directed on perhaps a subconscious/ focus level. That is it seems that you tire yourself, sometimes unjustifiably by just sitting down for hours at a mediocre table and "taking your punishment" I don't get to AC very often (Deo gratias!) for several reasons and one of those is the hassle of playing shoe games effectively. There is a lot of patience and footwork involved. Way too much for my taste. It appears that you have the same focus level that I have, thus the suggestion to head West and play at a quicker pace for the same cost of travel. I also assumed that either both venues provided comped rooms or neither did, since there are several Reno casinos that belong to the big corporate groups viz. Harrah's and Circus etc.
As far as the getting around problem-There are three casinos that are actually connected, El Dorado, Legacy and Circus. Fitz's is 50' out the south door from E.D.Cal-Neva , Siena and Harrah's are within walking distance. One can hop the Va. St. bus right out front and get to The Peppermill and Atlantis within 5-10 min. for under $1.50. I do however, suggest to rent a car for the day/ week to take advantage of all the other great SD games within 15 mins. of downtown, i.e. Boomtown, Alamo Truck Stop, Rail City, Silver Club and Ascuaga's in Sparks.
And finally, as to your relaxation problem (notice I'm not charging you for clinic time here:grin: ). Get a fix on your biological clock. I, for one cannot count accurately after 11:00 P.M. so I plan my last hourly session at 10:00 P.M. and have a few beers while doing so, since 2 brewskis are also my alcohol limit for perfect counting. There are many on this board who can keep level 2 counts in their head while plastered on their ass and go until 3/4:00 A.M. and that's great. It's all individual! My suggestion is not to play more than 2 hrs.BJ the day you get off the plane (jet lag) and just chill at a boring game-Pai Gow, Keno for the evening and then have a couple at the bar, go up to your room and call down for a Swedish massagonist. How relaxing!:whip:
My dear Bob, being familiar with only one hotel in Reno (Nugget), I had no clue what your unspoken intentions were. I was wondering why you included rooms in your cost analysis when they are presumed free. My impression of Reno was that casinos were spread widely apart and would require a car rental (added expense not in your analysis). Where I was staying, I didn't see any really good games (maybe due to my inexperience). I think single deck was 6 to 5. I played poker one night, and blackjack the next day with some success my first time counting. Also, the jet lag is far more tiring for me than the three hour drive to AC. One hour drive to BWI, two hours at the airport, five hours in the air, another hour at the airport, and finally you're at the hotel with a three hour time difference--a nine hour day already spent and it's time for bed even though it's early still in Nevada. Not my idea of a fun trip so far. But my ears perked up hearing from you that some casinos are actually within walking distance. Also, it would be worth a week-long trip if there are good games all over town as you say--it would certainly justify the car rental and it would give me time to scout the games. I have come to appreciate double deck from my recent trip to Las Vegas. I have no experience with single deck, but apparently that is the way to go according to the old pros here in the forum. What are the SD rules? Are there good DD games as well? In Vegas all I saw in SD were 6 to 5 games and in DD you had to know where to look because of all the rule variations.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
I usually travel to Vegas on Mondays,getting in around 3:30. Check into my room,have a bite to eat and head to Sams Town for MNF. Its quite an experiance. They show it in the arena on a huge TV with a few hundred fans watching.
About two years ago,I realized I was getting hammered playing BJ my first night and I'd spend several days playing catchup.Now I start fresh Tuesday morning and its done wonders for my overall trip.
MNF--what is it?

Do you rent a car or use other means of transportation in Vegas?


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Give up the coffee and the Red Bull for starters. Don't take sleeping pills or AdvilPM - the stuff in them has after-effects and can leave you groggy when you wake up. You need to learn to calm down. The casinos have sucked you in to their circus atmosphere and you're too worked-up over playing, as evidenced by your marathon sessions. Sit down and write out your new strategy about finding good games and wonging in and out at the proper times. I want you to write on the blackboard 100 times "I will play only when I have an advantage and have the mental capacity to find it!" All the running around from table to table will hopefully tire you out a bit more and you'll be able to sleep.
Thanks, 21. Good advice. Maybe a two hour limit per session would help break the marathon habit. The game will still be there when I get back.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
That's the spirit. Here's a trick about longevity- in shoe games the best think you can do to increase your longevity is play aggressively. Wonging keeps you moving! Heat is not really an issue in AC, but let's say it was. I'm running around the pits at Resorts, from one cam to another, placing a couple of bets then moving down the line. The only way surveillance would know if I'm Wonging into good counts is if he was counting the table where I wasn't even playing all along, and even if he were, by the time he gets any idea I might be AP I'm now over at Trump Plaza and he goes back to looking down girls' blouses. In terms of advantage that is very aggressive play, but it's also impossible to analyze unless they hired a professional counter catcher to follow me full-time around town. You too can play like this, if you get yourself in the mindset of thinking of EV as like money in the bank, and reliance on luck as being something for the deluded.

Here's another trick about AC backcounting. Suppose you are walking around the pit and you see a crateload of low cards dealt out on the table, but there's already been a deck dealt from the shoe and in the discards. No problem. Cards that are dealt but you haven't seen behave exactly like cards behind the cut card. So you're going to sit down and play (if you have the advantage at this point) but remember when you do your TC conversion to add that deck you didn't see dealt to the cards remaining in the shoe. So if the RC is +12, and there are 2 decks left in the shoe, the TC isn't +6, it's only +4 because you have to include that first deck you didn't see, but you still have a big advantage at +4 and you're going to bet. One more reason why a balanced count is best for this kind of play.
Both points are well taken. I will put both into play on my next trip. I'll have to bone up on the KO to TC before the trip.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
aslan said:
I have come to appreciate double deck from my recent trip to Las Vegas. I have no experience with single deck, but apparently that is the way to go according to the old pros here in the forum. What are the SD rules? Are there good DD games as well? In Vegas all I saw in SD were 6 to 5 games and in DD you had to know where to look because of all the rule variations.
There are enough 3:2, DOA, H-17 SD games around town to keep you salivating. Nice DD games also, a few with DAS. The main difference between SD, DD and shoes is you have to watch your spreads and be aware of heat. Believe me, you won't have to backcount very long anywhere.


I wonder if their are any gamblers on this board or do they play everthing to the book? Everthing gambler in his lifetime has done something like this when the odds are stacked up against them. I would say 99.9% of this board has done something similiar whether it other forms of casino gambling or sports betting. Lets not forget about the biggest CASINO in the world the NYSE! They call it investing but I call it a legal liscense to steal you money! So cut Asian a break we all have been there and done that. Right? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. John 8:7 :laugh:
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shadroch said:
I usually travel to Vegas on Mondays,getting in around 3:30. Check into my room,have a bite to eat and head to Sams Town for MNF. Its quite an experiance. They show it in the arena on a huge TV with a few hundred fans watching.
About two years ago,I realized I was getting hammered playing BJ my first night and I'd spend several days playing catchup.Now I start fresh Tuesday morning and its done wonders for my overall trip.
I'm headed there soon and will follow this tip.